



action #28429


[tools][sprint 201711.2] Sqlite support busted

Added by zluo almost 7 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Feature requests
Target version:
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% Done:


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I have problem with checking my local openQA server for workers:

I got then bad gateway:
log for openqa-webui looks as following:


Nov 27 10:37:44 e13 openqa[13646]: [13658:debug] Key is for user 'Demo'
Nov 27 10:37:44 e13 openqa[13646]: [13658:debug] API auth by user: Demo, operator: 1
Nov 27 10:37:44 e13 openqa[13646]: [13658:debug] Routing to controller "OpenQA::WebAPI::Controller::API::V1::Job" and action "update_status"
Nov 27 10:37:44 e13 openqa[13646]: [13658:debug] 200 OK (0.010465s, 95.557/s)
Nov 27 10:37:54 e13 openqa[13646]: [13664:debug] POST "/api/v1/jobs/4603/status"
Nov 27 10:37:54 e13 openqa[13646]: [13664:debug] Routing to controller "OpenQA::WebAPI::Controller::API::V1" and action "auth_operator"
Nov 27 10:37:54 e13 openqa[13646]: [13664:debug] API key from client: 93D1DF6E12C1B5FE
Nov 27 10:37:54 e13 openqa[13646]: [13664:debug] Key is for user 'Demo'
Nov 27 10:37:54 e13 openqa[13646]: [13664:debug] API auth by user: Demo, operator: 1
Nov 27 10:37:54 e13 openqa[13646]: [13664:debug] Routing to controller "OpenQA::WebAPI::Controller::API::V1::Job" and action "update_status"
Nov 27 10:37:54 e13 openqa[13646]: [13664:debug] 200 OK (0.010832s, 92.319/s)
Nov 27 10:38:04 e13 openqa[13646]: [13675:debug] POST "/api/v1/jobs/4603/status"
Nov 27 10:38:04 e13 openqa[13646]: [13675:debug] Routing to controller "OpenQA::WebAPI::Controller::API::V1" and action "auth_operator"
Nov 27 10:38:04 e13 openqa[13646]: [13675:debug] API key from client: 93D1DF6E12C1B5FE
Nov 27 10:38:04 e13 openqa[13646]: [13675:debug] Key is for user 'Demo'
Nov 27 10:38:04 e13 openqa[13646]: [13675:debug] API auth by user: Demo, operator: 1
Nov 27 10:38:04 e13 openqa[13646]: [13675:debug] Routing to controller "OpenQA::WebAPI::Controller::API::V1::Job" and action "update_status"
Nov 27 10:38:04 e13 openqa[13646]: [13675:debug] 200 OK (0.012499s, 80.006/s)
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13674:debug] GET "/tests/4603/status"
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13674:debug] Routing to controller "OpenQA::WebAPI::Controller::Test" and action "referer_check"
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13674:debug] Unrecognized referer ''
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13674:debug] Routing to controller "OpenQA::WebAPI::Controller::Running" and action "status"
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13674:debug] 200 OK (0.008843s, 113.084/s)
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13656:debug] GET "/admin/workers"
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13656:debug] Routing to controller "OpenQA::WebAPI::Controller::Admin::Workers" and action "index"
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13656:debug] dispatching IPC ws_is_worker_connected to websockets: [1]
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13656:debug] IPC finished
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13656:debug] dispatching IPC ws_is_worker_connected to websockets: [2]
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13656:debug] IPC finished
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13656:debug] dispatching IPC ws_is_worker_connected to websockets: [3]
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13656:debug] IPC finished
Nov 27 10:38:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13656:debug] dispatching IPC ws_is_worker_connected to websockets: [4]
Nov 27 10:39:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13656:warn] IPC failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus secu
Nov 27 10:39:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13656:debug] dispatching IPC ws_is_worker_connected to websockets: [5]
Nov 27 10:39:43 e13 openqa[13646]: [13665:error] DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_do_query(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: database is locked at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/ line 687
Nov 27 10:39:43 e13 openqa[13646]: [13665:debug] Template "exception.production.html.ep" not found
Nov 27 10:39:43 e13 openqa[13646]: [13665:debug] Rendering template "exception.html.ep"
Nov 27 10:39:43 e13 openqa[13646]: [13665:debug] Rendering template "layouts/error.html.ep"
Nov 27 10:39:45 e13 openqa[13646]: [13659:error] DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_do_query(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: database is locked at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/ line 687
Nov 27 10:40:50 e13 openqa[13646]: [13669:error] DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_do_query(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: database is locked at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/ line 687
Nov 27 10:40:58 e13 openqa[13646]: [13659:error] DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_do_query(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: database is locked at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/ line 687
Nov 27 10:40:58 e13 openqa[13646]: [13659:debug] Template "exception.production.html.ep" not found
Nov 27 10:40:58 e13 openqa[13646]: [13659:debug] Rendering template "exception.html.ep"
Nov 27 10:40:58 e13 openqa[13646]: [13659:debug] Rendering template "layouts/error.html.ep"
Nov 27 10:41:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13656:warn] IPC failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus secu
Nov 27 10:41:08 e13 openqa[13646]: [13656:debug] dispatching IPC ws_is_worker_connected to websockets: [6]
Nov 27 10:41:17 e13 openqa[13646]: [13674:error] DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_do_query(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db do failed: database is locked at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/ line 687
Nov 27 10:41:17 e13 openqa[13646]: [13674:debug] Template "exception.production.html.ep" not found
Nov 27 10:41:17 e13 openqa[13646]: [13674:debug] Rendering template "exception.html.ep"
Nov 27 10:41:17 e13 openqa[13646]: [13674:debug] Rendering cached template "layouts/error.html.ep"

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to openQA Project - action #25970: Profile/Optimize _workers_checker in WebSockets serverResolved2017-10-11

Related to openQA Project - action #28961: openQA in openQA tests are brokenResolvedcoolo2017-12-06

Actions #1

Updated by nicksinger almost 7 years ago

I've the same issue on my local installation using the packages provided for TW. My current version is:

rpm -qf $(which openqa)

with the following entries in /var/log/openqa:

[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] GET "/admin/workers"
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] Routing to controller "OpenQA::WebAPI::Controller::Admin::Workers" and action "index"
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] dispatching IPC ws_is_worker_connected to websockets: [1]
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [websockets:debug] IPC calling ws_is_worker_connected
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] IPC finished
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] dispatching IPC ws_is_worker_connected to websockets: [2]
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [websockets:debug] IPC calling ws_is_worker_connected
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] IPC finished
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] dispatching IPC ws_is_worker_connected to websockets: [3]
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [websockets:debug] IPC calling ws_is_worker_connected
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] IPC finished
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] dispatching IPC ws_is_worker_connected to websockets: [4]
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [websockets:debug] IPC calling ws_is_worker_connected
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] IPC finished
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] dispatching IPC ws_is_worker_connected to websockets: [5]
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [websockets:debug] IPC calling ws_is_worker_connected
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] IPC finished
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] dispatching IPC ws_is_worker_connected to websockets: [6]
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [websockets:debug] IPC calling ws_is_worker_connected
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] IPC finished
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [3508:debug] dispatching IPC ws_is_worker_connected to websockets: [7]
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [websockets:debug] Received from worker "45" worker_status message "$VAR1 = {
          'job' => {},
          'status' => 'free',
          'type' => 'worker_status'
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:24 2017] [websockets:debug] Possibly worker 45 should be freed.
[Mon Nov 27 10:57:54 2017] [websockets:debug] Failed parsing status message : DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_exec_txn_commit(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::db commit failed: database is locked at /usr/share/openqa/script/../lib/OpenQA/WebSockets/ line 306

The webui is unusable afterwards and has to be restarted to be responsive again.

