


  • Login: livdywan
  • Email:
  • Role: Developer
  • Connect profile: livdywan
  • Registered on: 2019-01-25
  • Last sign in: 2019-01-25


open closed Total
Assigned issues 5 222 227
Reported issues 117 379 496


Project Roles Registered on
openSUSE admin Developer, private ticket access 2020-02-07
Provo Developer, private ticket access 2020-02-07
QA (public) Developer 2019-01-25
openQA Project (public) Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2019-01-25
openQA Infrastructure (public) Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2019-01-25
openQA Tests (public) Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2019-01-25
ALP Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2022-06-14
Containers and images Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2021-03-08
openQA auto review Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2022-05-04
qe-yam Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2020-10-02



19:57 openQA Project (public) action #178642 (Feedback): openQA in openQA tests failing with 503 errors and timeouts due to misbehaving MirrorCache / CDN auto_review:"retry.*zypper.*ref && zypper --no-cd -n in openQA-worker.*timed out" size:S
> * Actually not deleting packages in the repo would be preferable and more in line with how is... livdywan
19:28 openQA Project (public) action #178642: openQA in openQA tests failing with 503 errors and timeouts due to misbehaving MirrorCache / CDN auto_review:"retry.*zypper.*ref && zypper --no-cd -n in openQA-worker.*timed out" size:S
[Discussing this further with Andrii](https://...
14:47 openQA Project (public) action #178642: openQA in openQA tests failing with 503 errors and timeouts due to misbehaving MirrorCache / CDN auto_review:"retry.*zypper.*ref && zypper --no-cd -n in openQA-worker.*timed out" size:S
livdywan wrote in #note-31:
> Let's see if this works:
> openqa-clone-job --repeat 1 --within-instance http...
12:31 openQA Project (public) action #178642: openQA in openQA tests failing with 503 errors and timeouts due to misbehaving MirrorCache / CDN auto_review:"retry.*zypper.*ref && zypper --no-cd -n in openQA-worker.*timed out" size:S
Let's see if this works:
openqa-clone-job --repeat 1 --within-instance
10:33 openQA Project (public) action #178642: openQA in openQA tests failing with 503 errors and timeouts due to misbehaving MirrorCache / CDN auto_review:"retry.*zypper.*ref && zypper --no-cd -n in openQA-worker.*timed out" size:S
Seems like I did miss the obvious somehow.
11:48 openQA Tests (public) action #179512 (Feedback): openQA-in-openQA test fails in test_running, git clone takes longer than we actually try size:S livdywan
10:43 openQA Tests (public) action #179512 (In Progress): openQA-in-openQA test fails in test_running, git clone takes longer than we actually try size:S
> * Increase the number of seconds we sleep
> * We seem to be exhausting the 30 seconds wait setting up the test bef...
09:53 openQA Tests (public) action #179512: openQA-in-openQA test fails in test_running, git clone takes longer than we actually try size:S
Taking a brief look. I see two instances of it. livdywan
09:52 openQA Project (public) action #179545: Skipped dependencies with START_DIRECTLY_AFTER_TEST size:M
There was also where the job ended up skipped livdywan
09:40 openQA Project (public) action #179563 (New): Provide a reason when tests end up in the skipped state
## Motivation
The reason why a job may end up **skipped** is not always clear. In our [upstream openQA documentati...

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