tickets #44060
Kind request for access to management interface of ariel VM, e.g. ssh-access, libvirt, "ssh user access to atreju1 to be able to view cscreen"
Added by okurz about 6 years ago.
Updated almost 5 years ago.
Servers hosted in NBG
- Private changed from Yes to No
Apologies for taking too long. Unfortunately we are short on manpower on SUSE-IT the past month, which kept me busy, and also I've been on sick leave for one week. I fully understand the importance of the issue, but it will take longer to get solved unfortunately (after vacation). Thanks for the understanding
- Assignee deleted (
Based on your RT ticket I will take also this one.
we will track the progress there .
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
I am unable to reply to the RT ticket however this ticket is a more generic wish but also not urgent (anymore). For example I conducted the recent o3 upgrade without any further VM image dump and basically we were lucky that nothing bad has happened.
- Status changed from New to Rejected
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
As there was no further reaction here, I like to close this request for now. For machines completely "owned" by openSUSE heroes (like slimhat and widehat), we have serial access. For shared machines, this seems not to be possible (while it might, technically).
I suggest to hope for a complete split here, including openSUSE owned hardware for all VMs (or cloud instances). This lowers the burden for IT and let the heroes look forward to this date...
- Related to action #80834: [alert] osd reported 502 errors, unresponsive, failing alerts for CPU usage since 2020-12-08 0840Z and minion jobs failed added
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