action #9674
closed[sles][functional][s390x] test an existing installation
So we can schedule a whole bunch of tests based on an already installed machine
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: Any "extra tests" is scheduled on any s390x, e.g. for "SLE 15 functional"
- As zVM does not provide us with an image saving/loading feature we should go with s390x-kvm. Scheduling "extra_tests_filesystem" or "extra_tests_in_textmode" should be fine. I think we have them in the test development group already? (1-4h)
Updated by RBrownSUSE about 9 years ago
- Checklist item changed from to [ ] SLE
- Target version deleted (
Updated by okurz over 8 years ago
- Blocked by action #12330: Upgrades on s390 added
Updated by okurz over 8 years ago
- Blocked by action #12922: hard-chained jobs running on same worker one after another added
Updated by okurz over 8 years ago
PR ready for "boot into existing system":
Updated by okurz over 8 years ago
- Blocks action #13216: [sles][functional][s390x] Run extratest on s390x added
Updated by okurz about 8 years ago
as described in #12330 for zVM we just assume subsequent jobs to run on the same machine immediately as long as the worker class restricts the scenarios to run only on one so we are able to trigger tests on existing installations but only in serial execution. For zKVM we now have proper image handling so that spawning jobs based on images of existing installations should be feasible.
#13216 is a followup with a specific example, i.e. trigger extra tests on s390x.
@mgriessmeier: DONE?
Updated by mgriessmeier about 8 years ago
working on it for zKVM at the moment
for zVM I plan to set up a new Worker_Class to also run console and extratests on it
Updated by okurz about 8 years ago
I would say we have it already for zVM, too. The upgrade tests are using "an existing installation". But we can not close this ticket before the subtickets are done anyway
Updated by mgriessmeier almost 8 years ago
- Subject changed from s390x - test an existing installation to [sles][functional][s390x] test an existing installation
Updated by mgriessmeier over 7 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
released subticket, so I'll do for this - we should rethink about it with sle15
Updated by okurz over 7 years ago
turns out to be a pre-requisite for more scenarios than we envisioned, referenced with blocked/blocking.
Updated by sebchlad over 7 years ago
@okurz: Start date: 25/11/2015
also the description is vague. Could we update the description please, so me, as the Product Owner, could figure what is to be done here?
Updated by riafarov over 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Finally done, see