action #38957
closed[functional] Refactor the openqa-review code to not use "Issue" object for the messages that does not have a valid bugref.
There is a case in openQA, when soft fail is raised, but it does not contain a valid bug reference ('bugref' is a ticket number on Bugzilla or Progress tracking systems, written in a format of #, e.g. bcs#12345, poo#12345).
In the past, those soft-fail messages did not appear in the report and even might broke the report generation, as invalid bugref might be found.
We've fixed this behavior in poo#35760 with some workarounds. According to @dheidler, the message, that does not contain a valid bugref, should not be an Issue object, as the object was designed to represent an issue from bug tracker.
The task is to refactor the existing code in order to avoid using Issue object for the soft-fail messages, that does not contain a valid bugref.