



action #42986


parallel jobs not reliable killed/restarted

Added by coolo over 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Target version:
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Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


rsyslog-client ( is cancelled, but restarted as, which failed
rsyslog-server ( is failed, but restarted as, which is cancelled/skipped (got skipped before 2216947 has been canceled manually)
rsyslog-controller ( is canclled, but restarted as, which stayed scheduled (it is right now canceled because @coolo canceled it manually)

I assume this is due to scheduler and/or cloning not working reliably in transactions. But it will be a puzzle to sort out

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to openQA Project (public) - coordination #47117: [epic] Fix worker->websocket->scheduler->webui connectionResolvedokurz2019-02-04

Actions #1

Updated by coolo over 6 years ago

there were 7 scheduled cluster jobs in total - and all were 2 days old. So it's possible some worker restarted and created this mess.

Actions #2

Updated by mkittler about 6 years ago

  • Assignee set to mkittler

Right now we have jobs which have been in scheduled state for months, eg. Some scheduled jobs even have been cloned, eg.

I would not delete those jobs from OSD right now because they might be helpful to understand the cause.

Actions #3

Updated by mkittler about 6 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Target version changed from Ready to Current Sprint

Seems like has been restarted manually by a user which also caused the other restarts in the cluster:

openqa=# select event, event_data, users.nickname from audit_events join users on user_id = where event_data like '%2216947%';
    event    |                                    event_data                                     |    nickname    
 job_create  | {"id":2216947}                                                                    | sle-qam-openqa
 job_restart | {"result":{"2216947":2219200,"2216925":2219198,"2216935":2219199},"id":"2216947"} | osukup
(2 Zeilen)

So that the restarts happened is not a bug. However, the jobs being stuck in the scheduled state which we still see on OSD right now are. Not sure 2219199 has been cancelled.

Actions #4

Updated by mkittler about 6 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #5

Updated by mkittler about 6 years ago

Some of the jobs which are currently stuck in scheduled state are not part of the problem. For instance and are simply stuck because they require the worker class 64bit-mlx_con5 but only worker with class 64bit-mlx_con5_DISABLED are available on OSD. It seems that somebody intentionally postponed the execution of these jobs.

Actions #6

Updated by mkittler about 6 years ago

The problem that one job in the parallel cluster is stuck in scheduled state (or get canceled/skipped) can be observed also without previous restart. So likely the problem lies in the scheduling and not the restart. For instance slenkins-tests-git-control@64bit is one of those tests which sometimes are stuck in scheduled state (,, But it is a sporadic issue, the test also gets executed quite often and then passes ( Speaks for a bug in the scheduler causing clusters only partially scheduled.

Actions #7

Updated by mkittler about 6 years ago

Theory: The job which is stuck in scheduled state is excluded by OpenQA::Scheduler::Scheduler::update_scheduled_jobs because a Gru task it depends on is still running. That function calls $job->cluster_jobs to compute the cluster considering all jobs. But if I read the code correctly it will in the end nevertheless only consider those jobs without a Gru task.

Actions #8

Updated by coolo about 6 years ago

  • Assignee changed from mkittler to coolo

I killed all old jobs and increased debug level - and we caught another one indeed: failed, set to parallel_failed but stayed scheduled

Actions #9

Updated by coolo about 6 years ago

[2019-01-10T02:11:14.0502 CET] [debug] [pid:7423] Allocated: { job => 2364271, worker => 575 }
[2019-01-10T02:11:14.0501 CET] [debug] [pid:7423] Allocated: { job => 2364272, worker => 595 }
[2019-01-10T02:11:14.0504 CET] [debug] [pid:7423] Allocated: { job => 2364326, worker => 896 }

So that part still worked

Actions #10

Updated by coolo about 6 years ago

But reported the last job 29 days ago - it looks broken.

