tickets #133532
closedUpdate to Redmine 5
This tracks my work on getting updated.
- Clean up progressoo.i.o.o
- Update packages in openSUSE:infrastructure:redmine
- Patch broken plugins
- Inquire about licensed plugins
- Communicate dropped plugins
- Reinstate
- Install new VM for progress.o.o
- Migrate
- Investigate unfixable plugins
- Drop old VM
- CSS: patch pencil icon
- CSS: patch hover "flicker"
- Mail: package patch
- Accounts: merging script
- CSS: patch user list roles checkboxes
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
- Checklist item Clean up progressoo.i.o.o set to Done
- VM updated to Leap 15.5
- Removed manually installed Redmine
- Installed Ruby and Redmine stack from packages
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
- Checklist item Update packages in openSUSE:infrastructure:redmine set to Done
- % Done changed from 0 to 20
- Disabled all targets except for 15.5
- Repaired all broken and unsolvable builds
- Linked missing dependencies from devel:languages:ruby if available, otherwise from home:darix:apps
- Patched plugins requiring relative library imports (Redmine plugins are not installed like traditional Ruby Gems)
Left to do is cleaning up the project and removing packages which are no longer needed - many of the versioned Gems are likely no longer needed.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
- Checklist item Patch broken plugins set to Done
- % Done changed from 20 to 30
Patched various "DIY" plugins to make them load on Redmine 5.x:
Until the "upstream" patches are through I applied them in the packages.
Edit: replaced links to reference the pull requests.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
- Checklist item Investigate unfixable plugins added
- % Done changed from 30 to 40
Two plugins were not recoverable with my limited set of Ruby skills: - there is a stale pull request for Redmine 4.x which I tried to base Redmine 5.x patches on with no success - if anyone wants to step up repairing this plugin, it would be a great contribution to the community - the only alternative I can find is, but it seems shady. If there is no input I will drop it as part of the upgrade (potentially disabling it on the running instance prior to discover possible complaints). - only briefly debugged and then replaced with - after a patch to resolve our situation of not using IDP provided admin groups ( the OIDC authentication works fine on with
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
- Checklist item Inquire about licensed plugins set to Done
- % Done changed from 40 to 50
Contacted @runger about the plugins we license from RedmineUP:
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
- Checklist item Reinstate set to Done
- % Done changed from 50 to 60
A working version with a copy of the production database from last week is now running on with all but the four pending plugins. It can be used to evaluate the functionality but data will be overwritten again.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
- Checklist item Drop old VM added
Adding a task to decommission the old (Leap 15.2) machine, as the migration will happen to a fresh one.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
Found another plugin (thanks for spotting, @okurz), "due-date-reminder" - the package was a mixture between redmine-diary and redmine-due-date-reminder which I untangled, though I cannot get the result to work on Redmine 5. I tried switching from the abandoned to the slightly less abandoned with no luck. Hence I will add this to the list of "unfixable" plugins and would appreciate someone to assist with patching.
Updated by pjessen over 1 year ago
crameleon wrote:
Hence I will add due-date-reminder to the list of "unfixable" plugins and would appreciate someone to assist with patching.
I can't help with that, but that is a really useful plugin.
Updated by mgriessmeier over 1 year ago
Lars is in the process of transferring the RedmineUP account to me, so I can take care of it in the future. Once this is done I will renew the two mentioned plugins.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
Great news, thanks @mgriessmeier - you can drop the new plugins somewhere on once you have them.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
- % Done changed from 60 to 70
Thank you @mgriessmeier for providing the updated Agile, Checklists and Tags plugins. They are now installed on progress-test.o.o as well.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
That concludes the test setup, which seems to operate as intended.
@okurz Can you test again to check if anything is missing from your end?
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
crameleon wrote:
That concludes the test setup, which seems to operate as intended.
@okurz Can you test again to check if anything is missing from your end?
- The unicode issue is persisting as discussed though not "missing"
- What is missing:
- Due Date Reminder plugin: Maybe a fork of the original plugin's github repo helps which I found over ? If that does not work, well, then we have to live without
- Redmine Mail Reminder plugin: Similar as above I found but it's of obvious even worse quality. So we should live without
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
thanks for the quick response.
