



action #124652


gtk glitch not showing dialog window decoration on openQA size:M

Added by geor about 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:



During our graphical YaST tests we (the qe-yam team) encounter a type of graphic glitch where the screen is not properly refreshed.
Examples can be seen here and here

This behavior is sporadic but widespread enough that it has forced qe-yam to apply workarounds to a number of our tests.
Because the conditions allowing the workarounds are not always consistent, we have interest in the root of the issue getting resolved.
Our latest bug entry on the matter has been tagged as WONTFIX because we (qe-yam and the YaST developers) have not found a way to reproduce this glitch outside of the openQA environment.

latest: (glitch does not happen on yast2_control_center on last build but can be seen elsewhere)
last good:


aarch64, s390x, x86_64 on SLE 15-SP4 and SLE 15-SP5 (issue is not exclusive on qemu)

Acceptance criteria

  • AC1: The graphic glitch does not appear anymore in tests


  • H1 could be the qemu video adapter

    • H1.1 REJECTED could be the specific choice of qemu video adapter
    • E1.1-1 DONE Try out the reproducing openQA test with different qemu video adapters -> O1.1-1-1 #124652#note-16 different video adapters reproduced the same issue
    • H1.2 maybe can not be reproduced with using special qemu video adapter settings
  • H2 REJECTED only happens in older SLE versions => Current SLE15SP5 affected the same

    • E2-1 DONE Run the equivalent openQA test on SLE
    • O2-1-1 issue observed on SLE15SP4-build31.2+ #124652#note-3
    • O2-1-2 0/100 failures on SLE15SP3+maintenance updates #124652#note-25
    • E2-2 DONE Run the equivalent openQA test on current Tumbleweed -> O2-2-1 Tumbleweed does not reproduce the problem, see #124652#note-26
    • E2-3 DONE Run the equivalent openQA test on current SLE15SP5 -> O2-3-1 #124652#note-32 5/101 (yast2_security) fails SLE15SP5@OSD
    • H2.1 ACCEPTED only happens in older SLE versions with newer maintenance updates
    • E2.1-1 DONE Run openQA test on SLE15-SP4 -> #124652#note-23 97% fail rate iscsi_server on SLE15-SP4
    • E2.1-2 DONE From #124652#note-24 Run openQA test on SLE15-SP3 with state of maintenance update from 2 years ago ("last good" from #Motivation) -> #124652-36 0/100 failures on SLE15SP3GM; 0/100 failures on SLE15SP2+updates -> accept H2.1
  • H3 ACCEPTED can only be reproduced in openQA

    • E3-1 DONE try to reproduce manually -> no one could reproduce manually
    • H3.1 REJECTED can be reproduced on regardless of OS version or variant
    • E3.1-1 DONE Run openSUSE openQA test on -> O3.1-1-1 #124652#note-32 0/101 fails Tumbleweed@OSD + 0/101 Leap15.4@OSD + 0/100 Leap15.5@OSD vs. 5/101 fails SLE15SP5@OSD
  • H4 ACCEPTED The test module(s) "iscsi_server/client" are most prone to fail, also shows in other yast modules

    • E4-1 DONE Gather statistics for different yast modules ->
    • O4-1-1 #124652#note-11 the problem was referenced for different modules, e.g. iscsi_server and yast2_security but no clear statistics
    • O4-1-2 #124652#note-23 97-99% fail rate iscsi_server on SLE15-SP4/5 vs. #124652#note-32 5% yast2_security on SLE15-SP5


  • It looks like window decorations are missing from the dialog
  • The emulated graphics adapter might be causing problems with the window manager
  • Research what options could be used with the graphics emulation in qemu
  • Identify the underlying parameter(s) in the openQA environment that can cause this graphical glitch.
  • Find a last good? We couldn't find one easily?
  • could be a VNC-related issue? Missing borders may occur there

