action #133706
closedcoordination #121720: [saga][epic] Migration to QE setup in PRG2+NUE3 while ensuring availability
coordination #129280: [epic] Move from SUSE NUE1 (Maxtorhof) to new NBG Datacenters
Setup of former QAM machines from NUE1-SRV2 in FC Basement
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Within #132614 many former QAM machines have been moved to FC Basement which should be reviewed and setup accordingly.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC2: All LSQ QE machines which are former QAM machines are usable as in before
- Wait for #132614
- Review each and every machine and put those in production that are needed for now, store the others
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Description updated (diff)
#132614 is resolved. We can continue here but are at least partially impacted by #133925 so waiting for that
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Status changed from Blocked to Resolved
In #133925 we have received enough power cables. I connected more machines. With this all former QAM machines are basically usable in FC Basement. Some without IPMI are not fully connected although we could still that though I would only consider that if we receive according requests.