action #109809
closedcoordination #103962: [saga][epic] Easy multi-machine handling: MM-tests as first-class citizens
coordination #15850: [epic] Improve displaying job dependencies
Show job relations for parallel/children jobs also on the tests overview page /tests/overview (mainly for parallel jobs) size:M
User story¶
As a reviewer of jobs with relations on '/tests/overview' I want the job relations to show up so that I save time finding out inter-dependant job results
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: Parallel multi-machine tests on '/tests/overview' can be collapsed to reduce clutter (e.g.
- AC2: Collapsed jobs can be expanded
- AC3: The job relations are still visible on '/tests/overview'
- DONE: research how job relations are shown for '/tests'
- DONE: implement the icons in a similar way for '/tests/overview'
- Collapse inter-dependant job results into a stack
- Expand on click
- optional: Make the job relation lookup and display configurable
Further details¶
Original motivation came from asmorodskyi and rbrown discussing with me about multi machine tests which tend to use a lot of space on a overview page when most often one is at first interested in the overall result. So the idea was that these job result bubbles could be bundled or folded.
#15846 is related.
Updated by mkittler almost 3 years ago
- Tracker changed from coordination to action
Updated by mkittler almost 3 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Maybe we can split out AC2. However, for now I'll keep it together because it makes sense so keep AC2 in mind while implementing AC1 and working on both in parallel would likely create a conflict. I suppose both together would still be an M-sized ticket anyways.
Updated by okurz almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to New
as user story hasn't been estimated.
Updated by livdywan almost 3 years ago
- Subject changed from Show job relations for parallel/children jobs also on the tests overview page /tests/overview (mainly for parallel jobs) to Show job relations for parallel/children jobs also on the tests overview page /tests/overview (mainly for parallel jobs) size:M
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Workable
Updated by mkittler almost 3 years ago
Updated by okurz almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Merged and deployed to both o3 and osd as well. Presented shortly in the weekly QE workshop 2022-05-06 and received positive feedback. looks good as well. More to come in the parent epic.