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# Project Subject Status Assignee Target version Due date Related issues
179650 openQA Tests (public) test fails in openssl_fips_dhparam: sha1 no longer permitted New Actions
179647 openQA Tests (public) [core] Inconsistent repo contents on different %REPO_MIRROR_HOST% servers break tests New QA (public) - future Actions
179629 openQA Infrastructure (public) [alert] Root partition on OSD was almost completely full In Progress mkittler openQA Project (public) - Ready Actions
179611 openQA Tests (public) test fails in WSL/distro_install New Actions
179590 openQA Project (public) Ensure our documentation covers where config files are read from New QA (public) - future Actions
179581 Containers and images test fails in host_config New Actions
179575 openQA Project (public) "git fetch origin/master" can take very long as it is called unconditionally and without "--depth" New QA (public) - future Copied from #179512 Actions
179572 openQA Project (public) [epic] Improved test reviewer user experience - job dependencies and status New QA (public) - future Actions
179569 Containers and images Extend rootless docker test to SLES New Actions
179566 Containers and images [Containers] Remove redundant test runs from container schedule Workable Actions
179563 openQA Project (public) Provide a reason when tests end up in the skipped state New QA (public) - future Copied from #179545 Actions
179557 Containers and images test fails in podman_quadlet In Progress ph03nix Related to #178381 Actions
179554 openQA Tests (public) [qe-core][sle16] Adjust the Agama boot option settings based on New QA (public) - QE-Core: Ready Actions
179524 qe-yam Improve automatic profile generation error logging in OpenQA New Actions
179515 QA (public) Properly tested and testable application to checkout last signed commit signed by trusted developers New QA (public) - future Actions
179509 openQA Infrastructure (public) bot-ng tries to lookup empty user-id New QA (public) - Tools - Next Copied from #179503 Actions
179485 openQA Infrastructure (public) Document self-service workflow for setup of new machines Feedback okurz openQA Project (public) - Ready 2025-04-09 Copied from #179380 Actions
179470 openQA Tests (public) test fails in bats-user-remote_tap In Progress rbranco Actions
179464 openSUSE admin Signup to OBS New Actions
179449 Containers and images [Containers] Change kubernetes-client for 15-SP6 In Progress rbranco Actions
179425 openQA Project (public) Fix reading files from /etc/openqa/openqa.ini.d/ size:S Feedback mkittler openQA Project (public) - Ready Blocks #177276 Actions
179410 qe-yam Add unattended installation with TPM FDE Workable Actions
179404 openQA Project (public) [sporadic] svirt s390x tests sometimes time out while syncing assets auto_review:"LIBSSH2_ERROR_TIMEOUT[\s\S]*rsync":retry New QA (public) - future Copied from #178324 Actions
179395 openQA Project (public) [beginner] »Can't call method "taskname" on an undefined value at template test/infopanel.html.ep line 49.« size:S Feedback gpuliti openQA Project (public) - Ready Actions
179389 openQA Infrastructure (public) [openQA][ipxe][sut] scooter-1 and bare-metal6 can not find media with ipxe boot size:S Blocked okurz openQA Project (public) - Ready Actions
(1-25/2814) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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