Actions #2

Updated by coolo almost 7 years ago

  • Subject changed from openQA WebUI - checking Wokers encounters error for bad gateway to Sqlite support busted

ok, we will drop sqlite support - it's just not fit for the task. then we can also reduce dbix usage and concentrate on postgresql features offering better performance.

So reset your installations and use postgresql

Actions #3

Updated by zluo almost 7 years ago

@coolo I've changed database. openQA uses postgresql now and Workers can be showed correctly... thanks!

Actions #4

Updated by coolo almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to coolo
  • Target version set to Ready

I'm working to adapt the test suite to use postgresql. I'm currently playing with a temporary postgresql server started only for the test suites - to avoid permission setup problems and thelike.

Actions #5

Updated by okurz almost 7 years ago

Having real tests with postgres is of course a good idea but I would prefer to keep sqlite support. You can tell me what you expect from me to keep the support.

Actions #6

Updated by coolo almost 7 years ago

Sorry, I'm not going down that route. Sqlite just no longer works for us - developers setup their systems following the instructions and what they get is a time bomb.

Actions #7

Updated by EDiGiacinto almost 7 years ago

coolo wrote:

Sorry, I'm not going down that route. Sqlite just no longer works for us - developers setup their systems following the instructions and what they get is a time bomb.

Where is the +1 button here? :P

Actions #8

Updated by okurz almost 7 years ago

I don't know if the original error report was about #12950 . This is one limitation of sqlite I know is making a problem for us. Of course it's not suitable for a multi-user production instance but for in-memory testing as well as the initial setup system IMHO it's a preferrable choice. I also have in mind when we ask bug assignees to install openQA themselves: For them especially we should make openQA as lightweight and easy to setup as possible. I think sqlite is easier in this context then postgres.

Actions #9

Updated by coolo almost 7 years ago

So you know nothing about sqlite limitation, but want to keep it. Your arguments are not quite consistent. Anyway, I don't want to argue with you anyway: sqlite support will be dropped. And once that is done, we can even reduce the dbix usage to a sane level.

Actions #10

Updated by okurz almost 7 years ago

coolo wrote:

So you know nothing about sqlite limitation,

I know that it's based on a single file. Parallel access and write performance is low, scalability is low, setup and backup is easy. I developed programs that use sqlite but sure, never programmed on sqlite source code myself.

but want to keep it.

Sure, I want to keep the easy setup and backup. I don't see how my arguments are not consistent. Sure, don't argue with me. You made your decision and the world will not stop :) No need to answer.

Actions #11

Updated by szarate almost 7 years ago

  • Subject changed from Sqlite support busted to [tools] Sqlite support busted
  • Target version changed from Ready to Current Sprint
Actions #12

Updated by EDiGiacinto almost 7 years ago

  • Related to action #25970: Profile/Optimize _workers_checker in WebSockets server added
Actions #13

Updated by coolo almost 7 years ago

  • Subject changed from [tools] Sqlite support busted to [tools][sprint 201711.2] Sqlite support busted
  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

sqlite support is dropped

Actions #14

Updated by okurz almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to In Progress was the according PR

  • the openQA-in-openQA test for "openqa_from_git" fails with "Installing the dependencies failed Module 'Dbd::Pg' is not installed"
  • the openQA-in-openQA test for "openqa_install+publish" fails with the webui service being unable to connect to a database, probably because it is not started and configured automatically -> special setup package in spec file?
Actions #15

Updated by szarate almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

@okurz that's a new issue that needs to be open.

Setting up the database during the install

Actions #16

Updated by szarate almost 7 years ago

  • Related to action #28961: openQA in openQA tests are broken added
Actions #17

Updated by zluo almost 7 years ago

@okurz I have a running setup with postgres. Maybe you need to run command like: grant all privileges on database dbname to dbuser;

Actions #18

Updated by szarate over 6 years ago

  • Target version changed from Current Sprint to Done

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