action #42458
closed[qe-core][qam] [packageinstallation] test fails in install_packages in gcc8 incident update - needs update for lsmfip? Is there a better long-term solution?
openQA test in scenario opensuse-42.3-DVD-Incidents-x86_64-cryptlvm@uefi-2G fails in
Fails since (at least) Build :8917:gcc8.1539488102 (current job)
Expected result¶
Last good: :8901:hawk2.1539395343 (or more recent)
Further details¶
Always latest result in this scenario: latest
Updated by AndreasStieger over 6 years ago
The maintenance update tests following the following general pattern:
- list all packages in the incident
- install all packages of same name from the product
- run zypper patch
- check if all packages in the incident were installed
This is done via the INSTALL_PACKAGES and VERIFY_PACKAGES variables.
The following situations can occur:
- The packages in the incident conflict --> lsmfip adjustment to exclude
- The incident uses binary filtering --> not covered (
- The incident introduced new packages --> there are no old packages to install
So this last scenario is what you are seeing. So far we fell back to manual install testing, as this is infrequent. I believe we can adjust the overall test here to do a plain installation test, without first trying to install the (non-existing) old packages. This adjustment probably goes beyond lsmfip.
Updated by tjyrinki_suse almost 5 years ago
There is related discussion on improving the installation of packages at
Updated by tjyrinki_suse over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from [qam] test fails in install_packages in gcc8 incident update - needs update for lsmfip? Is there a better long-term solution? to [qam] [packageinstallation] test fails in install_packages in gcc8 incident update - needs update for lsmfip? Is there a better long-term solution?
- Status changed from New to Workable
Updated by tjyrinki_suse over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from [qam] [packageinstallation] test fails in install_packages in gcc8 incident update - needs update for lsmfip? Is there a better long-term solution? to [qe-core][qam] [packageinstallation] test fails in install_packages in gcc8 incident update - needs update for lsmfip? Is there a better long-term solution?
Updated by tjyrinki_suse over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Workable to Resolved
At least gcc10 incident tests have run fine:
Maybe this part of the updates installation is no longer an issue? This sounds like that was fixed. Regardless, this remains linked to the parent task that contains all related tickets.