coordination #36778
[functional][u][y][epic] improve openqa triggering mechanisms, standardize OBS/IBS deliverables structure, trigger jobs using other means
Added by riafarov almost 7 years ago.
Updated over 4 years ago.
Enhancement to existing tests
As an outcome of #35766 we have decided following:
- we will try to avoid investing time in but look for better integration with openQA
- logic is complicated mainly because isos and repos are published using quite different structure for each distri
- we cannot make most of the repo content public as it contains internal infrastructure details
User story¶
As an openQA user I want to trigger CI jobs using integrated tools in OBS/openQA itself.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: openSUSE contributors acting as release managers for openSUSE ports have access to all code that is executed for building, publishing, syncing, triggering
- AC2: Anyone can find the current status of builds+tests without needing to ask people to login to VMs over ssh
- Collect opinions of stakeholders, e.g. openSUSE and SLE RMs, REs as well as PMs, e.g. coolo, DimStar, lnussel, michel_mno (ppc oS ports), dirk (aarch64 oS ports), guillaume_g (aarch64 oS ports), boombatower/jimmyberry (release engineer), maxlin, adrianS (OBS PO), ro
- Evaluate complexity and efforts to make publishing structures same for openSUSE repos, and then same for SLE
- Evaluate idea of integration of triggering mechanisms in OBS/IBS or openQA using api calls, etc.
- Related to action #35766: [functional][y][medium] improve openqa/scripts - Feasibility: Make openqa/scripts open source if possible, feasible and beneficial added
@okurz, please take a look. I guess we can start with collecting problems people have. Could you please help to identify stakeholders then? Thanks!
- Subject changed from [functional][epic] improve openqa triggering mechanisms, standartize OBS/IBS deliverables structure, trigger jobs using other means to [functional][epic] improve openqa triggering mechanisms, standardize OBS/IBS deliverables structure, trigger jobs using other means
- Description updated (diff)
- Category set to Enhancement to existing tests
added list of stakeholders
@riafarov two hints regarding formatting in redmine
- for a list put a blank line separating the previous content from the list unless it's a title to make it look nice
- Reference other tickets in the format
instead of [poo#<id>](https://…/issues/<id>)
This story might also be related to what @coolo mentioned as the "facehugger" endeavour which involves the OBS team and REs at least.
- Target version set to future
- Target version changed from future to future
- Related to deleted (action #35766: [functional][y][medium] improve openqa/scripts - Feasibility: Make openqa/scripts open source if possible, feasible and beneficial)
- Related to action #10516: [functional][u] Use jenkins as extension for openQA added
For the holistic approach and "scaling up" right now I can think of two solutions:
- Use an existing CI as a main entry point and use OBS and openQA to do the individual tasks
- Connect all individual services by AMQP and try to find a solution which can visualize these connections
An example for 1. is #10516 based on jenkins, a good alternative might be gitlab with its pipeline based CI (and e.g. kubernetes backend).
For "scaling down" we can think of what minimums are required to run a single openQA test scenario or module triggered by e.g. a single package build and test, e.g. OBS builds a package, a specific openQA test is triggered for that and feedback is provided within than OBS project to the maintainers. Or in a github project travis job.
- Description updated (diff)
- Subject changed from [functional][epic] improve openqa triggering mechanisms, standardize OBS/IBS deliverables structure, trigger jobs using other means to [functional][u][y][epic] improve openqa triggering mechanisms, standardize OBS/IBS deliverables structure, trigger jobs using other means
- Description updated (diff)
- Blocked by action #37447: [functional][y][medium] improve openqa/scripts - Replace openqa/scripts by an open source solution (or open source itself) added
- Status changed from New to Blocked
- Assignee changed from okurz to mgriessmeier
Move to new QSF-u PO after I moved to the "tools"-team. I mainly checked the subject line so in individual instances you might not agree to take it over completely into QSF-u. Feel free to discuss with me or reassign to me or someone else in this case. Thanks.
- Assignee changed from mgriessmeier to riafarov
@riafarov I guess I could take this over to the "tools"-team only I hesitated to do so because you are the author of the ticket. Would you like to keep it within QSF-y? Otherwise feel free to replace "[functional][u][y]" with "[tools]".
- Status changed from Blocked to Feedback
- Tracker changed from action to coordination
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
This is done by obs trigger plugin implemented by tools team.
For the sake of completeness there was more than just "obs trigger plugin", e.g.
- AC1: openSUSE contributors acting as release managers for openSUSE ports have access to all code that is executed for building, publishing, syncing, triggering
yes, this is true due to a github project for o3 and a corresponding project for osd. Also in the meantime we can give ssh access to non-SUSE employees following as o3 is reachable over "", i.e. not relying on any SUSE internal network connection.
- AC2: Anyone can find the current status of builds+tests without needing to ask people to login to VMs over ssh
with the obs trigger UI plugin everyone with access to the webUI of an openQA instance has a convenient entry point to see the current status of "sync+trigger" for configured products.
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