action #26948
closedcoordination #23650: [sle][functional][ipmi][epic][u] Fix test suite gnome to work on ipmi 12-SP3 and 15 (WAS: test fails in boot_from_pxe - connection refused trying to ipmi host over ssh?)
[sle][functional][ipmi][hard] Adjust boot_from_pxe to sanely handle multiple network interfaces
boot/ just boots up the system without specifically adding a network device which the installer should use. This can result in somewhat random results if the machine has more then one interface (pretty common on real servers). From the linuxrc documentation:
Use netdevice to specify the interface (otherwise it tries all interfaces until things work).
Steps to reproduce¶
- Ran an IPMI job on an IPMI-worker with multiple network interfaces connected
- Observe how openQA gets stuck at bootup because there is a network-interface-selection showing
The test cannot continue because it does not expect this interface selection. Connecting always only one interface does not represent the real world all the times (especially on servers).
- way: Specifically add the configured device to the kernel parameters:
linuxrc supports defining so called "netdevice"s if it should use a specific device:
- Simple to implement
- Needs some way to map MAC -> IP while no IP is assigned yet (means: looking up in the ARP-table will not work ;)). Could be realized by adding another value into the worker config
- Does not 100% represent how "real users" use the machines
- way: Adjust test to try all known interfaces
This requires to adjust the test to not fail if the first connect does not work. Besides that the workerconf has to be expanded to contain every possible interface of the server/SUT and also the DHCP/DNS config on qanet needs to be updated to handle every interface.
Ways to define all available interfaces:
- Multiple comma separated values for SUT_IP in the worker config
Multiple A records behind the hostname of the SUT (
dig A +short
would then return all configured IPs for that host)- way: maybe there are smarter solutions?
Use a worker with only one interface connected.
Updated by nicksinger almost 7 years ago
- Subject changed from [sle][functional][ipmi] Adjust ipmi test to specifically use a fixed network interface to [sle][functional][ipmi] Adjust boot_from_pxe to sanely handle multiple network interfaces
Updated by nicksinger almost 7 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Raise to "High" since this makes ipmi tests inconsistent
Updated by okurz almost 7 years ago
please update ticket to have it workable, apply workaround by restricting our current production tests to one machine only with consistent network card setup, optionally split into tickets and then probably remove the ticket again from sprint. With the workaround in place we can schedule it for later.
Updated by nicksinger almost 7 years ago
- Related to action #23514: [labs][64bit-ipmi_debug worker] SLE15 shows interface selection (because 2 NICs are connected?) added
Updated by nicksinger almost 7 years ago
- Related to action #27108: [sle][functional][ipmi][hard] test fails in qa_net_boot_from_hdd - No SOL updates anymore after installation added
Updated by nicksinger almost 7 years ago
- Due date deleted (
2017-11-08) - Priority changed from High to Normal
Crosschecked the production workers again and the network config seems sane there (as in: test can continue until it fails at ). IMHO this task here should be in a workable state and can be rescheduled for the next sprint.
Updated by okurz almost 7 years ago
- Assignee set to nicksinger
- Target version changed from Milestone 11 to Milestone 12
@nicksinger could you please update this ticket using our ticket template, e.g. using the proper format for acceptance criteria and tasks as people are used to that format.
Updated by nicksinger almost 7 years ago
- Subject changed from [sle][functional][ipmi] Adjust boot_from_pxe to sanely handle multiple network interfaces to [sle][functional][ipmi][hard] Adjust boot_from_pxe to sanely handle multiple network interfaces
- Assignee deleted (
nicksinger) - Priority changed from Normal to High
Updated by okurz almost 7 years ago
- Due date set to 2018-01-16
- Target version changed from Milestone 12 to Milestone 13
sorry, can't be done in this year
Updated by okurz almost 7 years ago
- Due date changed from 2018-01-16 to 2018-02-27
- Target version changed from Milestone 13 to Milestone 14
Updated by SLindoMansilla over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
- Assignee set to SLindoMansilla
Depends on "Test incomplete because of missing tests/installation/" poo#32146
Updated by SLindoMansilla over 6 years ago
- Blocked by action #32146: [sle][functional][fast] Test incomplete because of missing tests/installation/ added
Updated by SLindoMansilla over 6 years ago
nsinger plugged a second network interface to a shared worker on loewe:100 (
Updated by SLindoMansilla over 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
Updated by riafarov over 6 years ago
- Subject changed from [sle][functional][ipmi][hard] Adjust boot_from_pxe to sanely handle multiple network interfaces to [sle][functional][ipmi][medium] Adjust boot_from_pxe to sanely handle multiple network interfaces
- Due date changed from 2018-02-27 to 2018-03-13
- Priority changed from High to Normal
Updated by riafarov over 6 years ago
- Subject changed from [sle][functional][ipmi][medium] Adjust boot_from_pxe to sanely handle multiple network interfaces to [sle][functional][ipmi][hard] Adjust boot_from_pxe to sanely handle multiple network interfaces
Updated by SLindoMansilla over 6 years ago
PR merged.
Verified on OSD:
Updated by SLindoMansilla over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved