coordination #49244
closedYaST Command Line Options TRACKER
Added by pcervinka almost 6 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.
Create new EXTRATEST group for yast command line options.
Start with verification of yast itself:
- yast -h
- list available module using yast
Create regression test for each module in subtasks.
Updated by pcervinka almost 6 years ago
- Target version set to QAM tests - future
Updated by riafarov almost 6 years ago
Just a small comment, there are quite some parts already implemented, and would be beneficial to reuse those + extended part. Here is the list:
Note that qt/gtk version behaves exactly in same way as ncurses, 99% of the time shortcuts also match, so no sense to test functional part in both UIs.
Updated by pcervinka almost 6 years ago
@riafarov this activity is about testing of command line use of yast modules, not about ncurses/gui versions.
Updated by pcervinka almost 6 years ago
Added @vpelcak. @rodion if you think that we have some overlap/concurrent work, please align with Vit(test product owner) to avoid any confusions.
Updated by vpelcak almost 6 years ago
Example of yast lan cli tests I implemented.
To show what we mean by these tests.
Updated by riafarov almost 6 years ago
vpelcak wrote:
Example of yast lan cli tests I implemented.
To show what we mean by these tests.
Ah, now I got it. I'm not aware of anything like this, so we are safe. But I would recommend to talk to YaST team, as they might have some tests already, which can be simply triggered in openQA. AFAIR, they had some cli integration tests.
Thanks for the explanation!
Updated by vpelcak almost 6 years ago
YaST team just confirmed that the test coverage from their side is minimal and we can proceed.
Updated by mloviska almost 6 years ago
Most of yast2 modules have some TAP bash scripts included testing CLI.
For instance network module:
Updated by mloviska almost 6 years ago
OpenQA test module & TAP execution:
Updated by pcervinka almost 6 years ago
This is really bad approach to run upstream test within openQA by using rpmbuild. If it is enabled during the build in obs, it is not needed to be done again in openQA(in the same way).
It runs tests for yast lan module only and other yast modules are not covered.
Updated by mloviska almost 6 years ago
pcervinka wrote:
This is really bad approach to run upstream test within openQA by using rpmbuild. If it is enabled during the build in obs, it is not needed to be done again in openQA(in the same way).
It runs tests for yast lan module only and other yast modules are not covered.
Checking the code. I can see that rpmbuild is executed with option -bp.
-bp Executes the "%prep" stage from the spec file. Normally this in-
volves unpacking the sources and applying any patches.
Therefore from the network package, it would particularly execute only this part.
%setup -n %{name}-%{version}
Thus, we can omit the rpmbuild call if it is the only problem what we can see. TAP tests are directly invoked using prove
TAP tests are not executed in OBS, AFAIK they are executed in openQA, or end users can run them on their own.
Updated by pstivanin almost 6 years ago
- Due date changed from 2019-05-10 to 2019-05-24
due to changes in a related task
Updated by pstivanin over 5 years ago
- Due date changed from 2019-05-24 to 2019-05-13
due to changes in a related task
Updated by simonlm over 5 years ago
- Due date changed from 2019-05-10 to 2019-05-27
due to changes in a related task
Updated by pstivanin over 5 years ago
- Due date changed from 2019-05-10 to 2019-06-10
due to changes in a related task
Updated by pstivanin over 5 years ago
- Due date changed from 2019-06-10 to 2019-05-27
due to changes in a related task
Updated by vpelcak over 5 years ago
- Subject changed from [qam] YaST Command Line Options to [qam][high] YaST Command Line Options
Updated by vpelcak over 5 years ago
- Subject changed from [qam][high] YaST Command Line Options to [qam][feature] YaST Command Line Options
Updated by brhavel about 5 years ago
- Subject changed from [qam][feature] YaST Command Line Options to [qam] YaST Command Line Options TRACKER
Updated by tjyrinki_suse almost 5 years ago
- Due date set to 2019-09-02
due to changes in a related task
Updated by tjyrinki_suse about 4 years ago
- Project changed from 119 to qe-yam
- Target version deleted (
QAM tests - future)
Updated by riafarov about 4 years ago
- Subject changed from [qam] YaST Command Line Options TRACKER to YaST Command Line Options TRACKER
- Status changed from Workable to New
- Target version set to future
@tjyrinki_suse COuld you please set status of the ticket to New when adding items to qe-yast backlog? We didn't refine those tickets, so they are not workable when just moved and should not be worked on before it happens.
When status is set to workable, they appear in the kanban board, which is wrong. Thanks!
Updated by riafarov almost 4 years ago
- Tracker changed from action to coordination
Updated by JERiveraMoya over 2 years ago
- Tags set to YaST
Not planning to extend test coverage for yast modules. We are more focused in other areas in the next year.