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# Project Subject Status Assignee Target version Due date Related issues
177081 openQA Tests (public) test fails in apparmor New openQA Project (public) - Ready Has duplicate #177087 Actions
177078 openQA Tests (public) enable IPMI test hosts again for production after #168097 is solved Blocked openQA Project (public) - Ready Blocked by #168097, Copied from #176931 Actions
177072 openQA Tests (public) [security] audit_remote takes long time to run New Actions
177066 openQA Infrastructure (public) Prevent _openqa-worker to install random packages New openQA Project (public) - Ready Actions
177060 openQA Tests (public) test fails in firstrun New Actions
177048 openQA Project (public) Aggregates only on 12-SP5 x86_64 randomly don't get scheduled because of deadlock New openQA Project (public) - Ready Actions
177045 openQA Project (public) [epic] Improved development environment for os-autoinst New QA (public) - future Actions
177042 openQA Project (public) [saga][epic] Future ideas for higher quality os-autoinst+openQA product New QA (public) - future Copied from #127031 Actions
177033 openQA Project (public) Provide a clean rendering of openQA API docs New QA (public) - future Related to #95084 Actions
177024 openQA Project (public) [beginner][easy][os-autoinst] t/10-virtio_terminal.t prove status line shows up as yellow New openQA Project (public) - Ready Actions
177009 qe-yam Create autoyast template profile for SLES 15SP5 and 15SP6 New Actions
176979 openQA Tests (public) SL Micro 6.1 staging incidents cannot open bugreports via hotlink New Actions
176976 Containers and images test fails in BCI-tests for crypto-policies version New rbranco Actions
176973 openQA Project (public) Allow block style for items in yaml SCHEDULE In Progress nicksinger openQA Project (public) - Ready 2025-02-26 Actions
176964 Containers and images [BCI] Fix The NodeJS CI jobs Workable Actions
176952 openQA Tests (public) [qe-core] recordinfo not working in python3_beautifulsoup4 In Progress Xiaojing_liu QA (public) - QE-Core: Ready Actions
176949 openQA Infrastructure (public) [timeboxed:10h][research] understand/prevent sporadic zypper related stack traces in salt size:S Workable openQA Project (public) - Ready Copied from #176325 Actions
176937 openQA Tests (public) clamav OOM issue Feedback ph03nix Related to #163391 Actions
176931 openQA Tests (public) Machine "monkey3" and "merckx" fail to complete openQA job, ipxe_install already fails - no PXE boot possible? size:S Workable openQA Project (public) - Ready Copied from #175716, Copied to #177078 Actions
176913 openQA Infrastructure (public) Ensure logs attached to openQA are opened in new tabs instead of being downloaded size:S Feedback mkittler openQA Project (public) - Ready Actions
176871 Containers and images [Containers] test fails in image_podman In Progress rbranco Actions
176868 openQA Project (public) Random SSH failures on s390x workers In Progress mkittler openQA Project (public) - Ready 2025-02-26 Related to #176076 Actions
176862 openQA Project (public) Use Feature::Compat::Try in our code - openQA Blocked okurz QA (public) - Tools - Next Copied from #176475 Actions
176856 openQA Tests (public) [qe-core] test fails in apache_nss Blocked rfan1 QA (public) - QE-Core: Ready Related to #175371 Actions
176850 Containers and images [Containers] Add test for network isolation Workable Actions
(1-25/3093) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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