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# Project Subject Status Assignee Target version Due date Related issues
178534 openSUSE admin man.i.o.o docserv-auxserver vendor change New kukuk Actions
178525 QA (public) Increase storage capacity of atomkraft and wasserstoff New QA (public) - Tools - Next Actions
178510 qe-yam Revisit sleeps from DASD puppeteer check New Actions
178492 openQA Infrastructure (public) [alert] Many failing `git_clone` Minion jobs New openQA Project (public) - Ready Actions
178477 openSUSE admin reply by mail to not possible New Related to #108215 Actions
178453 openQA Tests (public) [qe-core]test fails in sudo on sle16, need to check if the sudo logic is changed New QA (public) - QE-Core: Ready Actions
178450 openQA Tests (public) [qe-core]test fails in snapper_undochange, please Exclude modues "snapper_undochange,snapper_thin_lvm" on s390x New QA (public) - QE-Core: Ready Actions
178438 openQA Tests (public) [qe-core] test fails in consoletest_setup because `System management is locked` New QA (public) - QE-Core: Ready Actions
178432 openQA Project (public) Show the system load before and after t/full-stack.t in circleCI to find out if the load is too high New okurz QA (public) - future Copied from #176346 Actions
178414 openQA Tests (public) [security][SLE16] sudo fails due to expecting a different string Workable Actions
178411 openQA Tests (public) [security][SLE16] git test fails to clone from local repository, and too little failure testing Workable Actions
178408 openQA Tests (public) [security][SLE16] root-console needled error in quota test after mdadm tests finishes Workable Actions
178396 qe-yam Modify DASD puppeteer test to adapt new UI In Progress jfernandez Actions
178390 openQA Tests (public) [qe-core][s390x]test fails in perl_bootloader New QA (public) - QE-Core: Ready Actions
178381 Containers and images [Containers] test fails in podman_quadlet In Progress jkuzilek Actions
178372 openQA Tests (public) [qe-core] test fails in rsync: bash: tar: command not found In Progress cvidot QA (public) - QE-Core: Ready Actions
178366 openQA Tests (public) [qe-core]test fails in apache_nss, see more at New QA (public) - QE-Core: Ready Actions
178363 openQA Tests (public) [qe-core]test fails in apache_ssl New QA (public) - QE-Core: Ready Actions
178360 openQA Tests (public) [qe-core]test fails in apache, httpd2-prefork is missing or not installed Feedback rfan1 QA (public) - QE-Core: Ready Actions
178345 Containers and images [Containers] EKS cluster needs to be updated before 1 May 2025 Workable Actions
178324 openQA Project (public) [sporadic] svirt s390x tests sometimes time out while syncing assets auto_review:"LIBSSH2_ERROR_TIMEOUT[\s\S]*rsync":retry size:S In Progress mkittler openQA Project (public) - Ready 2025-03-22 Copied from #176868 Actions
178306 openQA Project (public) Detect jobs that can not be picked up by any current matching worker class New QA (public) - future Copied from #178204 Actions
178294 openSUSE admin 404 errors for several files New bmwiedemann Actions
178267 openQA Project (public) No label links from Bugzilla in the test comments New QA (public) - Tools - Next Copied from #176826 Actions
178252 openQA Project (public) Support to set a step to the 'skipped' status in the test New okurz QA (public) - future Actions
(1-25/2908) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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