tickets #168709 timeframe for deleting of an image, code, etc.
Hi all,
Would it be possible to reduce the amount of time text and images remain on 3 months seems like a long time and I think one month might be a more ideal timeframe. Thoughts?
Updated by ddemaio 5 months ago ยท Edited
crameleon wrote in #note-1:
One can choose the timeframe upon creating a paste, there's a dropdown "Remove after".
Yes, I understand, but was aiming for it providing a bit more scrutiny on the spamming paste.o.o gets. More easily avoid what often fills up the "recent" posts as seen in the attached image, which anyone can see, rather than it's practical use. As a side note, I looked at other paste sites and the most I found had 21 days on it. Centos is one day. Some require to even register. Gentoo even dropped it service. I understand it's purpose. I think they all did this for a reason, which is why I think it should be considered.
Updated by crameleon 5 months ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Thanks for elaborating, with I understand now, I will close this here and we can continue the discussion there.
Updated by crameleon 5 months ago
- Related to tickets #168694: Add Terms&Conditions for, remove obvious copyrighted content added