action #98403
[easy][beginner] Make sections on build bars clickable size:S
Added by okurz over 3 years ago.
Updated about 3 years ago.
Feature requests
Idea by vpelcak: Following pages like there are build bars showing the overview of build results, e.g. "213 passed", "33 failed". Would be nice if the individual sections of the build bars would be clickable and lead directly to the corresponding parts of results, e.g. only "failed" jobs within the build.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: Clicking on the individual sections leads to /test/overview with only the selected results shown
- AC2: Hovering over build bar still shows the number of all results
Each line has already a link in the beginning, e.g. . Each section of the build bar could be a link with just the additional query parameter "result=" added, e.g.
Related issues
1 (1 open — 0 closed)
- Target version set to Ready
- Subject changed from [easy][beginner] Make sections on build bars clickable to [easy][beginner] Make sections on build bars clickable size:S
- Status changed from New to Workable
estimated in daily 2021-09-14
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
Discussed in the Midweekly Unblock. The current branch seems to cause problems with the layout of the bars. So the use of javascript was suggested; we're not sure it's required for this. Maybe Marius and Moritz can try and pair-program this one.
- Status changed from In Progress to Workable
To be picked up again after return
- Status changed from Workable to Feedback
It is now deployed on OSD and basically works. I just see one problem with parent groups: When clicking on a parent group progress bar segment it passes the group ID of the parent group as parameter. However, it needs to pass all the group IDs of the job groups contained by that parent group instead. That's also how the normal link on the build number works (which one can use by middle-clicking on the build number).
- Status changed from Feedback to In Progress
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
For the future, please add a comment explaining why you consider this "Resolved" now. For example, as we discussed in the weekly, we can see the feature now live on with clickable build-bars that link to test overview pages. Based on our review in the weekly meeting we created followup #102719
- Copied to action #102719: Consolidate build-bar link targets, e.g. for "failed" should show the same number as in the build bar added
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