action #32545
closedProvide warning when user creates/triggers misconfigured multi-machine clusters
User story¶
As an openQA operator creating or triggering multi-machine clusters I want to be informed about possible misconfigurations
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: An operator is informed when creating or triggering multi-machine clusters in case of multi-machine cluster misconfigurations, e.g. over API response
- Try to create a test with misconfiguration and let tests fail, e.g. as described in #32545#note-20
- Add corresponding handling of the erroneous case, e.g.
- Forward the error over API and/or web UI where applicable
Original problem observation¶
support server :
[2018-02-28T11:51:39.0409 CET] [debug] mutex create 'support_server_ready'
parallel job
mutex lock 'support_server_ready' unavailable, sleeping 5s - for 2 hours
Original title for the ticket: "Catch multi-machine clusters misconfigured"
Updated by pcervinka about 7 years ago
Were jobs manually restarted? If so, hpc_mrsh_slave should be restarted to re-trigger all related tests.
If is restarted hpc_mrsh_master or hpc_mrsh_supportserver not all tests are triggered and relation between all jobs is lost.
For example hpc_mrsh_master has relation only to hpc_mrsh_slave after manual restart:
Question is, is it re-triggering issue in openQA itself or wrong test suite definition?
Updated by asmorodskyi about 7 years ago
I retrigger them one more time let's see if issue will reproduce
Updated by asmorodskyi almost 7 years ago
retriggered jobs failed in a same way , and they again have broken dependencies mentioned by @pcervinka. probably this is cause of the problem ? will try to do isos post to see if it will behave the same
Updated by asmorodskyi almost 7 years ago
after isos post jobs get correct relations , it might that issue is in only in manual retrigger but let's wait until job finish
Updated by asmorodskyi almost 7 years ago
- Priority changed from Urgent to Normal
yes problem is related to manual restart, lower down priority
Updated by asmorodskyi almost 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Multi-machine job fail to detect that mutex is created to [sporadic] Multi-machine job fail to detect that mutex is created
- Priority changed from Normal to Urgent
looks like sporadic issue , it hit HPC job group again and this time when jobs was started with isos post
Increase priority
Updated by coolo almost 7 years ago
- Subject changed from [sporadic] Multi-machine job fail to detect that mutex is created to Catch multi-machine clusters misconfigured
- Priority changed from Urgent to Normal
- Target version set to Ready
the problem is that:
- client had parallel_with supportserver
- server had parallel_with supportserver,client
As such the cluster client+supportserver had no relation to server. This is a misconfiguration we need to catch
while posting - but it's not urgent.
Updated by asmorodskyi almost 7 years ago
- Related to action #35140: Parallel job don't see mutex of sibling added
Updated by szarate over 6 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Urgent
I think this will be needed
Updated by szarate over 6 years ago
- Related to action #36727: job_grab does not cope with parallel cycles added
Updated by coolo over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from Ready to Current Sprint
Updated by szarate over 6 years ago
- Related to action #39128: Misconfigured HA Cluster added
Updated by coolo over 6 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
coolo) - Priority changed from Urgent to Normal
- Target version changed from Current Sprint to Ready
Updated by mkittler almost 6 years ago
the problem is that:
- client had parallel_with supportserver
- server had parallel_with supportserver,client
As such the cluster client+supportserver had no relation to server. This is a misconfiguration we need to catch
while posting - but it's not urgent.
Not sure whether I understand this correctly. Server and supportserver are different tests? What is the expected configuration? How would openQA know what the expected configuration is?
Updated by asmorodskyi almost 6 years ago
if you will open HPC job group you will see several MM tests grouped by 3 jobs:
- hpc_mrsh_master, hpc_mrsh_slave, hpc_mrsh_supportserver
- hpc_munge_master, hpc_munge_slave, hpc_munge_supportserver
- hpc_ganglia_server, hpc_ganglia_client, hpc_ganglia_supportserver
I agree terminology is confusing but we have what we have :) if you still have questions fill free to ping me in IRC
Updated by mkittler almost 6 years ago
Ok, so *_server and *_supportserver are different tests and supposed to run in parallel when this cluster is configured and displayed correctly:
But I'm still not sure what kind of misconfiguration we're looking for and how openQA would be able to detect it.
Updated by coolo almost 6 years ago
Meanwhile both _master and _slave are PARALLEL_WITH=supportserver. What was misconfigured was _master had PARALLEL_WITH=supportserver and _slave had PARALLEL_WITH=supportserver,_master
This lead to 2 clusters be formed and one of them had no slave and as the _master already had a parent, _slave ran on its own. What is pretty hard to understand is that with PARALLE_WITH you're setting a parent and there can only be one. But it's possible that the new cluster code already elimates this problem. To be checked, but it's still a settings smell.
Updated by mkittler almost 6 years ago
The frontend code I once wrote for the dependency graph handles this situation by simply putting all those jobs into one big cluster:
I'd say it should be like this (and that's how I implemented the graph):
- If A has
that makes the following cluster:A,B,X,Y
- So although A and Y are not explicitly specified to run in parallel A and Y are part of the same cluster.
- This is not a misconfiguration (if one was aiming for the big cluster
). - When I understand the issue correctly, that is also the behavior @asmorodskyi was expecting. So if the scheduler would behave like this the issue here wouldn't have been created.
- The terms parent and child are completely interchangeable for parallel dependencies. Regardless in which way you express the relation - the resulting cluster should be the same. So it makes no sense (from the user perspective) to say you're 'setting a parent'. That might happen behind the scenes (and I guess that's what you meant) but after all this is just about tying jobs together.
If the scheduler behaves differently I would consider it a bug.
I can check how the scheduler code behaves as it is right now and maybe fix it. Of course the code which populates the job dependencies database table from the job settings might handle this incorrect, too. So that's also a place to check.
