coordination #99306
openQA (public) - coordination #99303: [saga][epic] Future improvements for SUSE Maintenance QA workflows with fully automated testing, approval and release
[epic] Future improvements: Make reviewing openQA results per squad easier
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
As a squad team member, I want to be able to more easily review Maintenance and Tumbleweed job group related test failures that are relevant to my squad.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: Squad members have access to a very convenient review workflow of relevant openQA test failures
- Consider a custom view for the web UI
- Extend openqa-review with filter parameters (blocklist/passlist) on test suite name
- but I doubt teams would be able to maintain a blocklist/passlist including all the test suites that they are interested in or not interested in, maybe test modules would work -> "Extend openqa-review with filter parameters (blocklist/passlist) on test module maintainers"?
- Automatic checks for
- Maintainer in each test suite
- Maintainer in each job template
- Maintainer in each job group
- No orphaned tests (not reviewed in any squad)
Updated by okurz over 3 years ago
- Copied from coordination #91914: [epic] Make reviewing openQA results per squad easier added
Updated by livdywan over 3 years ago
Can we please get a title that wasn't used before? Make reviewing openQA results per squad easier
is also used in #91914. And no, adding a generic prefix about improvements is not helping.
Updated by okurz almost 3 years ago
- Copied to coordination #109647: [epic] Future improvements: Simpler investigation of openQA test failures added
Updated by okurz about 1 year ago
- Related to coordination #153928: [epic] Ideas from SUSE QE Tools workshop 2024-01-19 Filter openQA todo-jobs on /tests belonging to groups, review teams, etc added