coordination #9572
closed[sles][functional][autoyast][yast][y][epic]AutoYaST testing - build autoyast.xml and then test
Added by RBrownSUSE over 9 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.
Use Upload_asset to do an install, export the autoyast, and then reinstall (on the same worker for s390x) for all builds
Suggestion: Validate profile before using for installation:
- /usr/bin/xmllint --noout --relaxng /usr/share/YaST2/schema/autoyast/rng/profile.rng data/autoinst.xml
- or validate by jing as suggested in
Updated by RBrownSUSE over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to RBrownSUSE
Updated by okurz over 9 years ago
different test cases¶
- autoinst.xml files generated by "Clone System Configuration" yields a file which "looks sane"
- same as above but file generated by "Export Configuration"
- same as above but file generated by "yast clone_system"
- one (or multiple) of above files can be used to install systems over different ways
- "interactive"
- serial
- ssh+no_X
- ssh+X (see
- vnc
further notes¶
"looks sane" could mean that it includes sane XML, does not differ significantly vs. a "golden sample", i.e. a profile that was usable before for installation or one profile file vs. the others don't differ significantly.
Proposed to use xmllint --format --exc-c14n
to sanitize XML first (see, then compare with plain text diff, ignore known entries that change, e.g. password hash, uuid of root, etc., assert rest is equal.
Also see:
Updated by RBrownSUSE about 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to New
- Assignee deleted (
RBrownSUSE) - Priority changed from Urgent to High
Updated by cwh about 9 years ago
I actually implemented a related test for validating bsc#956012 - Default route not present in profile cloned at the end of installation.
I am - for now - just using 'grep' to check the element's existence. Using xmllint is definitly the better option.
What I already did is IMO a good base to use xmllint later. Find pull request here:
Note that this test only succeeds when using a static network config. Therefore it needs
(and AY_PROFILECHECK=1 to be actually schedueled)
to succeed.
Updated by okurz about 9 years ago
what was already done looks good. What else is necessary to be done should be discussed keeping in mind what YaST team already tests. for references see
Updated by RBrownSUSE about 9 years ago
- Checklist item changed from to [ ] SLE, [ ] TW, [ ] Leap
- Target version deleted (
Updated by mkravec over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 70
Working locally for SLES, PR ready for osd -
Updated by okurz about 8 years ago
PR merged, do you need to add scenarios? Please reference successful runs from osd then.
Updated by mkravec about 8 years ago
Scenarios added for SLES & TW, waiting for next build
Updated by mkravec about 8 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
Scenarios are scheduled:
SLES - (aarch64,ppc64le,x86_64)
TW - bsc#1017490 -
s390x test is still on todo list
Updated by mgriessmeier about 8 years ago
- Has duplicate action #11922: [sle][functional][s390][yast][y][hard] Add AutoYaST tests for s390 added
Updated by mkravec about 8 years ago
Currently failing on bsc#1013605 on s390 - waiting for bugfix or workaround (mgriessmeier is working on it)
Updated by mgriessmeier about 8 years ago
created PR with workaround needle:
Updated by mkravec about 8 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to In Progress
bootloader_zkvm ignores AUTOYAST variable, needs to be modified to type it's content
Updated by mgriessmeier about 8 years ago
mkravec wrote:
bootloader_zkvm ignores AUTOYAST variable, needs to be modified to type it's content
Updated by mkravec about 8 years ago
We need to find a way to detect reboot after autoyast stage1 and reconnect to continue with stage2
Updated by okurz about 8 years ago
- Target version changed from Milestone 5 to Milestone 6
Updated by mkravec about 8 years ago
It might be possible to use "assert_screen black" to detect reboot after first stage - will try
Updated by okurz almost 8 years ago
- Subject changed from AutoYaST testing - build autoyast.xml and then test to [sles][functional]AutoYaST testing - build autoyast.xml and then test
Updated by okurz almost 8 years ago
- Target version changed from Milestone 6 to Milestone 7
@mkravec: please write an update from your side
I guess mkravec-ay-generate-s390 and mkravec-ay-reinstall-s390 are the corresponding development jobs which need to be fixed before we can close this ticket. The first one looks fine but the second one stops currently in which could be related to "download problems" after caching implementation. Can you please take a closer look?
Updated by okurz almost 8 years ago
- Target version changed from Milestone 7 to Milestone 8
Updated by mkravec almost 8 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
Test needs to detect reboot and reconnect after autoyast first stage finishes on s390. We didn't find good way to do this.
I will unassign myself for now and will continue when I have more time.
Updated by okurz over 7 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
ok. As we have most of the parts covered already and it seems only s390x SLE is missing prio should be lower priority. High -> Normal
Updated by sebchlad over 7 years ago
- Target version set to future
Moving to the target version: "future" so we could add this to milestones while planning upcoming milestones.
Updated by riafarov about 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Workable
FOr SLE is done for all architectures except s390x
Updated by okurz almost 7 years ago
- Has duplicate deleted (action #11922: [sle][functional][s390][yast][y][hard] Add AutoYaST tests for s390)
Updated by okurz almost 7 years ago
- Subject changed from [sles][functional]AutoYaST testing - build autoyast.xml and then test to [sles][functional][autoyast][yast][y][epic]AutoYaST testing - build autoyast.xml and then test
- Status changed from Workable to Blocked
- Assignee set to riafarov
- Target version changed from future to Milestone 16
@riafarov the (now) subtask for s390x autoyast installations as described in #11922 seem to be way more feasible since @mitiao seems to do the major work regarding enabling s390x autoyast installations with . Therefore I think we should make use of that recent drive, make sure we have s390x covered in autoyast installations - in #11922 - and then think about further necessary s390x autoyast tests that we want to cover as new tickets. This is why I am assigning this ticket to you to lead the thinking process about which new tests to add on s390x autoyast.
Updated by riafarov almost 7 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
It's new tests, do not see it as priority. Solution I saw was not perfect and we need more time to make it right. I proposed more thing which are easier to reach. So let's discuss during milestone 16. I'll un-assign myself as it's blocked (not sure by what though).
Updated by riafarov almost 7 years ago
- Due date changed from 2018-04-10 to 2018-04-24
due to changes in a related task
Updated by okurz almost 7 years ago
- Target version changed from Milestone 16 to Milestone 17
Updated by mgriessmeier almost 7 years ago
cannot edit due date, will be shifted once we've scheduled the subticket
Updated by riafarov almost 7 years ago
- Due date changed from 2018-04-24 to 2018-07-18
due to changes in a related task
Updated by okurz over 6 years ago
- Due date changed from 2018-07-18 to 2018-07-17
due to changes in a related task
Updated by okurz over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from Milestone 17 to Milestone 17
Updated by riafarov over 6 years ago
- Due date changed from 2018-07-17 to 2018-07-03
due to changes in a related task
Updated by riafarov over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to Resolved
- Assignee set to riafarov
Scenario enabled on x kvm
Updated by szarate over 4 years ago
- Tracker changed from action to coordination
Updated by szarate over 4 years ago
See for the reason of tracker change: