communication #51260
2019-06-04 18:00 UTC: openSUSE Heroes meeting June 2019
Added by cboltz over 5 years ago.
Updated over 5 years ago.
Where: irc:// IRC channel
When: 2019-06-04 18:00 UTC / 20:00 CEST
Who: The openSUSE Heroes team and everybody else!
see/use checklist
- Private changed from Yes to No
- Checklist item changed from [ ] Questions and answers from the community, [ ] status reports about everything to [ ] Questions and answers from the community, [ ] status reports about everything, [ ] review old tickets
- Checklist item changed from [ ] Questions and answers from the community, [ ] status reports about everything, [ ] review old tickets to [ ] Questions and answers from the community, [ ] status reports about everything, [ ] review old tickets, [ ] instability of
Please contact SUSE and MF IT about forums instability, i.e. spontaneous logouts, no login possible, redirects etc. etc. People outright refuse to report the issues since they reappear almost every weekend.
I doubt SUSE IT can do anything about it but MF IT. We can track these specific redirect problems in #42599
Is maybe related to progress issue #42599 worth also reminding MF IT? 1084827 just happened again, and involuntary logout also happened in well under 14 hours again, more like 4. Routine latency 5X more than average might also be worth mentioning. Waiting..., and waiting..., and waiting... ad nauseum.
The meeting was less formal than usual, but still (or "because of that"?) quite productive :-)
I'll attach the IRC log as usual.
New issue for meeting?: move forums to using the login system used for this and the wiki, so that those of us trying to help people in need don't waste time in the involuntary logout mire several times every day.
Another possible topic for discussion: modify 1-click to add new repos with enabled=0 instead of enabled=1. The frequency of users being unknowingly and subsequently switched from Leap to TW has been quite high lately, multiple new instances and cries for help in the forums some days. Few experiencing the problem manage to find already reported pleas for help before starting a new thread where there must be told to avail themselves of snapper, try removing the TW repo and running zypper dup if they haven't lost network connectivity, try an upgrade "installation", or reinstall Leap fresh.
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