action #7478
closedTrack history of "things"
The most prominent history item will be comments, but we can also track generic stuff like
[ ] who created templates
[ ] who deleted templates
[ ] who triggered jobs
[ ] who canclled jobs
[ ] who created comment
[ ] who edited comment
[ ] who obsoleted comment
- jobs management (create, cancel, restart)
- templates (create, delete, modify)
- comments (create)
Updated by coolo over 9 years ago
- Has duplicate action #6796: journal/auditing of admin actions added
Updated by oholecek over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to oholecek
Updated by okurz about 9 years ago
Can all points in the description be ticked and maybe with a reference where this is done? I think some documentation could help.
Updated by oholecek about 9 years ago
- Checklist item changed from to [x] jobs management (create, cancel, restart), [x] templates (create, delete, modify), [ ] comments (create, modify, obsolete)
Adding comments is tracked. I'm not sure about modification and obsoletion. I didn't test that and need to check. The rest (jobs, templates, user login, needle modification) is tracked
Updated by coolo about 9 years ago
taking that you can't obsolete comments atm I wouldn't put too much effort on logging it ;)
Updated by RBrownSUSE about 9 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Target version changed from Sprint 17 to Milestone 1
Updated by oholecek about 9 years ago
- Checklist item changed from [x] jobs management (create, cancel, restart), [x] templates (create, delete, modify), [ ] comments (create, modify, obsolete) to [x] jobs management (create, cancel, restart), [x] templates (create, delete, modify), [x] comments (create)
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
If anyone have ideas for improvements write them here and reopen, else this is done. Comments obsoletion and modification is not supported by underlying comments system.