action #11452
closedFeature 318945: AutoYaST EULA display
For details see
Feature status is "done".
During the SLES12 Common Criteria AutoYaST profile development we came across a limitation that the EULA page cannot be shown and accepted during the installation.
As the Common Criteria AutoYaST profiles for SLES12 are predefined and not created by a system administrator the EULA needs to be accepted during installation. Right now we use the Firstboot YaST service to show the EULA during first system boot.
Acceptance criteria:
- define and document the way customers using AutoYaST should accept the EULA
Updated by dmaiocchi almost 9 years ago
updating the target specification of the tests.
So far i read in the Fate, this feature is done only for SP2, so test will be only for SP2.
Technical Specification/ HOWTO:¶
1) Modify the autoyast profile and modify the xml-string for showing the Eula-page.
<confirm_base_product_license config:type="boolean">true</confirm_base_product_license>
1b) find the correct file that need the modification.
*Researching *
2)Make a needle that check if the Eula message is showed.
--> 2B) Write the test and some code for a new-test cases, or see if it can be a existing reused.
--> 2C) Integrate the test-cases on the
2C) Research where the test can be integraded on the production Openqa-workflow.
3) Making PR for the openqa production
At moment researching about autoyast installation production of openqa, which scenario run this. ( asking on Irc, gave me only this one two)
- autoupgrade
- autoyast jobgroup
The diffucult in this task will be only the reaserch itself and do the dependencies consideration , where to integrate the test.
To clearify/ Open-question:¶
* should be the eula test be a standard test runned on each scenario/autoyast production tests or should be a test runned sometimes in a matrix ?
Updated by RBrownSUSE almost 9 years ago
Why is this a question?
The FATE is very clear
"Customer benefit:
In order to fulfill different regulations, we need to ensure that customers accept the EULA before using the product
In the case of AutoYaST profiles we need to define a way for customers to accept the EULA."
This is an option which needs to be turned on in certain regulatory situations (eg. Common Criteria Certification)
Therefore you should not modify every autoyast scenario, this is a new scenario for this specific feature.
Updated by dmaiocchi almost 9 years ago
ok for me was not clear, that's why before starting to do something i wanted to ask. Thank you for your feedback.
So resuming:
I will add a new tests on the scenario "SLE 12 SP2 4.Autoyast", called like the others "sles12sp2_autoyast_EULA", but "eula"
Create a new autoyast.file "eula_autoyast" as a name example, that make this image showed. I will follow the schema of other autoyast files, only adding this string.
"sles12sp2_autoyast_EULA" will take care that the eula page is showed on, and then make the installation workflow like the others.
If we can agree on this test plan, i have no more question.
Updated by okurz almost 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 168 to Milestone 3
Updated by okurz over 8 years ago
Feature test: FAILED
There is one observation by mkravec stated as question in which is so far unanswered and I see the observation. There is no test case. The documentation might be good enough but I don't know where it is.
Updated by mkravec over 8 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
BETA warning is show during license confirmation in autoyast, waiting for reply if this is expected behavior.
Updated by mkravec over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to In Progress
Updated by mkravec over 8 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by mkravec over 8 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved