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# Project Subject Status Assignee Target version Due date Related issues
176886 openQA Project (public) A "+" in $var is considered invalid in WORKER_CLASS:$var New openQA Project (public) - Ready Copied from #176418 Actions
176874 openQA Infrastructure (public) [alert] Unhandled job age 20 hours Feedback nicksinger openQA Project (public) - Ready Actions
176871 Containers and images test fails in image_podman Feedback rbranco Actions
176868 openQA Infrastructure (public) Random SSH failures on s390x workers Feedback mkittler openQA Project (public) - Ready Related to #176076 Actions
176862 openQA Project (public) Use Feature::Compat::Try in our code - openQA Blocked okurz QA (public) - Tools - Next Copied from #176475 Actions
176856 openQA Tests (public) [qe-core] test fails in apache_nss Blocked rfan1 QA (public) - QE-Core: Ready Actions
176850 Containers and images [Containers] Add test for network isolation Workable Actions
176838 qe-yam Create open encryption and skip encryption scenarios In Progress rainerkoenig Actions
176835 qe-yam Create unattended installation for md raid 0 Workable Actions
176832 qe-yam Create default unattended installation for offline medium without network Workable Actions
176829 qe-yam Create default interactive installation for offline medium with registration Workable Actions
176826 openQA Project (public) automatic label link is broken when issue is created in a different project New openQA Project (public) - Ready Actions
176823 openQA Project (public) post_run_hook is not always executed despite documentation saying so New openQA Project (public) - Ready Actions
176820 openQA Project (public) force_soft_failure does not override status to softfail in post_fail_hook New openQA Project (public) - Ready Actions
176817 qe-yam Create unattended installation for NVMe with Agama Workable Actions
176802 openQA Tests (public) [qe-core]test fails in ovs_client - avc: denied { open } for pid=2239 comm="charon" path="/etc/keys/host_2-privkey.pem" dev="vda2" ino=38041 scontext=system_u:system_r:ipsec_t:s0 tcontext=unconfined_u:object_r:user_tmp_t:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 New rfan1 QA (public) - QE-Core: Ready Actions
176796 openSUSE admin nginx config updates for discourse New Actions
176781 qe-yam Add scenario for mediacheck of both installation mediums In Progress hjluo Actions
176775 qe-yam Add scenario to install using the profile from another installation Workable Actions
176769 Containers and images test fails in buildah root and user TAP In Progress rbranco Actions
176763 openQA Infrastructure (public) [alert] Flaky broken workers alert Feedback jbaier_cz openQA Project (public) - Ready Related to #163394 Actions
176733 openSUSE admin 2025-03-06 19:00 UTC: openSUSE Heroes meeting New opensuse-admin Actions
176730 openQA Project (public) [openqa-investigate] Investigation for job clusters creating multiple comments and producing error messages in the logs New openQA Project (public) - Ready Actions
176724 openSUSE admin file error New hellcp Actions
176721 openSUSE admin Enable the abillitiy to download source tarballs from code.o.o New Actions
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