action #94090
open[qe-core][qac][study] End-to-end combination test scenarios
Researching end-to-end scenarios combining multiple SUSE technologies and popular real life uses across functional areas into test cases.
The focus is on testing the combination, not any specific component.
Focus should be in splitting items into smaller subtickets that could be in the backlog eventually. Feel free to create new tickets, adjust current ones, the plans are not set in stone.
Updated by szarate over 3 years ago
- Claim as QE Core the ownership of end to end scenarios
- PO to work on having more defined E2E scenarios (For instance: Deploy gitlab on rancher with auto scaling?, Deploy postgresql and run pgbench)
- Have the k3s and rancher tests enabled for osd (Maintenance and Product for 15-sp3+)
Updated by jlausuch over 3 years ago
I wonder if we are stepping onto each other's area. Isn't K3S containers topic? :)
Updated by tjyrinki_suse over 3 years ago
It's not meant to be a containers test, just happening to use a container similar to our tests running on hyperv are not virtualization tests. But when it starts it's also a co-operation just led by QE Core to study some new possible ways of testing.
The last line from szarate related to the already existing cross-team (I've not been involved) k3s + rancher tests that I now fail to find url for, they could be at least used for this study so that it'd be very easy to get k3s running to run the actual tests.
Updated by tjyrinki_suse over 3 years ago
- Subject changed from [qe-core][study] Long term stress & stability test to [qe-core][study] End-to-end combination test scenarios
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by okurz over 3 years ago
- Subject changed from [qe-core][study] End-to-end combination test scenarios to [qe-core][qac][study] End-to-end combination test scenarios
Updating ticket summary with team tag for "qac" as well as discussed in weekly QE sync.
Updated by tjyrinki_suse almost 3 years ago
- Target version deleted (
QE-Core: Next)