The unicode issue is persisting as discussed though not "missing"
Is this issue specific to the new version of Redmine? From my understanding, it exists on the current installation as well.
Due Date Reminder plugin
Redmine Mail Reminder plugin
Please note my comments about these plugins above, #5 and #9 respectively.
I was just preparing an email to heroes@ to announce them being dropped if there isn't anyone who can help with repairing them.
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
crameleon wrote:
thanks for the quick response.
The unicode issue is persisting as discussed though not "missing"
Is this issue specific to the new version of Redmine? From my understanding, it exists on the current installation as well.
Yes, that's what I meant. The issue is not new. Should not prevent you to upgrade
Due Date Reminder plugin
Redmine Mail Reminder pluginPlease note my comments about these plugins above, #5 and #9 respectively.
I was just preparing an email to heroes@ to announce them being dropped if there isn't anyone who can help with repairing them.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
- Checklist item Communicate dropped plugins set to Done
- Checklist item Install new VM for progress.o.o set to Done
- Checklist item Migrate set to Done
- % Done changed from 70 to 90
New instance deployed using Salt, proxy configuration changed, data migrated.
During installation of the new instance and logging in with some test accounts I found a few regressions with the "new" OpenID Connect plugin. I amended to handle missing admin groups and added another downstream patch to handle accounts with missing first name fields:
Now logins seem to work with all three variations: admin user, non admin user, non admin user with missing first name. I presume admin users with missing first names would work as well. Let's see if that suffices. :-)
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
Another minor issue is some people having "ghost" accounts with different email addresses in Redmine. The OIDC plugin assesses whether an account exists using the email address as opposed to the username:
user = User.find_by_mail(user_info["email"])
This can go unnoticed until people try to access private projects/tickets or other functionality associated with their "original" account.
The administrative solution to solve the issue for affected users is to disable the ghost account and to invalidate the email address in it, and then to set the correct (IDP) email address in the users "real" account.
I did not investigate deeply, but I presume the old iChain plugin did not take care of updating email addresses (and possible other account fields) when they changed in IDP, leaving behind outdated account data from when the user signed in for the first time (unless people manually updated the local information in their Redmine profile).
If there's more people affected by this it might make sense to patch the plugin to fall back to validating the username, but if the number of requests stay small enough to handle it's a fair opportunity to clean up some bogus accounts in the local account database.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
Another thing I found was not working, the exception suggested another incompatibility with Rails 5. I added a downstream patch with this hack via which is definitely not intended to be a solution, but let's see how long it lasts - if it doesn't, we might drop the diary plugin as well.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
@ph03nix reported that it's no longer possible to edit ones own notes (comments) and that the hyperlink pointing directly to notes (i.e. the small numbers to the right of the note which would link to the issue with the change reference) is missing.
Updated by rainerkoenig over 1 year ago
Looking at the findigs of @ph03nix I believe that the problem is in the CSS style sheet.
I checked the HTML in Chrome and it looks like the things we're missing are there, but they aren't displayed:
<div id="note-6" class="note">
<div class="contextual">
<span class="journal-actions"><a title="Quote" class="icon-only icon-comment" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow" data-method="post" href="/issues/133805/quoted?journal_id=663263&journal_indice=6">Quote</a> <a title="Edit" class="icon-only icon-edit" data-remote="true" data-method="get" href="/journals/663263/edit">Edit</a><span class="drdn"><span class="drdn-trigger"><span class="icon-only icon-actions" title="Actions">Actions</span></span><div class="drdn-content"><div class="drdn-items"><a href="#" onclick="copyTextToClipboard(this);; return false;" class="icon icon-copy-link" data-clipboard-text="">Copy link</a> <a data-confirm="Are you sure?" class="icon icon-del" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow" data-method="put" href="/journals/663263?journal%5Bnotes%5D=">Delete</a></div></div></span></span>
<a href="#note-6" class="journal-link">#6</a>
So <a href="#note-6" class="journal-link">#6</a>
should display #6
as a hyperlink, but there is nothing. Fun fact: If I hover over this line in the DOM inspector inside Chrome then I see that area in the comment header highlighted where the #6
should show up, but still it does not show up.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
Hi @rainerkoenig, thanks for investigating. Maybe it is a problem with the openSUSE theme which has not seen any updates? I will need to try it with the stock theme.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
For reference, the theme is "hosted" here:
Updated by ph03nix over 1 year ago
- File css-issues.png css-issues.png added
The CSS seems to have also some other issues, e.g. the toolbar in the text field is cropped:
Updated by cboltz over 1 year ago
Please add the following section to the CSS (or integrate it to the existing styles) to fix these issues:
/* un-hide toolbar on comments */
.journal .contextual {
float: none;
position: absolute;
top: 5px;
right: 0;
z-index: 1000;
/* remove border around dropdown icon (โผ) */
span.drdn-trigger {
background: none;
box-shadow: none;
border: none;
margin-left: 5px;
/* fix editor toolbar */
div.tabs:not(#main-menu) {
height: 43px;
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
What a great feeling to copy paste random CSS code from someone on the internet and have it magically solve things.
