



action #39785


[sle][functional][u][spvm][sporadic] test fails in grub_test - test stucks at powerVM SMS menu

Added by zluo over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Bugs in existing tests
Target version:
SUSE QA (private) - Milestone 21
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Compared with last successful test run (4 days ago), grub_test seems to be broken because it cannot reach grub menu now.


openQA test in scenario sle-12-SP4-Server-DVD-ppc64le-textmode@ppc64le-spvm fails in


Fails since (at least) Build 0341 (current job)

Expected result

Last good: 0339 (or more recent)

Further details

Always latest result in this scenario: latest

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to openQA Tests (public) - action #39956: [functional][u][spvm] test fails in welcome as textmode needles are not consideredResolveddheidler2018-08-18

Blocks openQA Tests (public) - action #33340: [tools][functional][u][medium][pvm] Enable graphical installation for the powerVM backendResolvedmgriessmeier2018-03-15

Actions #1

Updated by okurz over 6 years ago

  • Subject changed from [sle][functional][u] test fails in grub_test - test stucks at powerVM SMS menu to [sle][functional][u][spvm] test fails in grub_test - test stucks at powerVM SMS menu
  • Target version set to Milestone 19
Actions #2

Updated by okurz over 6 years ago

This is an autogenerated message for openQA integration by the openqa_review script:

This bug is still referenced in a failing openQA test: textmode@ppc64le-spvm

Actions #3

Updated by okurz over 6 years ago

  • Subject changed from [sle][functional][u][spvm] test fails in grub_test - test stucks at powerVM SMS menu to [sle][functional][u][spvm][sporadic] test fails in grub_test - test stucks at powerVM SMS menu
  • Priority changed from Normal to Low
  • Target version changed from Milestone 19 to Milestone 21

hm, does not exactly seem to be super stable but quite sporadic looking at and back. But we should fix this first before extending further tests on spvm.

Actions #4

Updated by okurz over 6 years ago

  • Blocks action #39956: [functional][u][spvm] test fails in welcome as textmode needles are not considered added
Actions #5

Updated by okurz over 6 years ago

  • Blocks action #33340: [tools][functional][u][medium][pvm] Enable graphical installation for the powerVM backend added
Actions #6

Updated by dheidler over 6 years ago

  • Blocks deleted (action #39956: [functional][u][spvm] test fails in welcome as textmode needles are not considered)
Actions #7

Updated by dheidler over 6 years ago

  • Related to action #39956: [functional][u][spvm] test fails in welcome as textmode needles are not considered added
Actions #8

Updated by okurz over 6 years ago

This is an autogenerated message for openQA integration by the openqa_review script:

This bug is still referenced in a failing openQA test: textmode@ppc64le-spvm

Actions #9

Updated by okurz over 6 years ago

This is an autogenerated message for openQA integration by the openqa_review script:

This bug is still referenced in a failing openQA test: textmode@ppc64le-spvm

Actions #10

Updated by dheidler over 6 years ago

This only seems to happen on the grenache-1:7 worker.

Actions #11

Updated by dheidler over 6 years ago

But on that one it seems to happen always.

Actions #12

Updated by dheidler over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to dheidler
Actions #13

Updated by coolo over 6 years ago

aehm, why not reset the LPAR then?

Actions #14

Updated by nicksinger over 6 years ago

I think I found the issue.

This is the list of lpars we have on grenache:

padmin@grenache:~$ pvmctl lpar list
Logical Partitions
|       Name       | ID |     State     |   RMC    |    Env    |    Ref Code   |  Mem   | CPU | Ent  |
| novalink_210FD0W | 1  |    running    |   ----   | AIX/Linux | Linux ppc64le |  2560  |  2  | 0.5  |
|    grenache-1    | 3  |    running    | inactive | AIX/Linux |   SUSE Linux  | 179968 |  16 | 16.0 |
|    grenache-2    | 4  |    running    | inactive | AIX/Linux | Linux ppc64le |  2048  |  2  | 2.0  |
|    grenache-3    | 5  |    running    | inactive | AIX/Linux | Linux ppc64le |  2048  |  2  | 2.0  |
|    grenache-4    | 6  |    running    | inactive | AIX/Linux | Linux ppc64le |  2048  |  2  | 2.0  |
|    grenache-5    | 7  |    running    | inactive | AIX/Linux | Linux ppc64le |  2048  |  2  | 2.0  |
|    grenache-6    | 8  | open firmware | inactive | AIX/Linux |    CA00E140   |  2048  |  2  | 2.0  |
|    grenache-7    | 9  |    running    | inactive | AIX/Linux | Linux ppc64le |  2048  |  2  | 2.0  |
|    grenache-8    | 10 | open firmware | inactive | AIX/Linux |    AA00E1A9   |  2048  |  2  | 2.0  |

The machine in question is grenache-8 (see
Each LPAR has a special property called LogicalPartition.bootmode.
Listing this property for all machines yields the following result:

padmin@grenache:~$ pvmctl lpar list --display-fields=LogicalPartition.bootmode

As you can see, LPAR id 8 and 10 are in SMS mode. I used 10 as comparison and issued a manual pvmctl lpar power-on -i id=10 --bootmode sms (this is exactly what openQA does to start a machine).
Interestingly enough: also LPAR 10 is now in SMS mode.

I changed the default with the two following commands:

padmin@grenache:~$ pvmctl lpar update -i id=8 --set-field LogicalPartition.bootmode=Normal
padmin@grenache:~$ pvmctl lpar update -i id=10 --set-field LogicalPartition.bootmode=Normal

And after that, indeed all the lpars have their bootmode set to "Normal" (which just means: boot the default in "IBM speech")

padmin@grenache:~$ pvmctl lpar list --display-fields=LogicalPartition.bootmode

So from what I could observe, I've the feeling that as soon as you overwrite the bootmode (with --bootmode $mode) the LPAR will configure itself to that mode until a "proper" boot was successful. This would somehow explain how the LPAR 8 could end up in this state: openQA was interrupted by $something while using this LPAR. Afterwards it was in a wrong default.
So maybe we need to extend our backend to reset the bootmode after IPL by issuing another:

pvmctl lpar update -i id=$LPAR_ID --set-field LogicalPartition.bootmode=Normal
Actions #15

Updated by dheidler over 6 years ago

I guess we can reenable the worker instance then:

Actions #16

Updated by dheidler over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to In Progress

I will update the backend.

Actions #17

Updated by dheidler over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
Actions #18

Updated by dheidler over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

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