tickets #50126
closedGoogle map API changed.
Added by lllevonnn almost 6 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.
Just noticed that link named "Map showing the closest mirrors" in "Details" (see attached picture), is not working properly.
It seems that Google API is changed sometime ago and it stopped working. I get following error:
The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. You must use an API key to authenticate each request to Google Maps Platform APIs. For additional information, please refer to
Please have a look.
Updated by okurz over 5 years ago
- Category set to Mirrors
- Private changed from Yes to No
Hi, thanks for the report. I can not find the according webpage, looks pretty different and does not show any of the like. Is this still present?
Updated by bmwiedemann over 5 years ago
I think, it depends on your IP's location if the link is shown in the mirrorlist page.
Screenshot says "Armenia" and none of our mirrors are there. might help there.
Or we use openstreetmap instead.
Or we just drop the link.
Updated by lllevonnn over 5 years ago
Hi, sorry somehow I completely forgot to answer to previous message.
It seems like i need to provide step by step instructions to reproduce my experience.
After going to above mentioned "" webpage, you need to pick a random file and click on "Details" on the right in "Metadata" column.
For this example i will choose "openSUSE-Leap-15.1-JeOS.x86_64-15.1.0-MS-HyperV-Snapshot9.87.vhdx.xz" file.
After clicking on details, You will be presented with "" page.
And finally in that page you can see this unfortunate link named "Map showing the closest mirrors" pointing to
"|40.000000,45.000000&markers=color:yellow|label:1|40.181000,44.514000&markers=color:yellow|label:2|41.000000,64.000000&markers=color:yellow|label:3|22.250000,114.167000&markers=color:yellow|label:4|31.864000,117.280998&markers=color:yellow|label:5|24.805000,120.971001&markers=color:yellow|label:6|36.000000,138.000000&markers=color:yellow|label:7|35.789001,139.623001&markers=color:yellow|label:8|55.738998,37.606998&markers=color:yellow|label:9|42.700001,23.333000" page, which gives the api error.
Hope you will be able to find it now.
Regarding "Screenshot says "Armenia" and none of our mirrors are there.", I am the maintainer of the mirror in Armenia. Please have a look at "" and see for yourself that there is a mirror in Armenia.
Updated by pjessen over 5 years ago
I can reproduce the issue, there is clearly something wrong with the the way we generate that link. If someone feels up to fixing it, we would appreciate any help, otherwise, as Bernhard suggests, we will most likely just drop the link.
Updated by pjessen over 5 years ago
It looks like we only need to create an account with Google, generate a key and update the link generation with this key.
I would sort of prefer to create a google acocunt for "", but that will no doubt lead to google spamming us and opening tickets left, right and centre.
Maybe we could create an email account called "google@o.o" ?
Updated by lrupp about 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Workable
- Assignee set to opensuse-admin
Updated by adamm about 5 years ago
This needs an account with a Credit Card on it. I think Google allows to limit payments to $0 or some low amount but it still requires a payment method to prevent abuse on their end.
Updated by lrupp about 5 years ago
adamm wrote:
This needs an account with a Credit Card on it. I think Google allows to limit payments to $0 or some low amount but it still requires a payment method to prevent abuse on their end.
Instead of providing Google even more data, I would recommend to use something like:
Together with openstreetmap data, this should allow the same functionality while being open source.
Updated by andriinikitin over 4 years ago
Proposed implementation to use google dir in form like:,-97.821999/49.417000,8.700000/34.771999,113.726997/37.750999,-97.821999
Updated by pjessen almost 4 years ago
Also reported in #90383
I still vote for dropping that link. It is really superfluous.
Updated by lrupp over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Not needed any longer with MirrorCache -> closing