Further details

Link to latest

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to qe-yam - action #128981: Run comparable test for the YaST glitch passing in O3 in OSDResolvedsyrianidou_sofia2023-05-09

Related to qe-yam - action #152065: Apply workaround for screen glitch in iscsi_clientResolvedhjluo2023-12-05

Actions #1

Updated by okurz about 2 years ago

  • Tags set to reactive work
  • Priority changed from Normal to High
  • Target version set to Ready

@geor since when is this happening? Please include a "last good" as well as a link to latest. You should be able to find those links if you click the "report issue" buttons in openQA from failing test cases

Actions #2

Updated by livdywan about 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from gtk glitch on openQA to gtk glitch not showing dialog window decoration on openQA size:M
  • Description updated (diff)
  • Status changed from New to Workable
Actions #3

Updated by geor about 2 years ago

@geor since when is this happening? Please include a "last good" as well as a link to latest. You should be able to find those links if you click the "report issue" buttons in openQA from failing test cases

The issue seems to appear with the introduction of SLE 15 SP4. bsc#1191112 is first bug opened on the issue and according to the bug entry, the glitch has been happening since build 31.2. However, due to the sporadic nature of the glitch, it could be that it was introduced before that.
The oldest archived 15-SP4 yast2_gui test run available is for build 36.1 where the issue is also present

On SLE 15 SP5 it has been happening since day 1.

Actions #4

Updated by geor about 2 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #5

Updated by livdywan almost 2 years ago

Let's mob this one tomorrow

Actions #6

Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #8

Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago

cdywan wrote:

Seems like the work-around has changed in the meantime:

yes, it is renamed with this ticket and and not shown as soft-failure because it is not a bug, the rest is the same.

Actions #9

Updated by livdywan almost 2 years ago

JERiveraMoya wrote:

cdywan wrote:

Seems like the work-around has changed in the meantime:

yes, it is renamed with this ticket and and not shown as soft-failure because it is not a bug, the rest is the same.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that. Do you mean this shouldn't show as a soft failure?

We tried to debug the issue collaboratively just now but we couldn't find the same issue anymore. Would you have a "latest" link that shows the concrete case? Otherwise we have no way of reproducing the issue right now.

Actions #10

Updated by livdywan almost 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Workable to Feedback
  • Assignee set to livdywan
Actions #11

Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for taking a look, I meant that we don't represent it with a soft-failure anymore (orange job status) as it was investigated by developers and it is not a bug, it is only reproducible in our infrastructure affecting multiple tests. Now we represent it as a record_info like here

This is still an occurrence:
It should show:

Another one is vs

Actions #12

Updated by livdywan almost 2 years ago

JERiveraMoya wrote:

This is still an occurrence:
It should show:

This looks to me like it fails in my·$module_name·=·y2_module_guitest::launch_yast2_module_x11('iscsi-lio-server',·target_match·=>·'iscsi-lio-server'); without ever applying the work-around which is only used in the config_2way_authentication case.

Another one is vs

In tests/yast2_gui/ it seems the work-around is missing/needed for assert_screen "yast2_security-login-attempts".

So I guess this is up to test maintainers since it doesn't seem to be an "openQA issue" as such, but given that I've just debugged this and the files already open in helix I went ahead and prepared a PR. The other case isn't as straight-forward, but maybe something like this could work here.

Not sure who is best to take over from here, but feel free to grab and adjust my proposed fixes as needed.

Actions #13

Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago

cdywan wrote:

JERiveraMoya wrote:

This is still an occurrence:
It should show:

This looks to me like it fails in my·$module_name·=·y2_module_guitest::launch_yast2_module_x11('iscsi-lio-server',·target_match·=>·'iscsi-lio-server'); without ever applying the work-around which is only used in the config_2way_authentication case.

yes, the problem appears randomly in different places, here it looks like we haven't applied and 50% of time we hit the issue and the content is not loaded, so it is a good example.

Another one is vs

In tests/yast2_gui/ it seems the work-around is missing/needed for assert_screen "yast2_security-login-attempts".

So I guess this is up to test maintainers since it doesn't seem to be an "openQA issue" as such, but given that I've just debugged this and the files already open in helix I went ahead and prepared a PR. The other case isn't as straight-forward, but maybe something like this could work here.

Not sure who is best to take over from here, but feel free to grab and adjust my proposed fixes as needed.

It is not a needle issue, when you click that item Login Setting only the title of the screen is refreshed "Login Settings", but the content is the remaining from Security Overview.
We verified that manually a time ago, of course with openQA, outside openQA not even the developer could do reproduce it.
Thanks for trying out, too many YaST modules are hacked with this workaround stopping having proper automation and propagating to testing in maintenance products.
Let me know if you somehow cannot catch it just stopping the automation with the openQA debugger, this Login setting could be a good example I believe as it is not MM.

Actions #14

Updated by livdywan almost 2 years ago

JERiveraMoya wrote:

It is not a needle issue, when you click that item Login Setting only the title of the screen is refreshed "Login Settings", but the content is the remaining from Security Overview.

Not sure what you mean by "needle issue" so let me be more explicit on what I so far understand:

  • The issue here is YaST windows not being redrawn/ refreshed/ updated. Hence the needle won't match.
  • What the work-around does is it presses keys when the needle didn't match and tries once more check the screen.
  • Said work-around is not being used in the cases I mentioned.
Actions #15

Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago

yes, you are getting all right, YaST windows not being redrawn/ refreshed/ updated only in openQA infrastructure, that is the issue itself.

Actions #16

Updated by livdywan almost 2 years ago

So to see what device may be more reliable I'm currently re-running the same jobs in different configurations, namely virtio-vga, qxl-vga, virtio-gpu-pci and bochs-display as per docs, see:

openqa-clone-job --within-instance QEMU_VIDEO_DEVICE=virtio-vga
Cloning parents of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_server_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit
Cloning children of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-autoyast_create_hdd_gnome@64bit
Cloning children of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_server_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit
Cloning parents of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_client_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit
3 jobs have been created:
 - sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-autoyast_create_hdd_gnome@64bit ->
 - sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_server_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit ->
 - sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_client_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit -> QEMU_VIDEO_DEVICE=qxl-vga   job --within-instance http://openq
Cloning parents of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_server_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit
Cloning children of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-autoyast_create_hdd_gnome@64bit
Cloning children of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_server_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit
Cloning parents of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_client_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit
3 jobs have been created:
 - sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-autoyast_create_hdd_gnome@64bit ->
 - sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_server_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit ->
 - sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_client_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit -> QEMU_VIDEO_DEVICE=virtio-gpu-pci--within-instance http://openq
Cloning parents of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_server_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit
Cloning children of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-autoyast_create_hdd_gnome@64bit
Cloning children of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_server_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit
Cloning parents of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_client_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit
3 jobs have been created:
 - sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-autoyast_create_hdd_gnome@64bit ->
 - sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_server_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit ->
 - sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_client_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit -> QEMU_VIDEO_DEVICE=bochs-display --within-instance http://openq
Cloning parents of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_server_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit
Cloning children of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-autoyast_create_hdd_gnome@64bit
Cloning children of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_server_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit
Cloning parents of sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_client_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit
3 jobs have been created:
 - sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-autoyast_create_hdd_gnome@64bit ->
 - sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_server_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit ->
 - sle-15-SP5-Online-x86_64-Build81.1-iscsi_client_normal_auth_backstore_hdd@64bit ->
Actions #17

Updated by livdywan almost 2 years ago

cdywan wrote:

So to see what device may be more reliable I'm currently re-running the same jobs in different configurations, namely virtio-vga, qxl-vga, virtio-gpu-pci and bochs-display as per docs, see:

Apparently all devices eventually reproduce the issue, so unfortunately that was a bit of a red herring.

