


coordination #129280

Updated by okurz 11 months ago

## Motivation 
 SUSE NUE1 is being evacuated so we need to ensure our services are provided from other places and that NUE1 has been evacuated by us. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** NUE1 (Maxtorhof) is not relied upon by SUSE QE Tools anymore and has been evacuated by us 

 ## Ideas 
 * "To-be-decommissioned" machines obviously should not be moved to a new datacenter 
 * Consider decommissioning some more machines in the process, e.g. "qanet" which should be replaced by Eng-Infra maintained DHCP+DNS same as we have in PRG1, PRG2, NUE2 (e.g. FC Basement) and also qanet does not have proper remote management capabilities 
 * Some machines might be better moved to FC Basement rather than new NBG Datacenter
