


  • Login: slo-gin
  • Role: Developer
  • Connect profile: 1
  • Registered on: 2022-08-16
  • Last sign in: 2022-08-16


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
QA Developer, private ticket access 2022-08-16
openQA Project Developer, private ticket access 2022-08-16
openQA Infrastructure Developer, private ticket access 2022-08-16
openQA Tests Developer, private ticket access 2022-08-16
ALP Developer, private ticket access 2022-08-16
Containers Developer, private ticket access 2022-08-16
openQA auto review Developer, private ticket access 2022-08-16
qe-yam Developer, private ticket access 2022-08-16



01:26 openQA Tests action #132113: test fails in nvidia. /usr/lib/kernel-firmware-nvidia-gsp-G06/nvidia-smi: No such file or directory
This ticket was set to **Normal** priority but was not updated [within the SLO period]( slo-gin


01:34 openQA Tests action #120172: [sporadic] test fails in brasero_launch
This ticket was set to **Normal** priority but was not updated [within the SLO period]( slo-gin


00:34 openQA Tests action #162482: test fails in podman_3rd_party_images - toomanyrequests: Data limit
This ticket was set to **Urgent** priority but was not updated [within the SLO period]( slo-gin


01:26 openQA Tests action #131408: [qa-c] journal_check: issues with ALP Micro Build4.1
This ticket was set to **Normal** priority but was not updated [within the SLO period]( slo-gin
01:26 openQA Tests action #131294: [qe-core] test fails in user_defined_snapshot - yast2 snapper module not closed on aarch64
This ticket was set to **Normal** priority but was not updated [within the SLO period]( slo-gin


00:38 openQA Tests action #160685: [qe-core] End to end testing of Databases using NFS
This ticket was set to **High** priority but was not updated [within the SLO period]( slo-gin


01:44 openQA Tests action #128978: [qe-core] test fails in grub_test - the encrypted disk password prompt will appear after select boot entry(aarch64)
This ticket was set to **Normal** priority but was not updated [within the SLO period]( slo-gin
01:44 openQA Tests coordination #88684: [qe-core][epic][qem] Identify packages that we are indirectly testing
This ticket was set to **Normal** priority but was not updated [within the SLO period]( slo-gin
01:44 openQA Tests action #88687: [qe-tools] Use the TEST_SUITE_SUFFICIENT value to mark packages as automatically tested
This ticket was set to **Normal** priority but was not updated [within the SLO period]( slo-gin
01:44 openQA Tests action #126518: [qe-core] Metadata check does not show up on GH like tidy (for instance) does
This ticket was set to **Normal** priority but was not updated [within the SLO period]( slo-gin

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