Actions #18

Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Due date set to 2023-05-11

@JERiveraMoya @geor Different OS versions should be checked, different architectures, find last good, etc. Please see the "Problem" section in the ticket. To be clear: This we do not plan to do ourselves, up to you.

Putting due-date to 2023-05-11: If no response or action by you until then then we will declare the ticket as not fixable.

Actions #19

Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago

(@geor is not anymore in the project)
In the first comment of the bug that we opened for sle 15 sp5 you can see the reference to the bug we open for sle 15 sp4: (ignored the verified fixed, that bug was too confusing at the beginning)
According to first comment from ticket above, the problem appeared in SLE15-SP4 (e.g. 39.1)
The problem is in qemu afik, see other archs than x86_64 (I didn't find it for s390x):
Product sle 15 sp4 and sle 15 sp5 (not seen in O3 or other places that I'm aware...).

Actions #20

Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago

JERiveraMoya wrote:

Product sle 15 sp4 and sle 15 sp5 (not seen in O3 or other places that I'm aware...).

so in Tumbleweed and and also Leap the problem does not reproduce? That would be interesting. Could you share openQA jobs that can be compared for SLE15SP4/5 and Tumbleweed+Leap?

Actions #21

Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago

okurz wrote:

JERiveraMoya wrote:

Product sle 15 sp4 and sle 15 sp5 (not seen in O3 or other places that I'm aware...).

so in Tumbleweed and and also Leap the problem does not reproduce? That would be interesting. Could you share openQA jobs that can be compared for SLE15SP4/5 and Tumbleweed+Leap?

there is the same test suite in TW, but not exactly the same is tested because not all the yast modules are available among products/archs
same for Leap:

Actions #22

Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago

Then I suggest you

JERiveraMoya wrote:

okurz wrote:

JERiveraMoya wrote:

Product sle 15 sp4 and sle 15 sp5 (not seen in O3 or other places that I'm aware...).

so in Tumbleweed and and also Leap the problem does not reproduce? That would be interesting. Could you share openQA jobs that can be compared for SLE15SP4/5 and Tumbleweed+Leap?

there is the same test suite in TW, but not exactly the same is tested because not all the yast modules are available among products/archs
same for Leap:

Ok, good. Then I suggest you gather in a if the problem happens with a same error rate if at all for the different OS/version combinations.

Actions #23

Updated by syrianidou_sofia almost 2 years ago

okurz wrote:

Then I suggest you

JERiveraMoya wrote:

okurz wrote:

JERiveraMoya wrote:

Product sle 15 sp4 and sle 15 sp5 (not seen in O3 or other places that I'm aware...).

so in Tumbleweed and and also Leap the problem does not reproduce? That would be interesting. Could you share openQA jobs that can be compared for SLE15SP4/5 and Tumbleweed+Leap?

there is the same test suite in TW, but not exactly the same is tested because not all the yast modules are available among products/archs
same for Leap:

Ok, good. Then I suggest you gather in a if the problem happens with a same error rate if at all for the different OS/version combinations.

Statistically, the failure occurs

Actions #24

Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago

syrianidou_sofia wrote:

Statistically, the failure occurs

Nice! Can you do the same for Tumbleweed and SLE15-SP5? The "last good" from the initial ticket description is on SLE15-SP3 with state of maintenance update from 2 years ago. Can you try to clone or replicate that so that we can distinguish between test environment and SUT OS state?

Actions #25

Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago

For SLE 15 SP3 you have already 100 runs from Maintenance update job group for yam:
where the workaround is not triggered and there are no failures.

For tumbleweed that exact scenario iscsi is not tested, @ssyrianidou, could you somehow hack the module in yast2_gui a bit to try to run something similar as Oliver suggested?. It this glitch would have been seen in openSUSE we would have had plenty of tickets in our backlog so I really doubt it happens, we probably could assume there is not issue there.

