


  • Login: livdywan
  • Email:
  • Role: Developer
  • Connect profile: livdywan
  • Registered on: 2019-01-25
  • Last sign in: 2019-01-25


open closed Total
Assigned issues 4 197 201
Reported issues 105 315 420


Project Roles Registered on
openSUSE admin Developer, private ticket access 2020-02-07
Provo Developer, private ticket access 2020-02-07
QA Developer 2019-01-25
openQA Project Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2019-01-25
openQA Infrastructure Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2019-01-25
openQA Tests Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2019-01-25
ALP Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2022-06-14
Containers Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2021-03-08
openQA auto review Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2022-05-04
qe-yam Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2020-10-02



16:07 QA action #159660: Consider why some picked up tickets take a long time to resolve size:S
livdywan wrote in #note-9:
> > * **AC1:** Some recent long tickets have been discussed with the team
> I would ...
16:03 openQA Project action #162902 (New): Slack webhook used by backlogger no longer works
## Observation
Slackbot started sending me messages like this:
**A workflow you built started, but there was a pr...
13:53 openQA Infrastructure action #162272: [qe-tools][RPi3] test fails in prepare_firstboot - use retries with exponential back-off in os-autoinst size:S
> * Consider using a higher value than 5 for the specific test scenario or machine related to RPi
12:58 openQA Tests action #162239: [s390x] test fails in bootloader_start due to slow response from z/VM hypervisor and/or changed response on "cp i cms" command
okurz wrote in #note-9:
> Awaiting further feedback or ideas from domain experts. Also in the meantime we could cont...
12:56 openQA Project action #157972: Upgrade o3 workers to openSUSE Leap 15.6
Moving this to the backlog because it's blocking #162239 which is already on the backlog - alternatively ofc you can ... livdywan
12:55 openQA Tests action #162101: [s390x] timeouts on s390x openQA Workers size:M
Are you planning to do more here? Asking as this ticket is due tomorrow. livdywan
12:53 openQA Infrastructure action #162332 (Workable): 2024-06-15 osd not accessible size:M
okurz wrote in #note-21:
> #162362
The blocker was resolved.
12:51 openQA Project action #161771: Create and maintain up to date version of test distri/needles for webui - take 2 size:M
mkittler wrote in #note-22:
> PR:
Docs merged. Anything else miss...
12:50 openQA Infrastructure action #159048: Setup new Power10 machine for QE LSG in PRG2 (S/N 7882391)
okurz wrote in #note-10:
> now merged myself. gschlotter ...
12:46 openQA Project action #162242: openqa-in-openqa test fails in dashboard
Still pending on #162311 livdywan

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