



tickets #34051


Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for delaying the elections

Added by RBrownCCB over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

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On 29 March 2018 at 21:00, Kostas Koudaras wrote:

2018-03-29 19:22 GMT+03:00 Ana Martínez


According to our Wiki[1], during the campaign-phase there should be:

1 - plenty of blog entries on the upcoming election by the candidates
2 - interviews with all candidates by the openSUSE news team
3 - a moderated Q&A session on IRC possibly during one of the regular
Project meetings or a separate meeting

All the candidates have written a platform, so we could consider 1 as
done. But 2 and 3 haven't been done. Taking into account that the
elections starts on Monday and that tomorrow is public holiday in many
part of the world, I think this is not acceptable and that we can not
consider the campaign-phase as done. How is people going to decide who
to vote if they don't know who we are? Because of that I would like to
ask for delaying the elections.

You may wonder why 2 and 3 haven't been done. I think that their
organisation have started too late and we didn't manage to do it on
time. The openSUSE news team is already working on the interviews (2)
and they will be published as soon as they received the answers from
all the candidates. It could even be that it is published before the
voting period starts. In the case of the moderated Q&A session on IRC
(3) it was maybe not sure who should organised it. I have expected the
elections team to do it, but there is actually no reason why we (the
candidates) can not organise it alone. I have already send them a
Doodle and I hope we can announce a date rather sooner than later.

I know that this is not optimal and I am really sorry if someone
doesn't like my email. But I personally do not feel well if, after
saying in my platform[2] that I want the board to work transparent,
the first thing I do is skipping our own rules without any
explanation. I really do not pretend to blame anybody with this email.
I just want that we have some more time to make a good campaign, so
that openSUSE members have the chance to choose the people who better
represent what they think openSUSE should be.



Dear Ana
I admire your passion on doing things right(I really do), but there
are a few things that you do not consider or know so here lies the
explanation you asked on my behalf. 2nd for sure and I do not remember
about the 3rd are there since the days both me and Chuck were at the
(so called back then) marketing team that put them there, the reason
why none of them ever happened is because of the different time zones
and candidates schedules which were never so far got aligned. I read
the mails you candidates sent the last couple days and you stepped on
to those same issues.
Now what really heart my feelings is that tomorrow is not a public
holiday for many of us, actually for me as an Orthodox is the weekend
the elections end and instead of spending Sunday with my family I will
be spending time for the election results and I am not nagging as it
is 100% my choice because that was the only way I could find to help
the project. Also not all volunteers are volunteers only onworking
hours(the opposite I would say as many are doing it on their free
time, on weekends etc) so for me that is not an issue and it is unfair
to put yourself in that position.
As stated by Knurpht ,at the end of the day voters consider
contributions not campaigns. The campaign is there to make clearer to
the voters a bit more about your vision for where you want the project
to go if you get elected, at least this is how I see it.
Long story short my opinion on the matter you raise as an election
committee member is that things stay as are because I think that this
is the best for the elections. If Chuck or the board think otherwise
then we should talk about it but I value that this should be done the
next hours so that things have a change to go smooth.
Just to be fair you are 100% right on theory and I really believe that
if me and Chuck had more time available maybe we would have done a
better job at it but we were the only who even volunteered for it and
this is the best we can do under the circumstances.
You can agree or not but all of the above are my personal opinion.
Best regards

Hi all,

I think we have quite a pickle here

On one side I see Kostas' point of view and accept that in the past
we've run elections while being very lax with the campaign side of

On the other, I see Ana's point of view. This is something we should
spend the time to do right.

I feel Kostas' and Knurpht's points actually support Ana's point.

Ana is a relatively new contributor to the project, but as we can
clearly see a very passionate and driven one.

I think we do her, and other similar candidates, a disservice if we do
not give them adequate time to campaign, and if we do not give the
opportunities we advertise we will during the campaign.

It's important the Board is not only full of long time contributors
who got their purely on their name recognition on account of their
being around for so long.
The reason the election process was written the way it was is
precisely to give opportunity for new faces with new ideas, to join
the Board, if the community elect them.
I think it's important we stick to those principles and give ever
candidate a fair chance at being elected.

The election committee are volunteers, with other jobs, family lives.
If it sounds like I'm being critical of them I want it clearly
understood that I cast no blame on them.
It's just a fact of life that this year the elections haven't managed
to have everything organised in the time expected.

