coordination #28504
closed[sle][functional][epic] crypt lvm for SLE 12-SP3, SLE 12-SP4 and SLE 15
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: All the sub tasks are resolved or rejected.
Related bugs¶
- bsc#1062806 - openQA test fails in boot_encrypt - AArch64 cannot boot from encrypted LVM
- bsc#1067481 - passphrase for the password is asked in text, instead of gui on arm and x86_64 due to dropped plymouth
- bsc#1067479 - passphrase is asked twice when encrypt root partition on arm and x86_64
- bsc#1070139 - Not needed boot partition is added extra, causing it to not be encrypted
Related features¶
- fate#320901 - Provide kernel interface to pass LUKS password from bootloader
Collection of affected and related jobs¶
SLE 12-SP3 aarch¶
- osd#1057976#step/partitioning_lvm/4
- osd#1057976#step/grub_test/1 no password asked
- osd#1057976#step/boot_encrypt/1 password asked
SLE 12-SP3 ppc¶
- osd#1058033#step/partitioning_lvm/4
- osd#1058033#step/grub_test/1 password asked
- osd#1058033#step/boot_encrypt/1 password asked
- fate#320901 - Provide kernel interface to pass LUKS password from bootloader
SLE 12-SP3 x86¶
- osd#1058314#step/partitioning_lvm/4
- osd#1058314#step/grub_test/1 no password asked
- osd#1058314#step/boot_encrypt/1 password asked
SLE 12-SP4 aarch¶
SLE 12-SP4 ppc¶
SLE 12-SP4 x86_64¶
SLE 15 349.1 aarch¶
- osd#1268571#step/partitioning_lvm/7
- osd#1268571#step/grub_test/1 password asked
- N/A
- bsc#1062806 - openQA test fails in boot_encrypt - AArch64 cannot boot from encrypted LVM
- bsc#1067481 - passphrase for the password is asked in text, instead of gui on arm and x86_64 due to dropped plymouth
- bsc#1067479 - passphrase is asked twice when encrypt root partition on arm and x86_64
SLE 15 349.1 ppc¶
- osd#1268728#step/partitioning_lvm/7
- osd#1268728#step/grub_test/1 no password asked
- bsc#1070139 - Not needed boot partition is added extra, causing it to not be encrypted
- osd#1268728#step/boot_encrypt/1 password asked
- bsc#1067479 - passphrase is asked twice when encrypt root partition on arm and x86_64
SLE 15 349.1 x86¶
- osd#1269048#step/partitioning_lvm/7
- osd#1269048#step/grub_test/1 password asked
- osd#1269048#step/boot_encrypt/1 password asked
- bsc#1067479 - passphrase is asked twice when encrypt root partition on arm and x86_64
Updated by SLindoMansilla about 7 years ago
- Subject changed from [sle][functional][epic] crypt lvm for SLE 15 to [sle][functional][epic] crypt lvm for SLE 12-SP3, SLE 12-SP4 and SLE 15
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by okurz about 7 years ago
- Category set to Bugs in existing tests
let's handle this as "bugs in existing tests". This is a nice collection ticket but what are the ACs?
Updated by okurz about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to SLindoMansilla
- Target version set to Milestone 13
@SLindoMansilla because you are the reporter of the bug please track the status and tell us in this progress ticket when it's done and we have the effect in the build. Then we can schedule it for a specific sprint. If the bug is still not resolved at the end of the milestone we should revisit and discuss how to continue.
Updated by okurz about 7 years ago
- Due date changed from 2017-12-06 to 2018-01-16
due to changes in a related task
Updated by okurz about 7 years ago
- Due date changed from 2018-01-16 to 2018-01-30
due to changes in a related task
Updated by okurz about 7 years ago
- Due date changed from 2018-01-30 to 2018-02-13
due to changes in a related task
Updated by okurz about 7 years ago
- Target version changed from Milestone 13 to Milestone 14
both remaining subtasks are scheduled for sprint 10 -> M14
Updated by riafarov about 7 years ago
- Due date changed from 2018-02-13 to 2018-02-27
due to changes in a related task
Updated by SLindoMansilla about 7 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Workable
Only one sub ticket left:
Already planned for Sprint 11
Updated by riafarov about 7 years ago
Shall we resolve an epic now? All subtasks resolved. \o/
Updated by SLindoMansilla about 7 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
Updated by SLindoMansilla about 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
That's an epic moment.
Updated by szarate over 4 years ago
- Tracker changed from action to coordination
Updated by szarate over 4 years ago
See for the reason of tracker change: