action #168865
closedsalt-states-openqa | Failed pipeline for master | pkg.installed package vagrant not found
Function: pkg.installed
Result: False
Comment: Attempt 1: Returned a result of "False", with the following comment: "An error was encountered while installing package(s): Zypper command failure: Package 'vagrant' not found.
Package 'vagrant-libvirt' not found.Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages..."
Attempt 2: Returned a result of "False", with the following comment: "An error was encountered while installing package(s): Zypper command failure: Package 'vagrant' not found.
Package 'vagrant-libvirt' not found.Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages..."
Attempt 3: Returned a result of "False", with the following comment: "An error was encountered while installing package(s): Zypper command failure: Package 'vagrant' not found.
Package 'vagrant-libvirt' not found.Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages..."
Attempt 4: Returned a result of "False", with the following comment: "An error was encountered while installing package(s): Zypper command failure: Package 'vagrant' not found.
Package 'vagrant-libvirt' not found.Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages..."
An error was encountered while installing package(s): Zypper command failure: Package 'vagrant' not found.
Package 'vagrant-libvirt' not found.Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
I saw it only because it also occurs in pipelines (e.g.
Acceptance Criteria¶
- AC1:
Updated by livdywan 4 months ago
- podman run --rm -it urz/container/ca/containers/tumbleweed:salt-minion-git-core-ssh ( is a Tumbleweed container
- vagrant is not in Tumbleweed (
- salt-states doesn't add any repos for vagrant
I couldn't find any recent change related to this that would explain why this is an issue now. Surely I'm missing something obvious? 🤔
Updated by jbaier_cz 4 months ago
livdywan wrote in #note-2:
- podman run --rm -it urz/container/ca/containers/tumbleweed:salt-minion-git-core-ssh ( is a Tumbleweed container
- vagrant is not in Tumbleweed (
- salt-states doesn't add any repos for vagrant
I couldn't find any recent change related to this that would explain why this is an issue now. Surely I'm missing something obvious? 🤔
I guess can explain at least some bits?
Updated by livdywan 4 months ago
jbaier_cz wrote in #note-3:
livdywan wrote in #note-2:
- podman run --rm -it urz/container/ca/containers/tumbleweed:salt-minion-git-core-ssh ( is a Tumbleweed container
- vagrant is not in Tumbleweed (
- salt-states doesn't add any repos for vagrant
I couldn't find any recent change related to this that would explain why this is an issue now. Surely I'm missing something obvious? 🤔
I guess can explain at least some bits?
Ack. Not sure how it then took 2 months for the change to propagate but that would explain it.
Maybe the solution is to use a Leap15.5 container then.
Updated by openqa_review 4 months ago
- Due date set to 2024-11-08
Setting due date based on mean cycle time of SUSE QE Tools
Updated by livdywan 4 months ago
Looking at we have tests in however they don't rely on openSUSE packages. So it should be safe to drop the packages:
Updated by livdywan 4 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
livdywan wrote in #note-6:
Looking at we have tests in however they don't rely on openSUSE packages. So it should be safe to drop the packages:
Pipelines looking good now
Updated by gpathak 3 months ago
- Copied to action #170257: salt-pillars-openqa | Failed deployment on size:S added