Actions #26

Updated by syrianidou_sofia almost 2 years ago

JERiveraMoya wrote:

For SLE 15 SP3 you have already 100 runs from Maintenance update job group for yam:
where the workaround is not triggered and there are no failures.

For tumbleweed that exact scenario iscsi is not tested, @ssyrianidou, could you somehow hack the module in yast2_gui a bit to try to run something similar as Oliver suggested?. It this glitch would have been seen in openSUSE we would have had plenty of tickets in our backlog so I really doubt it happens, we probably could assume there is not issue there.

Indeed, I have checked already the previous runs on O3 for yast2_gui. I didn't see the glitch in any of the modules. On osd the same modules expedite the glitch very frequently so I would assume that it's not reproducible for opensuse.

Actions #27

Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Assignee changed from livdywan to okurz

Cool. Then I suggest you try the following two experiments:

  1. As SLE15-SP4/SP5 fail with a ratio of 97-99% run or find according tests in Leap 15.4/5
  2. Run the corresponding Tumbleweed test on OSD to crosscheck if it also passes there
Actions #28

Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago

  • Due date changed from 2023-05-11 to 2023-05-19
  • Priority changed from High to Normal

No response, waiting some more days

Actions #29

Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago

  • Related to action #128981: Run comparable test for the YaST glitch passing in O3 in OSD added
Actions #30

Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago

Added task for Yam squad to try out suggested comparable setup.

Actions #31

Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago

  • Due date deleted (2023-05-19)
  • Status changed from Feedback to Blocked

blocking on #128981

Actions #32

Updated by syrianidou_sofia almost 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Blocked to Feedback

We have collected more statistics for yast2 security module, where the glitch is visible but not as frequent as in iscsi tests used for statistics in commend#23

All tests ran on osd
5% failure for SLE15 SP5 :
0% failure for Tumbleweed :
0% failure for Leap 15.4 :
0% failure for Leap 15.5 :

Actions #33

Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #34

Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #35

Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

I updated the description of the text following after I reviewed all comments with all measurements.

There is one experiment which is still open which I suggest to run

Actions #36

Updated by syrianidou_sofia almost 2 years ago

okurz wrote:

I updated the description of the text following after I reviewed all comments with all measurements.

There is one experiment which is still open which I suggest to run

For the yast2_control_center module 100 tests were ran for SLES 15 SP3 GMC installation without updates and 100 for updated SP2. The glitch does not seem to be present in any of the tests:

Actions #37

Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Nice. So as expected the problem was introduced with a maintenance update. I updated the ticket description accordingly. From your measurements further bisection could be done to identify the exact problematic patch.

@geor @syrianidou_sofia As we have clearly not found an easy way to work around this in openQA and because it's really product specific I suggest you update with the information that a SLE maintenance update clearly introduced the issue but also that not all versions of openSUSE are affected. This might be interesting for the YaST team. If they are not interested then you need to look into workarounds from test perspective.

Actions #38

Updated by syrianidou_sofia almost 2 years ago

okurz wrote:

Nice. So as expected the problem was introduced with a maintenance update. I updated the ticket description accordingly. From your measurements further bisection could be done to identify the exact problematic patch.

@geor @syrianidou_sofia As we have clearly not found an easy way to work around this in openQA and because it's really product specific I suggest you update with the information that a SLE maintenance update clearly introduced the issue but also that not all versions of openSUSE are affected. This might be interesting for the YaST team. If they are not interested then you need to look into workarounds from test perspective.

OK, the bug is updated here:

Actions #39

Updated by okurz almost 2 years ago

that's great. Thank you. Now, I don't think there is anything more that we can from the side of openQA or os-autoinst. Do you still need this ticket open to handle any work regarding workarounds in tests?

Actions #40

Updated by okurz over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

No response, closing

Actions #41

Updated by rainerkoenig about 1 year ago

  • Related to action #152065: Apply workaround for screen glitch in iscsi_client added

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