Inside the source archive I found the original repository to be If you want, you can submit a PR there, though I'm not sure if @tuanpembual still wants to maintain it. For now, I applied a downstream patch to the package:
Thank you for the contribution!
Updated by cboltz over 1 year ago
What a great feeling to copy paste random CSS code from someone on the internet and have it magically solve things.
PR sent:
However, I haven't heard from Estu for quite a while. Let's see if we get any response. (If not, we should maybe fork the repo into the openSUSE namespace instead of keeping patches on top of a git repo where we are probably the only user.)
Updated by ph03nix over 1 year ago
Whoever fixed this - Thanks a lot! This is great now :-)
Updated by livdywan over 1 year ago
ph03nix wrote in #note-29:
Whoever fixed this - Thanks a lot! This is great now :-)
I'm afraid not. I see duplicate edit buttons and the mouse flickers while hoving those, confirm by two in my team
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
I see duplicate edit buttons
Indeed, the second one (to the right) is in fact just the same hyperlink as the number - only the left one is the "real" edit button.
the mouse flickers while hoving
Do you mean the mouse cursor switching between the "normal" cursor icon and the "hyperlink" one? On my system the normal one is the arrow, and the hyperlink one is a small hand with a pointing index finger.
That kind of "flicker" I could reproduce if I am hovering slightly off-center in the top left corner of the edit button. If I hover over it in its middle, I do not encounter it.
Updated by livdywan over 1 year ago
That kind of "flicker" I could reproduce if I am hovering slightly off-center in the top left corner of the edit button. If I hover over it in its middle, I do not encounter it.
Seems like I need to hover at the top, whether it's left or right doesn't matter. Kind of looks like it's roughly where the tooltip is located when it's visible.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
Another somewhat major issue I found is not working. I recursively searched /etc/postfix on anna, mx1 and mx2 and replaced all instances of (the old machine) with (the new machine).
It seems any external mail I send arrives on mx1/mx2, but is then somewhere forwarded to the old Mail sent directly from anna to arrives at the new machine, but mail sent directly from mx1 makes it end up on the old one.
In I found a reference to some special member in the admin mailinglist.
@pjessen, could you check and possibly update this list member?
Updated by pjessen_invalid over 1 year ago
crameleon wrote in #note-33:
Another somewhat major issue I found is not working.
admin@o.o is just sent to the list address. Any mail to admin@o.o from anywhere should go to mx12, then to mailman3, where it is distributed.
@pjessen, could you check and possibly update this list member?
I have sent a subscribe request from
, it just needs to be confirmed.
Updated by pjessen_invalid over 1 year ago
One minor issue - the "Updated by nnnnnnn about mm hours ago" title seems to have changed. It used to list my userid, but now I see my email address?
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
It used to list my userid, but now I see my email address?
Your userid is your email address, seems you have a similar issue as @malcolmlewis, where an old account with a different email address was registered and the iChain plugin never updated it. You'll also notice when you open your profile that you only started posting yesterday, albeit having registered some years ago. See my comment in note 19 ( Let's catch up in IRC so I can recover your "original" account.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
I have sent a subscribe request from, it just needs to be confirmed.
