action #50471
closed[qam] [packageinstallation] qam-incidentinstall test fails in update_install if intentionally conflicting packages are covered by the incident
Continued from Bug 1132541 since observed fails are due to the test rather than due to the tested update.
Update Issue 10768 (SLE15, avahi, gnutls, samba,...) (from the bugreport)¶
openQA test in scenario sle-15-Server-DVD-Incidents-Install-x86_64-qam-incidentinstall fails in update_install due to product packages intentionally in conflict:
- aarch64: update_install
- ppc64le: update_install
- s390x: update_install
- x86_64: update_install
Update Issue 10750 (SLE12SP2LTSS, openvswitch)¶
openQA test in scenario sle-12SP2-Server-DVD-Incidents-Install-x86_64-qam-incidentinstall@64bit fails in update_install.
Here the fail is caused by the (intentional) conflict between openvswitch-2.5.6-25.15.9 und openvswitch-dpdk-2.5.6-25.15.9 (latest releases for SLES-12-SP2-LTSS, both due for update by the update under test).
Updated by SLindoMansilla almost 6 years ago
- Category set to Bugs in existing tests
As a result of backlog triaging (see for more information).
Please, feel free to adjust the category or the "[label]" if you think different.
Updated by kgw_suse over 5 years ago
- Related to action #58748: [qam] [packageinstallation] [sprint] test qam-incidentinstall fails in update_install since update introduces new package added
Updated by kgw_suse over 5 years ago
- Related to deleted (action #58748: [qam] [packageinstallation] [sprint] test qam-incidentinstall fails in update_install since update introduces new package)
Updated by apappas over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Fixed by Josef Pupava with this.
Updated by tjyrinki_suse over 4 years ago
- Start date set to 2018-10-14
due to changes in a related task: #50471
Updated by tjyrinki_suse over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from [qam] qam-incidentinstall test fails in update_install if intentionally conflicting packages are covered by the incident to [qam] [packageinstallation] qam-incidentinstall test fails in update_install if intentionally conflicting packages are covered by the incident
- Start date deleted (