tickets #90383
closedMap showing the closet mirrors in shows error
Hi Heroes.
"Map showing the closet mirrors" in show error message.
- Mirrors section in [] [1]
List of best mirrors for IP address
240f:31:67ee:1:b8fc:aa96:f863:b2bf, located at 35.553101,139.354401 in
Japan (JP), network 240f::/23 (autonomous system 2516).
Map showing the closest mirrors
- Click [Map showing the closest mirrors]
The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. You must use an
API key to authenticate each request to Google Maps Platform APIs. For
additional information, please refer to
I'm sorry if you have already known.
good regards.
from Syuta Hashimoto openSUSE member in Japan
Updated by pjessen almost 4 years ago
- Private changed from Yes to No
I am pretty certain we already have a ticket on this, I'll see if I can find it. IIRC, it is something about us needing Google API credentials.
Updated by pjessen almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
pjessen wrote:
I am pretty certain we already have a ticket on this, I'll see if I can find it. IIRC, it is something about us needing Google API credentials.
See #50126