Thanks, but, how would I confirm it / where did you send it to? :-)
Updated by pjessen_invalid over 1 year ago
crameleon wrote in #note-37:
I have sent a subscribe request from, it just needs to be confirmed.
Thanks, but, how would I confirm it / where did you send it to? :-)
It would have been sent to
- there ought to be a link to click to confirm.
Updated by pjessen_invalid over 1 year ago
crameleon wrote in #note-36:
It used to list my userid, but now I see my email address?
Your userid is your email address, seems you have a similar issue as @malcolmlewis, where an old account with a different email address was registered and the iChain plugin never updated it. You'll also notice when you open your profile that you only started posting yesterday, albeit having registered some years ago. See my comment in note 19 ( Let's catch up in IRC so I can recover your "original" account.
Maybe tonight, I'm away for the rest of the day, but I should be back around 2030-2100.
Updated by pjessen_invalid over 1 year ago wrote in #note-38:
crameleon wrote in #note-37:
I have sent a subscribe request from, it just needs to be confirmed.
Thanks, but, how would I confirm it / where did you send it to? :-)
It would have been sent to
- there ought to be a link to click to confirm.
For now, it is stuck on mailman3:
2023-08-23T08:29:20.595603+00:00 mailman3 postfix/smtp[8968]: ADC2C119: to=<>,[]:25, delay=1113, delays=1113/0/0/0.02, dsn=4.1.2, status=deferred (host[] said: 450 4.1.2 <>: Recipient address rejected: Domain not found (in reply to RCPT TO command))
Domain "" doesn't exist?
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
I found another reference in the transport maps on anna which I now amended. Could you try it again?
Updated by pjessen_invalid over 1 year ago
crameleon wrote in #note-41:
I found another reference in the transport maps on anna which I now amended. Could you try it again?
I have sent a 2nd subscribe, but the confirmation requests both get stuck on mailman3 when the domain can't be found. They will be retried at regular intervals.
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
From where are you assessing this?
The resolv.conf file on mailman3 is broken, the /etc/sysconfig/network/config problem we have on some other machines as well:
crameleon@mailman3:/home/crameleon> host
host: parse of /etc/resolv.conf failed
crameleon@mailman3:/home/crameleon> dig
dig: parse of /etc/resolv.conf failed
crameleon@mailman3:/home/crameleon> grep -v '^#' /etc/resolv.conf
options attempts:1 timeout:1 rotateattempts:1 timeout:1
From any other machine, I can resolve the name just fine:
anna (...):/home/crameleon # dig +short
I repaired the file using netconfig on mailman3 now:
crameleon@mailman3:/home/crameleon> dig +short
Not sure if that helps, your output suggests you tried it from a different machine (using different nameservers?).
Updated by pjessen_invalid over 1 year ago
crameleon wrote in #note-43:
From where are you assessing this?
I think it was on mx1.
The resolv.conf file on mailman3 is broken, the /etc/sysconfig/network/config problem we have on some other machines as well:
It's a salt issue, AFAIR.
anna (...):/home/crameleon # dig +short
Aha, that is not the host you gave me ๐ (double 's', not single 's'). comment#33.
Subscribe request resent from progressoo. Looking at progressoo, it was delivered to a mailbox = "/var/spool/mail/redmine". I fished out the reply address and I have confirmed the subscription and accepted it in mailman.
I guess progressoo now needs an update of /etc/postfix/
and an appropriate transport entry.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
Aha, that is not the host you gave me :-) (double 's', not single 's'). comment#33.
Apologies, I have a tendency to accidentally drop either the second o or the second s when referencing this machine. Terrible naming! ;-)
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
Subscribe request resent from progressoo. Looking progressoo, it was delivered to a mailbox = "/var/spool/mail/redmine". I fished out the reply address and I have confirmed the subscription and accepted it in mailman.
Thank you!
I guess progressoo now needs an update of /etc/postfix/ and an appropriate transport entry.
