



action #137144


coordination #121720: [saga][epic] Migration to QE setup in PRG2+NUE3 while ensuring availability

coordination #129280: [epic] Move from SUSE NUE1 (Maxtorhof) to new NBG Datacenters

Ensure that we have less or no workstation left clogging our FC Basement space size:M

Added by okurz over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:



In #124221 we managed to provide a workstation replacement server for multiple persons but asmorodskyi likes to have more storage. I scavenged some parts and have a 960GB SSD that I can build into quake2 and provide to asmorodskyi. By that we can free some precious physical space by getting rid of a clunky workstation in our racks.

Acceptance criteria

  • AC1: autobot workstation is not clogging our rackspace any more and not relied upon by asmorodskyi anymore and is prepared for donation


  • Build in bigger storage
  • Work with asmorodskyi to make him happy to use quake2 as replacement for autobot
  • Ensure autobot does not have sensitive data
  • Donate autobot workstation for a good cause
  • Ensure our inventory management system is up-to-date

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to openQA Infrastructure (public) - action #154939: Clarify use of quake2 and ensure it does not waste power size:SResolvedokurz2024-02-05

Actions #2

Updated by okurz over 1 year ago

  • Due date set to 2023-12-31
  • Status changed from New to Feedback

I built in a 960GB SSD in quake2 as second storage device. @asmorodskyi is this enough? Can you try to use quake2 as workstation replacement replacing autobot?

Actions #4

Updated by okurz over 1 year ago

  • Subject changed from Support asmorodskyi in getting a workstation replacement to Ensure that we have less or no workstation left clogging our FC Basement space size:M
  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #5

Updated by okurz over 1 year ago

  • Target version changed from Ready to Tools - Next

No response yet, assuming less priority on side of asmorodskyi, which is fine for now. Moving to "Next".

Actions #6

Updated by asmorodskyi over 1 year ago

okurz wrote in #note-5:

No response yet, assuming less priority on side of asmorodskyi, which is fine for now. Moving to "Next".

yes I have this in my TODO list and yes not on the top of it :)

Actions #7

Updated by asmorodskyi over 1 year ago

asmorodskyi wrote in #note-6:

okurz wrote in #note-5:

No response yet, assuming less priority on side of asmorodskyi, which is fine for now. Moving to "Next".

yes I have this in my TODO list and yes not on the top of it :)

aand I have some progress over here :) I successfully re-installed quake2 with something which will be replacement of autobot . I still need some time to do proper setup of openQA . Also I would like to keep autobot available for some time until I will not be sure that all is fine with quake2 .

Is it ok that we will agree that current due date (12/31/2023) is date after which autobot will be free to go ?

Actions #8

Updated by okurz over 1 year ago

asmorodskyi wrote in #note-7:

asmorodskyi wrote in #note-6:

okurz wrote in #note-5:

No response yet, assuming less priority on side of asmorodskyi, which is fine for now. Moving to "Next".

yes I have this in my TODO list and yes not on the top of it :)

aand I have some progress over here :) I successfully re-installed quake2 with something which will be replacement of autobot . I still need some time to do proper setup of openQA . Also I would like to keep autobot available for some time until I will not be sure that all is fine with quake2 .

Is it ok that we will agree that current due date (12/31/2023) is date after which autobot will be free to go ?

No, the due date is merely when I would ask you again if you missed to update the ticket :) The workstation can stay as long as we have space available. At any time an urgent need might arise and the workstations would be the first that would need to go elsewhere. However because most others have already cleared out I am confident for the foreseeable future that we will find some space for your workstation :)

Actions #9

Updated by asmorodskyi over 1 year ago

Today situation changed dramatically I am gonna revoke my statement about autobot, I will switching back to it and will keep using it. Today quake2 showed it's unreliability : it was fully deleted all what I have done so far was wipe out and some other system was installed because "it was marked as free in rack tables " .

  1. I don't want to blame person who did that on anything
  2. I don't want to get into discussion who suppose to label quake2 in racktables and why it was not done or why it was done and than someone reset this state. Main lesson which I learned from this story - quake* machines are some kind of former "orthos machines" . People treat them as hosts for team/department/company experiments , so even if we will set proper flag in racktables there might be one day when someone will say "ok I have super urgent task for this customer which will give as fortune so I will overtake this racktables rule and do whatever I want with that machine". Such situation is unacceptable for me and I know that it will never happen while I will still use autobot . Also I already waste too much time in this topic and don't want to start from scratch yet another time .

So please don't touch autobot and do whatever you want with quake2 ( and all other quake machines :) )

Actions #10

Updated by okurz over 1 year ago

  • Due date deleted (2023-12-31)
  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • Target version changed from Tools - Next to Ready

asmorodskyi wrote in #note-9:

Main lesson which I learned from this story - quake* machines are some kind of former "orthos machines" . People treat them as hosts for team/department/company experiments , so even if we will set proper flag in racktables there might be one day when someone will say "ok I have super urgent task for this customer which will give as fortune so I will overtake this racktables rule and do whatever I want with that machine". Such situation is unacceptable for me and I know that it will never happen while I will still use autobot . Also I already waste too much time in this topic and don't want to start from scratch yet another time .

So please don't touch autobot and do whatever you want with quake2 ( and all other quake machines :) )

Actually all machines in FC Basement are the same: If they are not currently used then we offer them to be used by anyone or any purpose that we see fit. So sorry if a machine was not properly marked.

But to repeat my last:
The workstation can stay as long as we have space available. At any time an urgent need might arise and the workstations would be the first that would need to go elsewhere. However because most others have already cleared out I am confident for the foreseeable future that we will find some space for your workstation :)

With that I am ok to have the situation stay like it is and close here

Actions #11

Updated by okurz about 1 year ago

  • Related to action #154939: Clarify use of quake2 and ensure it does not waste power size:S added

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