coordination #129280
closedcoordination #121720: [saga][epic] Migration to QE setup in PRG2+NUE3 while ensuring availability
[epic] Move from SUSE NUE1 (Maxtorhof) to new NBG Datacenters
SUSE NUE1 is being evacuated so we need to ensure our services are provided from other places and that NUE1 has been evacuated by us.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: NUE1 (Maxtorhof) is not relied upon by SUSE QE Tools anymore and has been evacuated by us
- "To-be-decommissioned" machines obviously should not be moved to a new datacenter
- Consider decommissioning some more machines in the process, e.g. "qanet" which should be replaced by Eng-Infra maintained DHCP+DNS same as we have in PRG1, PRG2, NUE2 (e.g. FC Basement) and also qanet does not have proper remote management capabilities
- Some machines might be better moved to FC Basement rather than new NBG Datacenter
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from Move from SUSE NUE1 to new NBG Datacenter to [epic] Move from SUSE NUE1 to new NBG Datacenter
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from [epic] Move from SUSE NUE1 to new NBG Datacenter to [epic] Move from SUSE NUE1 (Maxtorhof) to new NBG Datacenter
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Target version changed from Ready to future
- Parent task changed from #115280 to #130955
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from [epic] Move from SUSE NUE1 (Maxtorhof) to new NBG Datacenter to [epic] Move from SUSE NUE1 (Maxtorhof) to new NBG Datacenters
- Description updated (diff)
- Parent task changed from #130955 to #121720
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
(Oliver Kurz) @Hannes Reinecke @Michael Haefner similar to the above As follow-up to the DCT weekly project progress meeting in particular regarding "Move to PRG2/PRG2e" from there are as of now 22 devices needing to be moved. Please advise 4. what is expected from LSG-QE, 5. until when and 6. If LSG-QE is needed to disassemble machines, how to get access to NUE1-SRV1 for the two machines on the referenced list that are in SRV1. If I don't hear any update or task assignment to us then I will be optimistic and assume that someone takes care of all those points and eventually the hardware will be remotely manageable from PRG2+PRG2e :slightly_smiling_face:
Updated by okurz about 1 year ago
- Copied to coordination #153685: [epic] Move from SUSE NUE1 (Maxtorhof) to PRG2e added