


  • Login: jbaier_cz
  • Email:
  • Role: Developer
  • Connect profile: 1
  • Registered on: 2018-04-24
  • Last sign in: 2018-04-24


open closed Total
Assigned issues 2 183 185
Reported issues 12 96 108


Project Roles Registered on
QA Manager, Developer 2019-02-20
openQA Project Manager, Developer 2019-02-20
openQA Infrastructure Manager, Developer, private ticket access 2019-02-20
openQA Tests Manager, Developer, Reporter 2018-05-14
ALP Manager, Developer, Reporter 2022-06-14
Containers Manager, Developer, Reporter 2021-03-08
openQA auto review Manager, Developer, Reporter 2022-05-04
qe-yam Manager, Developer, Reporter 2020-10-02



15:31 openQA Infrastructure action #162641 (Resolved): Prevent redundant salt state.apply actions that are executed in every call - openqa-trigger-from-ibs-plugin
AC1 and AC2 fulfilled:
ID: SUSE:SLE-15-SP4:Update:Products:SLERT
13:54 openQA Infrastructure action #162365 (Resolved): OSD can fail on xfs_repair OOM conditions size:S
Merged and deployed. jbaier_cz
12:24 openQA Infrastructure action #162365: OSD can fail on xfs_repair OOM conditions size:S
In accordance to #162362#note-11 this [MR]( sh... jbaier_cz
12:15 QA action #157135 (Resolved): should update job status by AMQP events, but seemingly doesn't or only after some minutes size:M
I would guess this could count as a validation jbaier_cz


16:20 openQA Project action #162866 (Workable): Compile test does not work without TEST_PG set on current Tumbleweed 20240622
## Observation
Compile test fails
## Reproducer
From within the openQA checkout
# podman run --rm -...


21:01 openQA Infrastructure action #162362: 2024-06-15 osd not accessible - ensure healthy filesystems size:S
okurz wrote in #note-11:
> I guess we need to consider disabling the filesystem checks requested by /etc/fstab and p...
20:59 openQA Infrastructure action #162365: OSD can fail on xfs_repair OOM conditions size:S
I did some more research and I stumbled upon rather old debian bug, where a similar problem was discussed (in this ca... jbaier_cz
11:51 openQA Infrastructure action #162641: Prevent redundant salt state.apply actions that are executed in every call - openqa-trigger-from-ibs-plugin
I drafted a quick [MR]( which should trigger t... jbaier_cz
08:26 openQA Infrastructure action #162641: Prevent redundant salt state.apply actions that are executed in every call - openqa-trigger-from-ibs-plugin
I guess we can use the [stateful argument]( jbaier_cz
10:14 QA action #157135 (Feedback): should update job status by AMQP events, but seemingly doesn't or only after some minutes size:M
> A new job is created (e.g. openQA restarts the job) and this new/scheduled job takes its place in openQA's test res... jbaier_cz

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