



action #89263


[leap 15.3][qe-core] Please add migration testing from 15.2 to 15.3 and remove migration tests from 42.X

Added by lkocman about 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

New test
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Hello team

could you please remove migration tests from 42.X to Leap 15.3 and add migration test for Leap 15.2 -> 15.3 to Leap 15.3
Somehow we've forgot to request the most common scenario.

Thank you

Related issues 2 (1 open1 closed)

Related to openQA Tests (public) - action #91554: [qem][leap][opensuse][qe-core] Update GM images before running upgrade testsFeedback

Related to openQA Tests (public) - action #91545: [opensuse][qe-core] Upgrade tests: stall detected (consoletest_finish)Resolved

Actions #1

Updated by okurz about 4 years ago

  • Subject changed from [leap 15.3] - Please add migration testing from 15.2 to 15.3 and remove migration tests from 42.X to [leap 15.3][qe-core][migration] Please add migration testing from 15.2 to 15.3 and remove migration tests from 42.X
Actions #2

Updated by okurz almost 4 years ago

This is an autogenerated message for openQA integration by the openqa_review script:

This bug is still referenced in a failing openQA test: zdup-Leap-42.1-gnome@64bit_cirrus

To prevent further reminder comments one of the following options should be followed:

  1. The test scenario is fixed by applying the bug fix to the tested product or the test is adjusted
  2. The openQA job group is moved to "Released"
  3. The label in the openQA scenario is removed
Actions #3

Updated by okurz almost 4 years ago

This is an autogenerated message for openQA integration by the openqa_review script:

This bug is still referenced in a failing openQA test: upgrade_Leap_42.1_kde

To prevent further reminder comments one of the following options should be followed:

  1. The test scenario is fixed by applying the bug fix to the tested product or the test is adjusted
  2. The openQA job group is moved to "Released"
  3. The label in the openQA scenario is removed
Actions #4

Updated by tjyrinki_suse almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Workable
Actions #5

Updated by mgrifalconi almost 4 years ago

  • Assignee set to mgrifalconi
Actions #6

Updated by lkocman almost 4 years ago

Any progress on this one? Thank you

Actions #7

Updated by mgrifalconi almost 4 years ago

Hello, as we talked over Rocket Chat, I scheduled the migration test for gnome and kde on the development section of o3 for testing:

On the next leap build it will be executed and we can check how it goes!

Actions #8

Updated by tjyrinki_suse almost 4 years ago

  • Subject changed from [leap 15.3][qe-core][migration] Please add migration testing from 15.2 to 15.3 and remove migration tests from 42.X to [leap 15.3][qe-core] Please add migration testing from 15.2 to 15.3 and remove migration tests from 42.X

Removing migration team from the tags as QE Core is doing this.

Actions #9

Updated by mgrifalconi almost 4 years ago

Small update:

Tests added to the Development section of Leap 15 in o3

    - upgrade_Leap_15.2_gnome
    - upgrade_Leap_15.2_kde
    - upgrade_Leap_15.2_cryptlvm:
        machine: uefi

Still waiting for a Leap build to trigger the execution of the tests.

About removing old tests: there was some discussion in Rocket Chat and IRC opensuse-factory and Oliver is still suggesting to keep them.

Actions #10

Updated by mgrifalconi almost 4 years ago

Runs of

    - upgrade_Leap_15.2_gnome
    - upgrade_Leap_15.2_kde
    - upgrade_Leap_15.2_cryptlvm:
        machine: uefi

are now moved to the official Leap 15 job group. On the following build they will appear.

Cryptlvm took some time since the base image to use for upgrade test was not available and needed to be created and uploaded but now should be fine.

Actions #11

Updated by mgrifalconi almost 4 years ago

We also found a discussion point: we may want to test update versions of the system before upgrade and not its old GM. Relative issue here

Actions #12

Updated by okurz almost 4 years ago

  • Related to action #91554: [qem][leap][opensuse][qe-core] Update GM images before running upgrade tests added
Actions #13

Updated by mgrifalconi almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Workable to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100


    - upgrade_Leap_15.2_gnome
    - upgrade_Leap_15.2_kde
    - upgrade_Leap_15.2_cryptlvm:

Are being scheduled on the Leap 15 job group in o3 so I will close this issue.

Not touching old tests because of the conversation with Oliver on IRC,please reopen (or open a new one) if you want the old tests being unscheduled.

Actions #14

Updated by okurz almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
  • % Done changed from 100 to 0

Thank you for adding these scenarios. But shows only the upgrade tests for "DVD". What about upgrade tests based on "NET" media? As I see upgrade tests for other versions I assume we should especially have them for the base 15.2 :) Sorry, if I interfered too early before your PO or something :)

Oh, regarding the "% Done" field I suggest to simply ignore that. Estimations in software development are very unlikely to get right to be able to say how far one has progressed anywhere between 0 and 100% :)

Actions #15

Updated by mgrifalconi almost 4 years ago

Hey Oliver, thanks for pointing this out! I believe it's important to find any issue as soon as possible, no matter who finds it first!

Makes totally sense, I added the three runs on NET directly in the Leap 15 group this time, to not wait one more build to run in the development job group.


Actions #16

Updated by mgrifalconi almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Tests are now scheduled for both DVD and NET

Actions #17

Updated by szarate almost 4 years ago

  • Target version set to QE-Core: Ready
Actions #18

Updated by szarate almost 4 years ago

  • Target version changed from QE-Core: Ready to Ready
Actions #19

Updated by szarate almost 4 years ago

  • Target version changed from Ready to QE-Core: Ready
Actions #20

Updated by szarate almost 4 years ago

  • Related to action #91545: [opensuse][qe-core] Upgrade tests: stall detected (consoletest_finish) added
Actions #21

Updated by openqa_review almost 4 years ago

This is an autogenerated message for openQA integration by the openqa_review script:

This bug is still referenced in a failing openQA test: zdup-Leap-42.1-gnome@64bit_cirrus

To prevent further reminder comments one of the following options should be followed:

  1. The test scenario is fixed by applying the bug fix to the tested product or the test is adjusted
  2. The openQA job group is moved to "Released"
  3. The label in the openQA scenario is removed
Actions #22

Updated by favogt almost 4 years ago

I removed the failing tests which attempt zdup from 42.x.

Actions #23

Updated by lkocman almost 4 years ago

Thank you Fabian


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