action #92533
openQA (public) - coordination #99303: [saga][epic] Future improvements for SUSE Maintenance QA workflows with fully automated testing, approval and release
coordination #99306: [epic] Future improvements: Make reviewing openQA results per squad easier
Module-centric test result overview
Start date:
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In response to the discussion about OpenQA review process changes, I'd like to propose a new test result overview that is module-centric. All current overviews are job-centric which makes it difficult to compare the results of a single module under different configurations.
- Show all available results of a single test module on the same page
- Renamed instances of the same Perl module will be treated as different modules but there will be quick navigation links between them
- Filtering and easily configurable grouping by standard OpenQA job filters (distri, arch, flavor, etc.)
- Filtering by module result (passed/failed/softfailed/skipped/none)
- Result grouping by test version (package version or Git commit)
- Option to show only the latest results (per job group/build) or everything
- Quick link to parent OpenQA job from each module result