action #154498
closedcoordination #99303: [saga][epic] Future improvements for SUSE Maintenance QA workflows with fully automated testing, approval and release
coordination #97121: [epic] enable qem-bot comments on IBS (was: enable qa-maintenance/openQABot comments on smelt again)
[spike][timeboxed:20h][integration] Approve/reject SLE maintenance release requests on IBS synchronously listening to AMQP events when testing for one release request as "openQA product build" is finished size:M
One of the most important responsibilities within SLE maintenance testing is to approve/reject SLE maintenance release requests based on openQA test results. So far qem-bot is sufficient to schedule openQA tests but merely does a mediocre job of reporting back results as test results are asynchronously polled based on a periodic schedule causing unnecessary delays, inefficient polling, using outdated results #122311 and not even reporting back on blocking test failures #97121. Let's use a proper architecture with efficient event based triggers providing relevant information back to release requests on IBS using core openQA features rather than too much custom lacking downstream tooling: Develop a proof-of-concept of listening to yet-to-be designed "openQA product build testing finished" AMQP events and approve/reject the according release request.
- Research how common OBS checks are implemented, e.g. openQA staging test integration, legalreview, installcheck, etc. For this see
- Follow #152939 and add publishing for an AMQP event for when incident "foo" finishes testing in openQA. For finding all tests related to incident "foo" see #117655
- Integrate both of the above either in a new standalone application or hack into – as part of a spike solution so do not be afraid to break any other use case – to approve/"reject" SLE maintenance release requests. If "reject" seems to be too severe then provide only "informational" feedback, e.g. as IBS comment or checker result.
- Optionally consider to implement this as a openQA plugin, maybe that is simpler for some cases
Further details¶
Also related to #122311, #123088, #97121, #99303, #152939, #131279, #117655
Out of scope¶
- Where to run persistently