action #44138
closed[functional][u][userspace] tests in QAM which seem to be the equivalent look so much easier to review, crosscheck
openQA test in scenario sle-15-SP1-Installer-DVD-x86_64-qa_userspace_openssl@64bit fails in
and then the details show the step failing but not showing any good feedback what is broken there.
However, there are QAM tests, like which look equivalent but have a different way of outputting. Can we achieve the same?
Expected result¶
The failed steps or modules should provide log output which points to the likely errors
Further details¶
Always latest result in this scenario: latest
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
- Related to coordination #44843: [qe-core][functional][epic] Cleanup the use of serial-/virtio-/ssh-consoles in our tests (was: use $self->select_serial_terminal instead of checking IPMI in every module) added
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
- Target version changed from Milestone 22 to Milestone 24
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to okurz with title "qa_automation: add new design for QA:HEAD tests" added the use of the test variable QA_TESTSUITE whereas qam uses QA_TESTSET only. Checked with and found no QAM job running execute_test_run. shows that there are mainly QAM jobs using QA_TESTSET however some others as well. QA_TESTSUITE is not used for anything with a prefix like "qam". To me it looks like both are doing more or less the equivalent except that based on QA_TESTSET shows the output of individual test modules and also there is no module "execute_test_run" that would fail and is hard to label.
Can I just define QA_TESTSET instead of QA_TESTSUITE?
$ openqa_clone_job_osd --skip-chained-deps 2488712 QA_TESTSUITE= QA_TESTSET=userspace_apparmor _GROUP=0 TEST=okurz_poo44138_qa_userspace_apparmor_testset
Created job #2492870: sle-15-SP1-Installer-DVD-x86_64-Build175.4-qa_userspace_apparmor@64bit ->
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
There seems to be no "python" in . That was unexpected :D to fix first before we could switch the scenarios to the different run method.
For direct comparison:
- SLE15SP1 userspace regression test on production:
- New approach based on QA_TESTSET including above PR:
- QAM equivalent to above with QA_TESTSET:
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
- Blocks action #44828: [sle][functional][u][userspace] test fails in execute_test_run (test_verify) - need to update test code and report new test result added
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago is a more experimental PR, going further
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
- Blocks action #44195: [sle][u] test fails in execute_test_run - check-named and check-systemd-machined failed added
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
- Blocks action #44882: [functional][sle][userspace][u]test fails in execute_test_run - almost all php tests failed added
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
both mentioned PRs merged. Maintenance tests still look very green, e.g. . Further examples: mau-qa_acceptance_fs_stress and mau-qa_userspace_bind
Changing a limited set of test suites, e.g. "qa_userspace_apparmor":
Also adopted "qa_userspace_apparmor-profiles".
Let's wait for a new build.
Updated by okurz almost 6 years ago
- Related to action #48653: [functional][u] test fails in kernel_multipath and mau-qa_kernel_kexec on SLE-12 SP3 and newer added
Updated by okurz almost 6 years ago
- handle result of -> "# Test died: No QA_HEAD_REPO specified! at /var/lib/openqa/cache/ line 84." -> I guess I still need
(for now). ReaddedQA_HEAD_REPO=
to both testsuites changed in #44138#note-13
for i in 2513547 2513388 2513180 2513222 2513567 ; do openqa-clone-job --skip-chained-deps --within-instance $i QA_HEAD_REPO= ; done
Created job #2518055: sle-15-SP1-Installer-DVD-x86_64-Build181.3-qa_userspace_apparmor@64bit -> -> now failing as expected in the same bug as in before
Created job #2518056: sle-15-SP1-Installer-DVD-aarch64-Build181.3-qa_userspace_apparmor-profiles@aarch64-virtio ->
Created job #2518057: sle-15-SP1-Installer-DVD-ppc64le-Build181.3-qa_userspace_apparmor-profiles@ppc64le ->
Created job #2518058: sle-15-SP1-Installer-DVD-s390x-Build181.3-qa_userspace_apparmor-profiles@s390x-kvm-sle12 ->
Created job #2518059: sle-15-SP1-Installer-DVD-x86_64-Build181.3-qa_userspace_apparmor-profiles@64bit -> -> failed weirdly in an intermediate step, retrying: . Failed the same however I have seen the same error in without any bad effect so the error must be something different. shows
# /usr/share/qa/qaset/bin/ -n 'regression' -d -o /tmp/junit.xml /var/log/qaset ; echo _dMLG-$?-
[/usr/share/qa/qaset/bin/]WARNING: No submission info for testsuite apparmor-profiles
[/usr/share/qa/qaset/bin/]WARNING: No log dir inside submission log of testsuite apparmor-profiles
[/usr/share/qa/qaset/bin/]DEBUG: Parsing testsuite iostat: iostat
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/qa/qaset/bin/", line 512, in <module>
File "/usr/share/qa/qaset/bin/", line 426, in collect_log
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 253, in rmtree
onerror(os.listdir, path, sys.exc_info())
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 251, in rmtree
names = os.listdir(path)
OSError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/tmp/junit_generator-66651/iostat'
so for now I am changing "apparmor-profiles" back to the original.
I suggest the following next step:
- Test all scenarios in "userspace" with
instead ofQA_TESTSUITE=<name>
- understand why some do not work, e.g. as above "apparmor-profiles"
- @waitfor Ask others if QA_TESTSUITE has any benefit over QA_TESTSET -> propose deletion and ask in PR -> @waitfor
- @waitfor ^ Change all/more scenarios to QA_TESTSET instead
Updated by okurz almost 6 years ago
- Blocks action #46490: [functional][u][sporadic] test fails in execute_test_run: char gets double-typed added
Updated by okurz almost 6 years ago
Trying to clone all scenarios from latest 15sp1 build with testset:
for i in $(openqa-client --host --json-output jobs build=189.1 version=15-SP1 groupid=112| jq --raw-output --join-output '.jobs[]| (.id," ")') ; do name=$(openqa-client --host --json-output jobs/$i | jq -r '.job.settings.QA_TESTSUITE'); openqa-clone-job --skip-chained-deps --within-instance $i VIRTIO_CONSOLE= MAX_JOB_TIME= QA_TESTSUITE= QA_TESTSET="userspace-${name}" TEST=qa_userspace_${name}-testset-poo44138 _GROUP="Test Development: SLE 15" ;done
Hm, they all failed. Probably because I used "userspace-${name}" instead of "userspace_${name}". Also the results are actually hard to see in the development job group, trying again in it's own (implicit) build:
for i in $(openqa-client --host --json-output jobs build=189.1 version=15-SP1 groupid=112| jq --raw-output --join-output '.jobs[]| (.id," ")') ; do name=$(openqa-client --host --json-output jobs/$i | jq -r '.job.settings.QA_TESTSUITE'); openqa-clone-job --skip-chained-deps --within-instance $i VIRTIO_CONSOLE= MAX_JOB_TIME= QA_TESTSUITE= QA_TESTSET="userspace_${name}" TEST=qa_userspace_${name}-testset-poo44138 _GROUP=0 ;done
-> Created job #2537657: sle-15-SP1-Installer-DVD-aarch64-Build189.1-qa_userspace_apache2_mod_perl@aarch64-virtio ->
hm, that was also a bad idea as this is now the same build but without any group ->
As the tests do not take that long I deleted some still scheduled ones:
for i in $(openqa-client --host --json-output jobs build=189.1 version=15-SP1 state=scheduled arch=s390x | jq --raw-output --join-output '.jobs[] | (.id," ")') ; do openqa-client --host jobs/$i delete ; done
and I retriggered with a custom build:
for i in $(openqa-client --host --json-output jobs build=189.1 version=15-SP1 groupid=112| jq --raw-output --join-output '.jobs[]| (.id," ")') ; do name=$(openqa-client --host --json-output jobs/$i | jq -r '.job.settings.QA_TESTSUITE'); openqa-clone-job --skip-chained-deps --within-instance $i VIRTIO_CONSOLE= MAX_JOB_TIME= QA_TESTSUITE= QA_TESTSET="userspace_${name}" TEST=qa_userspace_${name}-testset-poo44138 BUILD=189.1@poo44138 _GROUP=0 ;done
Created job #2537763: sle-15-SP1-Installer-DVD-aarch64-Build189.1-qa_userspace_apache2_mod_perl@aarch64-virtio -> ->
The following testsuites seem to be problematic:
- apache2-mod_perl -> #49106
- apparmor-profiles (already mentioned above) -> #49106
- sharutils (failed on s390x) -> #49112
- php (should have been php7) -> #49115
the following fail but should be fine:
- nfs_v4 (was scheduled as "null", should be checked specifically)
- openssh failed the same as in before
- systemd fails the same as in before
so I changed all the testsuites except the "problematic" ones as mentioned above to use "TESTSET" instead.
Updated by okurz almost 6 years ago
- Copied to action #49118: [functional][u][userspace] Investigate if QA_TESTSUITE has any benefits over QA_TESTSET added
Updated by okurz almost 6 years ago
The only part left for this commit is I should await a next official SLE15SP1 build with the according test results in the userspace job group.
Updated by okurz almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved looks like it should :)
Updated by szarate over 5 years ago
- Blocks deleted (action #44195: [sle][u] test fails in execute_test_run - check-named and check-systemd-machined failed)
Updated by szarate over 5 years ago
- Blocked by action #44195: [sle][u] test fails in execute_test_run - check-named and check-systemd-machined failed added
Updated by szarate over 5 years ago
- Blocked by deleted (action #44195: [sle][u] test fails in execute_test_run - check-named and check-systemd-machined failed)
Updated by szarate over 5 years ago
- Precedes action #44195: [sle][u] test fails in execute_test_run - check-named and check-systemd-machined failed added