Updated by mkittler almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to mkittler
- Target version changed from Ready to Current Sprint
@coolo Seems like a misread your example because _master is likely the same as master and the underscore is just from a failed formatting attempt. So the first bullet point would be:
- If A has PARALLEL_WITH=X and B has PARALLEL_WITH=X,A that makes the following cluster: A,B,X
However, that shouldn't change the conclusion.
I briefly tested the creation of the job dependencies in the database and it seems to be correct:
The test exploits the route I created for the dependency graph. So at least in the graph it would actually be shown up as one big cluster. I now need to verify what the scheduler would do.
Updated by coolo almost 6 years ago
I don't think the scheduler misbehaves either - but the config doesn't make sense and the job creation basically applies a workaround by ignoring half the settings.
Updated by mkittler almost 6 years ago
but the config doesn't make sense
Also in general?
the job creation basically applies a workaround by ignoring half the settings
Not sure what workaround you mean. So settings are lost when creating such a cluster?
Updated by mkittler almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to New
- Assignee deleted (
Updated by coolo over 5 years ago
- Target version changed from Current Sprint to Ready
Updated by okurz over 5 years ago
well, it's not a hard "blocked" but rather a soft work schedule serialization :)
Updated by okurz over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Blocked
- Assignee set to okurz
Updated by okurz over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Blocked to New
- Assignee deleted (
I wonder if this is related to #32605#note-13 . It seems an HPC job was scheduled on its own, not within the cluster as it should.
Updated by mkittler over 5 years ago
So I suggest mkittler picks the ticket
Last time I looked at the ticket it seemed that the user just configured the cluster differently from what was required. But that "different" configuration didn't look generally invalid to me so I didn't know how to proceed with the ticket. The question from my last comment is still unanswered, too. So I will not pick the ticket unless it is clear to me what to do.
Updated by okurz about 5 years ago
@coolo can you clarify regarding #32545#note-24 please
Updated by coolo about 5 years ago
- Category changed from Regressions/Crashes to Feature requests
I basically would like to see a warning if you create a one node cluster. Or we go with more forgiving parsing. This feature is purely about user support to get this right, not about correctness of the current implementation.
Updated by okurz over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from Catch multi-machine clusters misconfigured to Provide warning when user creates/triggers misconfigured multi-machine clusters
- Description updated (diff)
- Assignee set to mkittler
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
@mkittler can you please check if I phrased the description correctly and set to "Workable" if the answer is "yes".
I would also appreciate feedback from asmorodskyi or any other heavy multi-machine tests user.
Updated by mkittler over 4 years ago
I'll check how it actually behaves at this point. In the best case specifying 2 parallel parents is not a big deal and handled as expected (one still gets one big cluster).
Updated by mkittler over 4 years ago
- File screenshot_20201019_150922.png screenshot_20201019_150922.png added
- Status changed from New to Resolved
I've just scheduled a cluster like the one mentioned in #32545#note-20 locally:
- parallel-master:
- parallel-slave:
- parallel-supportserver: no dependency variable
Scheduling works fine. It is no problem at all that parallel-slave
has two parents. So I think @coolo's statement "What is pretty hard to understand is that with PARALLE_WITH you're setting a parent and there can only be one." is not true (anymore). The dependency graph has no problems displaying it as well.
The actual job assignment works as expected as well. The scheduler logs Need to schedule 3 parallel jobs for job 1761 (with priority 50)
so the jobs are not just by coincidence running in parallel. When cancelling the job parallel-slave which has multiple parents the other jobs are stopped as parallel failed as expected. When restarting it all parallel parents are restarted as well and the whole cluster is replicated as expected.
When modifying the cluster so parallel-supportserver has PARALLEL_WITH=parallel-slave
things get more interesting because now there's a dependency loop. Theoretically openQA could ignore the loop because the jobs are supposed to run in parallel after all. However, in practice we an error and no jobs are scheduled at all:
script/openqa-cli api --host http://localhost:9526 -X POST isos ISO=openSUSE-Tumbleweed-NET-x86_64-Snapshot20201018-Media.iso DISTRI=opensuse ARCH=x86_64 FLAVOR=DVD VERSION=Tumbleweed BUILD=20201018
{"count":0,"failed":[{"error_messages":["There is a cycle in the dependencies of parallel-slave at \/hdd\/openqa-devel\/repos\/openQA\/script\/..\/lib\/OpenQA\/Schema\/Result\/ line 698.\n"],"job_id":1767}],"ids":[],"scheduled_product_id":53}
I suppose that's ok as well. After all it is quite redundant to specify PARALLEL_WITH
on both sides and it is fair to require dropping on of the PARALLEL_WITH
variables. The error message is also quite clear and none of the jobs end up running alone (as no jobs are scheduled).
So I would say this issue is not relevant anymore because everything works as expected. There's no need to show warnings about multiple parallel parents when openQA can cope with that.
Of course I was now curious how well it works with other dependencies. So I simply replaced PARALLEL_WITH
and got this fancy graph (it still says "parallel" because I was too lazy to rename the test suites):
Again, it looks like openQA can cope with multiple parents just fine.
And yes, of course I needed to check what happens with directly chained dependencies as well. Here the cluster does not make much sense because slave can not be started directly after supportserver and master. The jobs can nevertheless be scheduled but the cluster is never assigned to a worker leaving master and slave blocked. Judging by the scheduler log, the "cycle detection" for directly chained dependencies catches this case. So I guess we're even good when it comes to directly chained dependencies as nothing unexpected/weird/misleading happens.
It turns out that the cycle between directly chained dependencies causes problems (globally affecting the scheduler) after all. That's of course not within the scope of this ticket.