coordination #105073
closed[Epic] Improve logging in openQA
Currently the logging in openQA is a often chaotic, sometimes redundant, sometimes some things are missing. We should try to make logging more consistent.
AC1: Identify useless, redundant, or in the contrary, missing log collections for each module in Yast group.
AC2: Evaluate a way to snapshot and upload the entire system at the point of failure, that could be bootable as VM. covered by setting FORCE_PUBLISH_HDD_$i
AC3: Evaluate more simple and consistent ways to collect logs, such as using supportconfig, journalctl, making a tarball of the entire /var/log directory etc...
AC4: Write a parent post_fail_hook that would take into account all the points above, and make sure it is called by default in every module for Yast group, where usable.