Actions #11

Updated by coolo about 6 years ago

That worker host in general is troubled for a while it seems:

Jan 10 07:25:16 openqaworker3 worker[21681]: [error] Unable to upgrade connection for host "" to WebSocket: 500. Apache modules proxy_wstunnel and rewrite enabled?
Jan 10 07:25:17 openqaworker3 worker[21679]: [error] Unable to upgrade connection for host "" to WebSocket: 500. Apache modules proxy_wstunnel and rewrite enabled?
Actions #12

Updated by coolo about 6 years ago

So the next thing that happened, was:

[2019-01-10T02:11:12.0381 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] message sent to 896 for job 2364326
[2019-01-10T02:11:54.0096 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] Found Job(2364326) in DB from worker_status update sent by Worker(896)
[2019-01-10T02:11:54.0127 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] Job '2364326' reset to 'scheduled' state

and then it was assigned to 633, which also returned the favor:

[2019-01-10T02:15:39.0730 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] message sent to 633 for job 2364326
[2019-01-10T02:16:50.0150 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] Found Job(2364326) in DB from worker_status update sent by Worker(633)
[2019-01-10T02:16:50.0176 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] Job '2364326' reset to 'scheduled' state

So the job was 'assigned' twice - and the parallel_failed should have happened here:

[2019-01-10T02:16:20.0219 CET] [debug] POST "/api/v1/jobs/2364271/set_done" (9e769989)

And at that time the job was assigned to 633 - and once 633 gave up, the job was 'reset to scheduled'. And that's what I suspected from the beginning.

Actions #13

Updated by coolo about 6 years ago

The problem is that there are far more bugs in play here:

Jan 10 02:16:20 openqaworker3 worker[21693]: [warn] Received command cancel for different job id 2364326 (our 2363137). Ignoring!

Why did worker3:10 got 326 assigned if it wasn't free? Why is worker3:1 dead for a month without us noticing, while worker3:10 is fine? Why did the scheduler not realize the cluster is incomplete?

Actions #14

Updated by mkravec about 6 years ago

Jan 10 07:25:16 openqaworker3 worker[21681]: [error] Unable to upgrade connection for host "" to WebSocket: 500. Apache modules proxy_wstunnel and rewrite enabled?

I noticed those messages on my remote worker too. Worker can't reconnect (Unable to upgrade connection..) after "systemctl restart openqa-worker@1" until I reboot server with webui.
No idea what's the cause.

Actions #15

Updated by coolo about 6 years ago

the full story is even more complex:

[2019-01-10T02:11:54.0080 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] Received from worker "896" worker_status message "$VAR1 = {
[2019-01-10T02:11:54.0083 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] Updated worker seen from worker_status
[2019-01-10T02:11:54.0096 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] Found Job(2364326) in DB from worker_status update sent by Worker(896)
[2019-01-10T02:11:54.0096 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] Received request has id: 2326956
[2019-01-10T02:11:54.0110 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] Worker(896) for Job(2364326) has token u20HTTwQ1lLTrpi2
[2019-01-10T02:11:54.0110 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] Received request has token: BWDiHETB9O3uLSLD
[2019-01-10T02:11:54.0112 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] Possibly worker 896 should be freed.
[2019-01-10T02:11:54.0127 CET] [debug] [pid:4246] Job '2364326' reset to 'scheduled' state

So worker said it's working on 2326956, websocket said 'WTF you should work on 2364326', canceled the job and the worker said 'hey, why? I work on 2363137'.

Very confused workers :(

Actions #16

Updated by coolo about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Feedback

This is potentially the fix, but I miss the time to verify with test cases (as several components are involved)

Actions #17

Updated by coolo about 6 years ago

I really thought hard on the cycling tour home how to avoid this mess - and our options are really limited, but I guess we should try :(

Actions #18

Updated by coolo almost 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

doesn't appear anymore

Actions #19

Updated by coolo almost 6 years ago

  • Related to coordination #47117: [epic] Fix worker->websocket->scheduler->webui connection added

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