action #87791
open[s390x] Extend test suite for openSUSE Tumbleweed/s390x
as the openSUSE s390x Tumbleweed port is back in 'rolling mode', and the general openQA issues have been resolved, we should start to enable more of the test suites that make sense for openSUSE Tumbleweed on s390x.
The goal should be to get good coverage, comparable to what we test on x86_64 AND to make sure that most of what goes to SLE at any point is already pre-tested on Tumbleweed, causing less disruption when SLE is being forked from TW again.
- (iterative) Identify tests to be enabled on s390x
- Enable those identified tests in the Tumbleweed dev group on openQA, to not block the product with non-functional tests.
- Once tests are stable, move them to the Tumbleweed s390x group
- If needed, work with Ihno on changing / extending the configuration on the s390 farm for openQA/openSUSE
Updated by AdaLovelace about 4 years ago
Can somebody add a list with all tests and their configuration from the SUSE openQA into this ticket, please?
Updated by SLindoMansilla about 4 years ago
From functional job group, the following test suites are used:
- extra_tests_textmode_mod_desktop: &extra_tests_textmode_mod_desktop
MAX_JOB_TIME: "14400"
- skip_registration+workaround_modules:
machine: s390x-zVM-vswitch-l3
ADDONS: "all-packages"
- skip_registration+workaround_modules:
machine: s390x-zVM-vswitch-l2
ADDONS: "all-packages"
- skip_registration+workaround_modules:
machine: s390x-kvm-sle12
ADDONS: "all-packages"
- create_hdd_minimal_base+sdk_withhome:
machine: s390x-kvm-sle15
priority: 10
- gnome:
machine: s390x-kvm-sle12
priority: 30
- gnome:
machine: s390x-kvm-sle15
priority: 30
- minimal_x:
priority: 30
- minimal+base:
machine: zkvm
- allpatterns:
machine: s390x-zVM-vswitch-l3
priority: 30
- allpatterns:
machine: s390x-kvm-sle12
priority: 30
- toolchain_zypper:
priority: 30
- create_hdd_minimal_base+sdk_withhome:
machine: s390x-kvm-sle15
priority: 10
- extra_tests_dracut
- extra_tests_gnome
- extra_tests_gnome_sdk
- extra_tests_textmode:
MAX_JOB_TIME: "14400"
- extra_tests_textmode_mod_desktop:
<<: *extra_tests_textmode_mod_desktop
- extra_tests_textmode_phub:
machine: s390x-kvm-sle15
- extra_tests_textmode_sdk
- package-dependency
- create_hdd_gnome:
machine: s390x-kvm-sle12
priority: 45
- create_hdd_gnome:
machine: zkvm
priority: 45
- gnome+proxy_SCC+allmodules
- create_hdd_minimal_base+sdk:
machine: s390x-kvm-sle12
priority: 10
- create_hdd_minimal_base+sdk:
machine: s390x-kvm-sle15
priority: 10
- create_hdd_minimal_base+sdk:
machine: zkvm
priority: 10
- create_hdd_textmode:
machine: zkvm
priority: 40
MAX_JOB_TIME: "14400"
- create_hdd_textmode:
machine: s390x-kvm-sle12
priority: 40
MAX_JOB_TIME: "14400"
- create_hdd_textmode:
machine: s390x-kvm-sle15
priority: 40
MAX_JOB_TIME: "14400"
- textmode+role_textmode:
MAX_JOB_TIME: "14400"
- default:
machine: s390x-kvm-sle12
- default:
machine: s390x-zVM-vswitch-l3
- system_performance:
MAX_JOB_TIME: "14400"
- pcm_googlecloud:
priority: 45
- create_hdd_pcm_aws:
priority: 45
- wsm+dev_tools+textmode:
MAX_JOB_TIME: "14400"
- pcm_azure
- qemu
- allmodules+allpatterns-gnome:
priority: 30
machine: s390x-kvm-sle12
Updated by tjyrinki_suse about 4 years ago
(sorry, I didn't update this tab after yesterday since didn't notice it was already updated, but will give my bits regardless since I collected them already)
Attaching a list of potential s390x Tumbleweed tests to enable, specifically those maintained/run by QE Core and QE Yast test automation squads for the Online variant of 15SP3 builds. The in development SLE is a bit similar to Tumbleweed in that there are regular new builds/updates, and various tests are then run against that build.
There are additionally many, many other tests eg kernel testing including LTP, and for a lot of SUSE products, but these two are likely the ones most useful to consider for Tumbleweed, and already contain a lot of tests. Some machine types might not be available in O3 that are available in OSD.
Updated by SLindoMansilla about 4 years ago
- Category set to New test
- Assignee set to binary_sequence
- Difficulty set to medium
Updated by AdaLovelace almost 4 years ago
The test suite toolchain_zypper is referenced without any additional requirement but is failing because a qcow2 image can not be found. After a short discussion on IRC, we came to the result that qcow2 can not be built for z/VM. What is the difference in this case between SLE and openSUSE?
Failing test suite:
Updated by binary_sequence almost 4 years ago
AdaLovelace wrote:
The test suite toolchain_zypper is referenced without any additional requirement but is failing because a qcow2 image can not be found. After a short discussion on IRC, we came to the result that qcow2 can not be built for z/VM. What is the difference in this case between SLE and openSUSE?
Failing test suite:
Hi Sarah,
qcow2 images can also be created using SLE/KVM backend, which is a different backend from z/VM that can be also used on IBM Z (s390x).
There is no SLE/KVM SUT (System Under Test) on
We could set up one of the four z/VM machines as a SLE/KVM SUT, so that we would have 3x z/VM + 1x SLE/KVM.
To do that, we need to
- disable the corresponding openQA-worker instance to the z/VM guest from rebel machine
- install latest openSUSE Leap on that z/VM guest
- follow the documentation for KVM
- Enable an openQA-worker instance for SLE/KVM backend to that Leap guest.
I cannot promise to have time to work on this until the end of May.
For the future: I have planned to extend the z/VM backend to create DASD tape images from the z/VM guests than can be reused to boot from them. But, I need a lot of time to investigate how that would work. The issue can be addressed now by using an SLE/KVM SUT.
Updated by slo-gin over 2 years ago
This ticket was set to Normal priority but was not updated within the SLO period. Please consider picking up this ticket or just set the ticket to the next lower priority.
Updated by slo-gin 12 months ago
This ticket was set to Normal priority but was not updated within the SLO period. Please consider picking up this ticket or just set the ticket to the next lower priority.