I copied the settings and maps from the old progress machine and installed the Redmine mail handler with the same options, but it seems it is only delivered to redmine
s local mailbox. Investigating.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
Minor issue with the virtual map which I amended, unfortunately the mail handler fails:
progressoo postfix/pipe[18578]: 772124A01: to=<redmine-opensuse-admin+admin@localhost.redmine>, orig_to=<>, relay=redmineprivate, delay=0.49, delays=0.01/0.01/0/0.46, dsn=5.7.0, status=bounced (permission denied. Command output: Request was denied by your Redmine server. Possible reasons: email is sent from an invalid email address or is missing some information. )
Redmine reports:
Processing by MailHandlerController#index as HTML
MailHandler: [] account created
MailHandler: an unexpected error occurred when receiving email: uninitialized constant Mail::RubyVer
Did you mean? RubyVM
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
It seems this was resolved in Redmine 5.1.0 with, but our Redmine at version 5.0.5 is missing the patch. I hot-patched it until I either update the Redmine version or apply the patch downstream. Mails to admin@o.o now arrive as tickets again.
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
Indeed, the second one (to the right) is in fact just the same hyperlink as the number - only the left one is the "real" edit button.
Going through the inspector, I can't quite figure out why the notes link comes along with a bogus pencil button.
With the "real" edit button, the icon comes with some "icon-edit" class:
<a title="Edit" class="icon-only icon-edit" data-remote="true" data-method="get" href="/journals/663551/edit">Edit</a>
But the notes link just uses the "journal-link" class, which doesn't seem to be associated with any icons:
<a href="#note-26" class="journal-link">#26</a>
Updated by livdywan over 1 year ago
Going through the inspector, I can't quite figure out why the notes link comes along with a bogus pencil button.
With the "real" edit button, the icon comes with some "icon-edit" class:
<a title="Edit" class="icon-only icon-edit" data-remote="true" data-method="get" href="/journals/663551/edit">Edit</a>
But the notes link just uses the "journal-link" class, which doesn't seem to be associated with any icons:
<a href="#note-26" class="journal-link">#26</a>
I can't easily test it, but I think this .journal .contextual a:nth-child(2)::before {
is adding the icon due it being the second child of the contextual div.
content: "๏";
Updated by crameleon over 1 year ago
- Checklist item CSS: patch pencil icon added
- Checklist item CSS: patch hover "flicker" added
- Checklist item Mail: package patch added
- Checklist item Accounts: merging script added
Summarizing open to-do's:
- test CSS patch from Liv to remove the bogus pencil icon
- find CSS patch for hover "flicker" on some buttons
- update to Redmine >= 5.1.0 or backport mail patch
- find if more users are affected from mismatching IDP and Redmine email addresses (if yes, craft some account merging script)
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Checklist item CSS: patch user list roles checkboxes added
- File Screenshot_20230912_101827_broken_progress_css_manager_role.png Screenshot_20230912_101827_broken_progress_css_manager_role.png added
Broken CSS but I can still click the "Manager" entry, added to issues checklist.
Updated by okurz about 1 year ago
The unicode issue is related to
Updated by livdywan about 1 year ago
Maybe it's worth creating individual tickets at this point? Since the upgrade already happened?
Updated by crameleon about 1 year ago
Maybe it's worth creating individual tickets at this point? Since the upgrade already happened?
The Unicode issue should be tracked separately, as it is not a result of the update and existed before as well.
The CSS issues should in my opinion be kept tracked here as they are an unresolved regression.
Updated by crameleon about 1 year ago
- Checklist item Mail: package patch set to Done
Upgraded to Redmine 5.1.0.
Updated by crameleon 11 months ago
- Checklist item Drop old VM set to Done
- Checklist item Accounts: merging script set to Done
Old VM no longer exists.
Account merging script seems to no longer be needed, there were very few affected accounts. One issue is the mapping of local accounts to OpenID Connect accounts based on email addresses, which breaks when email addresses are changed in SUSE IDP. Maybe we should patch it to use usernames instead. But it is out of scope here.
Updated by crameleon 11 months ago
- Checklist item CSS: patch pencil icon set to Done
I can't easily test it, but I think this .journal .contextual a:nth-child(2)::before {
content: "๏";
} is adding the icon due it being the second child of the contextual div.
