action #39011
[functional] Low performance on openqa production server
Added by zluo over 6 years ago.
Updated over 6 years ago.
Bugs in existing tests
We have this problem for quite long time. send_key sometimes doesn't work, command input lost sometimes characters, timeout issue for match needles etc.
yast2_gui test, for example had a lot of failures, and we needed to workaround issues mentioned above (like add assert_screen extra after send_key).
Some tickets for sporadic issue related to low performance of openqa server:
We should do checks on performance status of production server.
Just say we don't have no problems with server performance is not enough
To know how many workers on openQA production server can be run without performance issue
for example: hardware configurations (cpu, mem) and their assignment to worker/test
to limit amount of workers if performance issue rises
- Description updated (diff)
- Related to action #37306: [opensuse][functional][u][sporadic] test fails in gimp - send_key doesn't work added
- Related to action #37558: [opensuse][functional][u] test fails in systemsettings5 - send_key issue for closing application added
- Related to action #38270: [functional][y][sporadic][aarch64] test fails in yast2_i - missing keys while searching for a package name added
- Related to action #37354: [opensuse][functional][u][sporadic][medium] test fails in desktop_runner is unstable added
- Description updated (diff)
- Category set to Bugs in existing tests
- Target version set to future
hi, in redmine it's better to reference other tickets with just #<id>
so that we can see a preview and also the reference is striked through if already closed. Also some of the referenced issues are IMHO not pointing to low performance on specific workers but actually real issues which we needed to fix specifically as well as the limits of running single core VMs with 1GB of RAM or hardly more. What we can do though is to bump the memory we supply to the VMs as well as try to experiment with setting at least 2 cores by default.
Let's keep this ticket open for now and reference other related issues to see commonalities first before going further.
- Subject changed from Low performance on openqa production server to [functional] Low performance on openqa production server
- Related to action #39059: [sle][functional][y] detect "openSUSE sucks bug" about btrfs balance and record_soft_fail (was: yast2_gui tests modules as application could not start up) added
- Description updated (diff)
Sorry, after reviewing the current test failures I do not buy into the argument of "low performance on production server". #39059 gives more details. As riafarov also investigated in jobs we more likely have a problem still/again with . If there is anything else in specific cases then we should handle such as specific ones. Mentioning seemingly related job failures here should be beneficial nevertheless.
As we talked offline about this. I would like to see a plan to check worker monitoring (configurations and test results etc).
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to okurz
I think by now we have found a better understanding and do not need this very generic ticket anymore in favor of the mentioned more specific ones.
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