In retrospect I also think the decision to transition from the
campaign to the voting period of the election during the Easter
weekend was a stupid one, and while the election committee are wholly
responsible for the conduct of the election, I do think the Board
could have done a better job of challenging that decision.

So here we are, about to start voting on the elections and with
candidates raising valid concerns that proper procedures haven't been

I believe a decision on this has to be made by the election committee.

I believe the Board should have no direct say in this matter - given
half of the Board is up for re-election, the very subject of this
topic, the risk of conflict of interest is rather high.

As the campaign was meant to end this Easter weekend, and the voting
meant to start this Easter weekend, I think it is unacceptable to
expect the Election Committee to make a decision this weekend.

Therefore, in my role as unelected Chairman, responsible for ensuring
continuity in the Project's Board, I'm making an executive decision to
temporarily delay the start of voting period, in order to give the
Election Committee time to consider their decision.

Dear openSUSE admins, please make sure no actions are made to start
the voting on Apr 2 unless you hear otherwise from the Election

This pause is expected to last no longer than it takes for the
Election Committee to decide what to do.
This pause therefore may be meaningless if the Committee decide to
before Apr 2. But as Kostas has pointed out, it's Easter, and the
chance of that is pretty slim.

The Election Committee should feel absolutely free to decide as they
see fit. I will wholly and utterly support whatever decision they make
in either direction.

They've been entrusted to run these elections. This exceptional
executive decision on my part should not be seen as anything other
than an administrative necessity to give them a little more time to
consider this matter.

But I believe there is a valid dispute that needs to be considered,
and due to the public holiday this exceptional decision needs to be
made to give the committee the time they need to decide.

Best Regards,

Richard Brown


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message.eml (21.7 KB) message.eml user71f52021e263, 2018-03-30 08:23
message.eml (21.7 KB) message.eml user71f52021e263, 2018-03-30 08:23
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message.eml (22 KB) message.eml user71f52021e263, 2018-03-30 08:24
message.eml (22 KB) message.eml user71f52021e263, 2018-03-30 08:24
message.eml (22 KB) message.eml user71f52021e263, 2018-03-30 08:24
message.eml (22.1 KB) message.eml user71f52021e263, 2018-03-30 08:24
message.eml (22.1 KB) message.eml user71f52021e263, 2018-03-30 08:24
message.eml (22.1 KB) message.eml user71f52021e263, 2018-03-30 08:25
message.eml (22.1 KB) message.eml user71f52021e263, 2018-03-30 08:25
message.eml (22.2 KB) message.eml user71f52021e263, 2018-03-30 08:25
message.eml (22.2 KB) message.eml user71f52021e263, 2018-03-30 08:25
message.eml (22.2 KB) message.eml user71f52021e263, 2018-03-30 08:25
message.eml (22.2 KB) message.eml user71f52021e263, 2018-03-30 08:25
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Actions #1

Updated by pjessen over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • Private changed from Yes to No

I guess admin@o.o was put on CC in this discussion? Please just keep it on opensuse-project or opensuse-election, every new message here will open a new ticket.

Actions #2

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "openSUSE admin -
#34051 Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials]
Asking for delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #3

