action #168880
closedSupport for reversed worker connection webui->worker size:S
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In network setups where an openQA worker can not connect to an openQA webUI it might be possible that the webUI can connect to the network, e.g. over an ssh-connection. As we already have some experience with ssh and the ssh options "Tunnel" and "TunnelDevice" from #132143 or alternatively wireguard we should document that as part of the official openQA documentation. This might also help us for #166598 to allow SUSE NUE2 FC Basement workers to still be connected to OSD by a reverse connection.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: documentation in explains how a worker that can not directly connect to a webUI can still successfully run tests over a connection initiated from the webUI
- AC2: We know how to apply that solution for #166598 to allow SUSE NUE2 FC Basement workers to still be connected to OSD by a reverse connection
- Read #132143 and what we did there regarding wireguard and then ssh+Tunnel+TunnelDevice
- Try out the same, e.g. for a NUE2 based openQA workers, e.g. openqaworker1 which is currently powered off anyway, deny access to OSD, e.g. with an /etc/hosts entry, and setup tunneling showing how OSD based tests can still be executed
- Document
Updated by openqa_review 3 months ago
- Due date set to 2024-11-12
Setting due date based on mean cycle time of SUSE QE Tools
Updated by okurz 3 months ago
- Copied to action #169348: Custom, non-IT-provided wireguard tunnels to connect NUE2 OSD openQA workers to OSD added