Very interesting - it seems disabling .journal .contextual a:nth-child(2)::before
causes the two green pencils to turn into two green plus one blue speech bubbles. Additionally disabling .journal .contextual a::before
then turns the three speech bubbles into one blue speech bubble and one green pencil, which seems correct to me.
Thank you for the pointer, Liv!
Submitted and installed:
Updated by crameleon 11 months ago
- Checklist item CSS: patch user list roles checkboxes set to Done
okurz wrote in #note-52:
Broken CSS but I can still click the "Manager" entry, added to issues checklist.
Submitted and installed:
Updated by crameleon 11 months ago
- Checklist item CSS: patch hover "flicker" set to Done
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
I cannot reproduce the flickering anymore either, I think it solved itself together with the pencils.
If someone still experiences it (or any other issues), please open a separate ticket. I think this one here is now reasonable to complete.
By the way, updated to 5.1.1 as well.
Updated by livdywan 11 months ago ยท Edited
- Status changed from Resolved to Workable
crameleon wrote in #note-60:
I cannot reproduce the flickering anymore either, I think it solved itself together with the pencils.
If someone still experiences it (or any other issues), please open a separate ticket. I think this one here is now reasonable to complete.By the way, updated to 5.1.1 as well.
I'm re-opening because this broke uses of tags. See #154549 and also for example Tags links visible in the sidebar silently stopped considering tags, for example 15SP6.
Updated by livdywan 11 months ago
- Related to action #154549: Certain queries on poo are not accessible added
Updated by crameleon 11 months ago
I assume this still worked yesterday? It is probably not an issue with the big Redmine 5 project and just a regression with the new minor version. But let me investigate regardless, I think there might just be something missing for the Tags plugin in the Rake migrations:
E, [2024-01-30T12:49:29.394519 #1180] ERROR -- : [dcd3fe5f-683d-4e59-b02c-b934025f8961] Query::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'issues.issue_tags' in 'where clause'
Updated by livdywan 11 months ago
I assume this still worked yesterday? It is probably not an issue with the big Redmine 5 project and just a regression with the new minor version. But let me investigate regardless, I think there might just be something missing for the Tags plugin in the Rake migrations:
Yes it did, which is why I was surpised it was related to the upgrade. I guess we can't get a rollback so I'm going to replace our queries/wiki for now (apparently I can't even edit them, which on the bright side means they will continue to serve as reproducers).
Updated by okurz 11 months ago
- Related to action #152470: openqa-service fetch_openqa_bugs "requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443)" added
Updated by crameleon 11 months ago
I packaged and installed The "redmineup" Gem seems to be a newer variant of "redmine_crm". The previous Tags plugin used "redmine_crm", the new version they sent me "redmineup". It seems two other RedmineUP plugins still use "redmine_crm", and using both conflicts with a version of the "liquid" Gem - having both, liquid-2.6.3 and liquid-4.0.4 installed:
$ /usr/bin/bundle.ruby2.7 exec /usr/bin/rake.ruby2.7 -t redmine:plugins NAME=redmineup_tags RAILS_ENV=production
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "liquid":
In snapshot (Gemfile.lock):
liquid (= 2.6.3)
In Gemfile:
redmine_crm was resolved to 0.0.59, which depends on
liquid (< 2.6.4)
redmineup was resolved to 1.0.3, which depends on
liquid (> 4.0, < 5.0)
$ grep redmine_crm plugins/*/Gemfile
plugins/redmine_agile/Gemfile:gem "redmine_crm"
plugins/redmine_checklists/Gemfile:gem 'redmine_crm'
I asked them about it.
Updated by crameleon 11 months ago
Great to hear, though I'm surprised, the last I only rolled back to the last installable version of the Tags plugin.
If RedmineUP have a solution for installing the new version I will still try to update it again, otherwise we can leave this one (both versions have the same latest version number and changelog, but different source code ...).
Updated by crameleon 11 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
There's some more challenges now, updating the plugin will take some more time.
But since this is not related to Redmine 5 and things are working I will resolve this ticket again. In case of any new issues please open new tickets.
Updated by okurz 9 months ago
- Related to tickets #157459: Descriptions of tickets with special unicode characters included yield "Internal server error 500" added