



action #43229


Could openQA automatic takeover more than 1 known bsc/poo

Added by yosun over 5 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Feature requests
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The most useful feature for test reviewer in openQA is automatic takeover 1 bug from previous run.
I have a test contain 6 bugs and 1 poo, but every time openqa automatic takeover 1 bug from previous builds. Could openqa automatic takeover them all?


Actions #1

Updated by rpalethorpe over 5 years ago

I will implement this in JDP instead of OpenQA (it could still be implemented in OpenQA as well).

Actions #2

Updated by nicksinger over 5 years ago

  • Project changed from openQA Infrastructure to openQA Project
  • Category set to Feature requests
Actions #3

Updated by mitiao over 5 years ago

Looks easy to takeover all bsc/poo, just curious to know any concern to only takeover 1 bsc/poo in current code?

Actions #4

Updated by coolo over 5 years ago

  • Target version set to Ready

I'm fine with taking over the latest comment containing one or multiple issues. I'm against merging issue comments or taking over multiple comments.

Actions #5

Updated by yosun over 5 years ago

Yeah, no need to takeover comments, but issues/poo are really needed :)

Actions #6

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

@yosun I am not quite sure if you understood coolo. Every "bug reference" within openQA is also a comment.

Taking over multiple issues is easy and already working: Just do what we already do for very long e.g. within the openSUSE tests, write one comment with a list of references. Take for example using a proper markdown list with the module and the according ticket reference.

I assume extending the comments on job level to reference multiple issues in multiple failing modules and trying to carry that over to another job with multiple issues in potentially different failing modules would be very complicated and error-prone. I would rather suggest to invest the effort into a different approach to better identify "known failures" and track these not in job comments, e.g. see #39719

Actions #7

Updated by mkittler over 5 years ago

I'm fine with taking over the latest comment containing one or multiple issues.

And that already seems to work (see Oliver's example: So can we consider the issue resolved/rejected then?

Actions #8

Updated by okurz over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • Assignee set to okurz

Let's assume yes, anyone can reopen with a clear different expectation of course

Actions #9

Updated by yosun over 5 years ago

@okurz Thanks to notice, I did misunderstood coolo.
But that markdown solution in one comment works for me, what I need it's a solution. Thanks.

Actions #10

Updated by coolo over 5 years ago

  • Category changed from Feature requests to 140

@mitiao I suggest you take the opportunity and document these ways

Actions #11

Updated by coolo about 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from Ready to Done

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