


  • Login: gpuliti
  • Role: Developer
  • Connect profile: 1
  • Registered on: 2024-11-04
  • Last sign in: 2024-11-04


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 10 11
Reported issues 0 4 4


Project Roles Registered on
QA (public) Developer 2024-11-04
openQA Project (public) Developer 2024-11-04
openQA Infrastructure (public) Developer 2024-11-04
openQA Tests (public) Developer 2024-11-04
ALP Developer 2024-11-04
Containers and images Developer 2024-11-04
openQA auto review Developer 2024-11-04
qe-yam Developer 2024-11-04



15:47 openQA Project (public) action #162035: Support development of "Use needles from correct ref of NEEDLES_DIR" size:M
> [ ] Ensure that we have 100% coverage
> [x] finalize the wording used in the config file "correct version" vs bran...
15:36 openQA Project (public) action #174235: Cover code of os-autoinst path script/os-autoinst-openvswitch fully (statement coverage) size:S
The first approach I had was to extract from the script subroutines and create a new module as utility of openQA (lik... gpuliti


08:45 openQA Project (public) action #174235 (Workable): Cover code of os-autoinst path script/os-autoinst-openvswitch fully (statement coverage) size:S
Moved to workable due to the fact that I'm now mainly working on #162035 gpuliti


09:27 openQA Project (public) action #174235: Cover code of os-autoinst path script/os-autoinst-openvswitch fully (statement coverage) size:S
Opened a not ready draft pull request: gpuliti
09:11 openQA Project (public) action #174235: Cover code of os-autoinst path script/os-autoinst-openvswitch fully (statement coverage) size:S
I've remove the error by change to a DBUS->session, but now I get `Waiting for bridge 'br0' to be created and configu... gpuliti
08:26 openQA Project (public) action #174235: Cover code of os-autoinst path script/os-autoinst-openvswitch fully (statement coverage) size:S
I started the work extracting the subroutine of the scripts into a module inside OpenQA dir following what have been ... gpuliti


09:40 openQA Project (public) action #174235 (In Progress): Cover code of os-autoinst path script/os-autoinst-openvswitch fully (statement coverage) size:S


13:30 openQA Project (public) action #175060 (Blocked): [sporadic] [Workflow] Failed: os-autoinst/openQA on master / test (7dc9d82) size:M
During the Midweekly Unblock we try to resolve the ticket and find solution using `power('off')`, but it seems that t... gpuliti


17:10 openQA Project (public) action #175060: [sporadic] [Workflow] Failed: os-autoinst/openQA on master / test (7dc9d82) size:M
I'm trying to climb the canvas to understand how the shutdown is been handled:
* everything start with line 53 of 99...
11:00 openQA Project (public) action #175060: [sporadic] [Workflow] Failed: os-autoinst/openQA on master / test (7dc9d82) size:M
I've done 2 test to `prevent VNC typing of "poweroff"`: the first one is by using acpi and the second is to force the... gpuliti

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