coordination #42494
closedcoordination #40475: [functional][y][saga] Establish YaST team split
[epic][functional][y] Split/adapt scenarios to move installer related part to YaST specific job group
See motivation in the parent ticket.
Use same, approach as we used in #42230 for default
Valuable outcomes of discussions:
We decided that it makes sense to keep test suites which people from a single team can fix should stay by that team. E.g. zVM tests.
+VAR_NAME format can be used in the machines definition to override settings in the test suite. E.g. for the env which do not support booting into images, we can override HDD_1 and BOOT_TO_SNAPSHOT and BOOT_HDD_IMAGE, so it first of all doesn't fail as incomplete due to missing expected image and secondly conducts prerequisite steps to get to the same point as in case of booting to the image.
Proposed naming convention is %current_test_suite_name%_installation for the installation part, other test scenario keeps it's current name.
Acceptance criteria¶
- All the scenarios from the list are either divided into parts or decision made to keep them in one job group or another.
- All performed changes are documented
- Setup is backed up before the changes
List of scenarios to be split into installation part and other¶
- allmodules+allpatterns
- cryptlvm
- default (Please see the solution in poo#42230);
- iscsi_ibft
- lvm
- lvm+resize_root
- lvm-full-encrypt
- lvm_thin_provisioning
- minimalx
- minimal_x+uefi (nonsense to run on aarch64, covered by minimalx, fix when changing schedule)
- registered+gnome+dev_tools_all_packages_dvd (has to be adjusted for sp2)
- skip_registration+all-packages-iso (has to be adjusted for sp2)
- textmode
- textmode+role_textmode
- videomode_text+textmode+role_kvm
- videomode_text+textmode+role_xen