action #430
closedaction #421: Release Marketing
Social media marketing
Create a social media plan and social media messages; and get them translated. Also, prepare our social media channels for this: we need to know who will tweet from eg Chinese channels, or at least that SOMEBODY will, otherwise, why bother translating?
Wiki page with social media plan:
Wiki page with social media contact people:
Updated by toscalix over 11 years ago
- Due date changed from 2013-11-16 to 2013-12-03
due to changes in a related task
Updated by ancorgs over 11 years ago
General overview of the social media work, even if some parts are already explained as subtaks:
- Since Jos will be traveling, miska will be our "social man". Miska already have access to Facebook, Twitter and G+ official English accounts for openSUSE. No special account for linkedin, all that needs to be done there is to write the announcements/messages in the openSUSE group. Does somebody have a Linkedin account besides toscalix?
- Al the social messaging will be coordinated through
- Jos and Ilias will try to bring that page into good shape. Miska and Ancor will help if they don't manage to do it on time. Then a call for volunteers will be done for both translations and people in charge of accounts for different languages (details below).
- We need to ask the community for one responsible for every social network account, since we have accounts in several languages. Miska will be in charge of the English ones, unless somebody from the community really wants to step in. Jos will do a call for volunteers for the other languages. People should write their name down in the wiki page.
- By the way, an important reminder for the people in charge of the accounts: hashtags and other specific markup (like "@" in Twitter or "+" in G+) usually don't work by copying and pasting, they need to be typed.
- We will also ask for translations. Another important reminder there: prevent people from translating content for non-existant accounts. It does not make sense to translate messages to, for example, Nynorsk if we don't have any Nynorsk openSUSE account in social networks. Maxlin will take care of the coordination of the translators.
Updated by _miska_ about 11 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
I sent all messages accordikng to the plan on Twitter and G+. Started with Facebook as well, but dropped in the middle as somebody else was regulary posting different messages with similar content and didn't wanted to over spam the channel. I would close this one as resolved.
Updated by ancorgs about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
Beside the English social channels already reported by miska. The Greek channels (G+, Twitter and FB), the German ones (G+ and Twitter), the Chinese ones and the Italian Twitter also worked like a charm following the plan.
News were also sent to different news sites in different languages.
So yes, closing the issue.
Updated by lnussel over 10 years ago
- Copied to analysis #4118: Social media marketing added