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #4

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #5

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #6

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #7

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #8

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #9

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #10

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #11

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #12

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #13

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #14

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #15

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #16

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #17

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #18

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #19

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #20

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #21

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #22

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #23

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #24

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #25

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #26

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #27

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #28

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #29

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #30

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #31

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #32

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #33

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #34

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #35

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #36

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #37

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #38

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #39

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #40

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #41

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #42

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #43

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #44

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #45

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #46

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #47

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #48

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #49

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #50

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #51

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #52

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #53

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #54

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #55

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #56

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #57

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #58

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #59

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #60

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #61

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #62

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #63

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #64

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #65

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #66

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #67

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #68

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #69

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #70

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #71

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #72

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #73

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #74

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #75

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #76

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #77

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #78

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #79

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #80

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #81

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #82

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #83

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #84

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #85

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #86

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #87

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #88

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #89

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #90

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #91

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #92

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #93

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #94

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #95

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #96

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #97

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #98

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #99

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #100

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #101

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #102

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #103

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #104

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #105

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #106

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #107

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #108

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #109

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #110

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #111

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #112

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #113

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #114

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #115

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #116

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #117

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #118

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #119

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #120

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #121

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #122

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #123

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #124

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #125

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #126

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #127

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #128

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #129

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #130

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #131

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #132

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #133

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #134

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #135

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #136

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #137

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #138

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #139

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #140

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #141

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #142

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #143

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #144

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #145

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #146

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #147

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #148

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #149

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #150

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #151

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #152

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #153

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #154

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #155

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #156

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #157

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #158

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #159

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #160

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #161

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #162

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #163

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #164

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #165

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #166

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #167

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #168

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #169

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #170

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #171

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #172

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #173

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #174

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #175

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #176

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #177

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #178

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #179

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #180

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #181

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #182

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #183

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #184

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #185

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #186

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #187

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #188

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #189

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #190

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #191

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #192

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #193

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #194

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #195

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #196

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #197

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #198

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #199

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #200

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #201

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #202

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #203

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #204

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #205

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #206

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #207

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #208

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #209

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #210

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #211

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #212

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #213

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #214

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #215

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #216

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #217

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #218

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #219

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #220

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #221

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #222

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #223

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #224

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #225

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #226

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #227

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #228

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #229

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #230

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #231

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #232

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #233

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #234

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #235

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #236

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #237

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #238

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #239

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #240

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #241

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #242

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #243

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #244

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #245

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #246

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #247

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #248

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #249

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #250

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #251

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #252

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #253

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #254

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #255

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #256

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #257

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #258

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #259

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #260

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #261

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #262

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #263

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #264

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #265

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #266

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #267

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #268

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #269

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #270

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #271

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #272

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #273

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #274

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #275

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #276

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #277

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #278

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #279

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #280

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #281

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #282

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #283

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #284

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #285

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #286

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #287

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #288

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #289

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #290

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #291

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #292

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #293

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #294

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #295

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #296

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #297

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #298

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #299

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #300

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #301

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #302

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #303

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #304

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #305

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #306

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #307

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #308

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #309

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #310

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #311

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #312

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #313

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #314

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #315

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #316

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #317

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #318

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #319

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #320

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #321

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #322

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #323

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #324

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #325

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #326

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #327

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #328

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #329

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #330

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #331

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #332

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #333

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #334

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #335

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #336

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #337

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #338

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #339

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #340

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #341

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #342

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #343

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #344

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #345

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #346

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #347

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #348

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #349

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #350

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #351

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #352

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #353

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #354

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #355

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #356

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #357

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #358

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #359

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #360

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #361

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #362

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #363

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #364

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #365

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #366

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #367

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #368

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #369

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #370

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #371

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #372

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #373

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #374

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #375

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #376

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #377

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #378

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #379

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #380

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #381

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #382

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #383

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #384

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #385

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #386

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #387

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #388

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #389

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #390

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #391

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #392

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #393

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #394

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #395

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #396

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #397

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #398

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #399

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #400

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #401

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #402

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #403

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #404

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #405

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #406

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #407

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #408

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #409

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #410

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #411

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #412

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #413

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #414

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #415

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #416

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #417

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #418

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #419

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #420

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #421

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #422

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #423

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #424

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #425

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #426

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #427

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #428

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #429

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #430

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #431

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #432

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #433

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #434

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #435

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #436

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #437

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #438

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #439

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #440

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #441

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #442

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #443

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #444

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #445

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #446

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #447

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #448

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #449

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #450

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #451

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #452

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #453

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #454

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #455

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #456

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #457

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #458

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #459

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #460

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #461

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #462

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #463

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #464

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #465

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #466

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #467

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #468

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #469

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #470

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #471

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #472

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #473

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #474

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #475

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #476

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #477

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #478

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #479

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #480

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #481

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #482

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #483

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #484

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #485

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #486

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #487

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #488

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #489

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #490

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #491

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #492

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #493

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #494

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #495

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #496

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #497

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #498

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #499

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #500

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #501

Updated by usera84197333891 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #502

Updated by usera84197333891 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #503

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #504

Updated by usera84197333891 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #505

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #506

Updated by usera84197333891 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #507

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #508

Updated by usera84197333891 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #509

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #510

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #511

Updated by usera84197333891 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #512

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #513

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #514

Updated by usera84197333891 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #515

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #516

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #517

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #518

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #519

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #520

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #521

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #522

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #523

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #524

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #525

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #526

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #527

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #528

Updated by user71f52021e263 over 6 years ago

Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the
mailing list.

The message from with subject "[openSUSE admin -
tickets #34051] Re: [opensuse-project] Re: [election-officials] Asking for
delaying the elections" was unable to be delivered to the list because the
list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.

(The denied message is below.)

Actions #529

Updated by cboltz over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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